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Status Updates posted by Ophelia_Immortal

  1. omg your set is so amazing! I am beyond jealous! omg omg omg

  2. That video of Nozomi-chan just sent me into a squee fest! LOVE it!

  3. I am so happy that I am not the only person here that loves high fashion girls! bellazon is sadly lacking in this department, so thank you for bringing them into view! ,3

  4. Karen Gillan and Matt Smith from Doctor Who =D

  5. OMFG I Haate you! I will give you Dean if I can have Gabe!!!!!

  6. you shooould! Start with the 9th Doctor and work your way up to the new one. It's amazing!

  7. keep saying such sweet things; and you can stalk me all you want =D

  8. I'm going to repeat everyone else and just tell you how fantastic your sets are!

  9. LOVE your avi! Skye is a stunning girl! <3

  10. Oh no...I think I have already been. Help me O.O;;;;

  11. Thanks! Isen't he dreamy? I hate male models as a whole....but I just want to cuddle with man and brush his hair :D lol

  12. I've never read the Watchmen comics I'm afraid. But I would say he is immune to telepathy, since that is a direct attack on his mind.

  13. totally stalking your about me page. Rawr.

  14. 5 stars for sexy words. Keep it up blue eyes- you're on a roll <3

  15. Hey you! I've missed you!!!! <3!

  16. Sorry about my posts in your thread yesterday. I get oversensitive when I'm sick. Shouldn't have marred your thread like that. x.x

  17. Her name is Sasha Pivovarova ^__^. And Yay! I'm glad you are liking the game! Liara is the coolest person in the first one!

  18. Hwang Mi Hee =) She has a thread in the Misc Babes Section =D

  19. no no! It was a dream scene...nothing more! Promise xD

  20. Don't be sorry! I can play around with it more. It'll be great! Ty so much I love them all!

  21. cause their not really voting - just throwing out a random number =/

  22. lol hi. Well for gaming it's vent.

  23. Nothing has been officially confirmed yet. A lot of fans(plus Eric Kripke) want the last season to be focused on Sam and Dean. That plus the direction the show is taking(everyone thinks Cas is gonna die) us pointing to ni Misha :(

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