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Everything posted by Playboyuniverse

  1. It's very funny these posts because they are always in the same direction, yet the other time a picture showed margaret Qualley hug Quentin Tarantino and this could be perceived as inappropriate behavior yet we rarely hear men complaining about extravagances of models or actresses sometimes too friendly with some!
  2. it's not a troll , it's just the truth !
  3. the bikini and swimsuits are probably the dirtiest clothes and the most questionable hygiene!
  4. she is really strong because no paparazzi has taken in a situation of topless yet it is clear that she wears light dress pareo limit without anything below
  5. Oh my god this expression, this corset with Plunge, really vulgar!
  6. I find it far too pretty to work for this kind of brand , this kind of shoot is insignificant and spoils are exceptional beauty ! But hey that's how life is sometimes we have to make money with shit unworthy of us !
  7. Soon finnancial bankruptcy for one of the most vulgar brand of the world !
  8. Pirelli calendar is dead and is became ridiculous !
  9. For me she is much better fully nude ! This red dress is incredible , sporty clothes are horrible !
  10. This model is magic , she has an incredible body , amazing breast, perfect legs , incredible blue eyes and great hairs !
  11. I'm agreed with you before shooting , Each model should sign a real contract stipulating all that the shoot requires and do not change anything that is written, so if a model has a problem she can not complain and if a photographer abuses it will be spotted and in the impossibility to violate the contract !
  12. Incredible , her shootings are really unatural and terribly vulgar !
  13. Why Oh boy because I am not of your opinion naive ? A lot of everyday women need help in the face of rape and you defend showbizz women who do this kind of lawsuit for money and who unlike the women of everyday life who were really raped, do not have probably never been raped, but they give themselves a genre to be seen by the general public, I call this pornography !
  14. If you're not comfortable to be a model don't be a model there are plenty other activities ! I don't need Help but you and many other have need a help because you think everything is sexual and is about sex , you don't think art and beauty of the body ! So you have problem and predators too ! a model can not commit to pose for a photographer and then decide from his editorial line saying I do not feel to do it and if I posed in jersey? The guy is not interested in the jersey if she does not feel to ask she passes a phone call and does not come to shooting, it's a trade, not a charity!
  15. there are photographers who like nude pictures without a sexual thought, it's not my fault if the obsessed exist! Sometimes fashion pictures or swimsuits are more sexual and more vulgar, for my part I see daily ultra vulgar photos and shoots filled with sexual allusions and models are comfortable to do this kind photo or to scroll for Victoria secret! I do not know if all this is sincere, the world is very very hypocritical !
  16. I'm not part of any problem, in my life every day I do not care about other I do not even notice the people before whom I spend, so ...There is business and photography, a photographer has the right to choose his subjects and impose them to models if the model wants to have a say it just has to produce its own shoots or just refuse to ask, only she wants to advertise using the name of a great photographer, hello the world of hypocrites where harassment is always seen in the same direction! And if it was the model that forced the photographer to do his will, it would not be harassment? Politically correct when you hold us! Stop with the scrolling html code. Thank you
  17. When we know the body she has under this dress ! She is always on top !
  18. Timesup and me too are ridiculous soon the photographer will no longer have the right to choose his subject, if he likes the nude pictures he will be banned or forced to take vulgar photos of lingerie or fashion that weave the world by selling their rags fortunes while idiots buy ! Because model are more and more prudish and don't do their job ! If you do not want to pose nude or be model nothing requires you, there are lots of other trades! I hope that soon those who live their physical will no longer have jobs and we will use digital models, there will be fewer problems and it will be more economical!
  19. her dress is really tight, we see that she wears no underwear underneath
  20. because full frontal nude is not vulgar when it's with taste , nude is not vulgar but this teasing sexy shoot is really vulgar !
  21. Yeah this time I agreed with you I think it's about payment and public eye too , because as you said the world become more prude day after day ! I'm just sad because she's really pretty and she works for Victoria secret a really vulgar brand !!!
  22. This shooting is really vulgar !
  23. For me she's great , one of the best and true model !
  24. Yeah sexual , as you said , I don't want sexual it's vulgar , again, I like natural and art !
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