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Everything posted by Dipit

  1. They don't look bad together but it feels forced.
  2. Dipit

    General Discussion

    That's a solid confirmation enough for me. Anyway, A GIRL CAN DREAM EVERYONE.
  3. Just saw the new Halloween movie. Pretty good, definitely recommend.
  4. Dipit

    General Discussion

    Hey, HEY.... I don’t claim to be a psychic or good luck charm but last year when I went out on my day off to buy my Halloween costume, we found out Lais got the fantasy bra. I am going out to buy my costume again. Fingers crossed.
  5. Dipit

    General Discussion

    I go and see a movie for a couple hours and what
  6. Dipit

    General Discussion

    Sofia said today/yesterday was her last day in Kefi. Hurry up.
  7. Dipit

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    Ariana wtf........
  8. Dipit

    General Discussion

    I can't believe y'all are digging that hard into my dark horse Romee.
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