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Status Updates posted by TheBaronOfFratton

  1. That's a darling new set you've got yourself there too!

  2. Yes, he turns up in a few from these: http://www.bellazon.com/main/index.php?s=&showtopic=7139&view=findpost&p=2763468 Remember I told you about the Ben Watts shoot in London some months back?

  3. Ja - nearly coincided and coexisted here, but I'm just signing off now!!! Buenos Noches...

  4. You seem plenty 'perked up' and PiP'ish to me, my dear!

  5. Week in wine country with a box full of fun(!) and decadent hat at a jaunty angle. Ciao...

  6. Well, one day into the job - how's it going?!!

  7. He'd put those scenes in for the 'cheap seats' (in other words the coarse, and "uneducated" poorer people)! 'Vulgar' comedy scenes to keep them interested.

  8. You were SOOO close!!! Yes, I'm fine - been out for St. Patrick's, and happy on beer... More importantly, I hope YOU'RE well?

  9. Brits aren't all bad though, remember I'm half of one myself - and my family aren't uptight snobs! Honest!

  10. All the better for being welcomed back to your bosom..!

  11. Good to see Hawkeye represented too - only wish he had the cowl and was in purple and blue! (But then I guess you wouldn't see Mr. Renner - which I suppose is the point of this exercise in avatar "homageness"?!)

  12. Just trying to convince myself... ;)

  13. Well, then chickadee - make sure you don't keep the milk out. It might have gone off by the time I get there. And, for heaven's sake, don't put it on yet - IT WILL GO SOGGY!

    Shall we just get muffins instead?

  14. Thank you for your continued support of my threads - I'm glad that you visit and look forward to your contributions...

  15. Bless you - but I know when I'm not wanted. Without penny about that thread's "deader than a dodo". See how few people looked at your (excellent) posts... 10! Hey - PiP'ing is so much more essential!!!

  16. Praying for rain in California - so the grapes will grow and they will make more wine...

  17. You'd have to ask iceeagel! Like I said, I'm far too pure and innocent to know what's being implied...

  18. My dear sweet Red, pale as snow... I, the man with the red scarf,

    Will give thee what I have, this last week's earnings.

    Take them, and buy thee a silver ring

    And wed me, to ease my yearnings.

  19. Yes, I hear that! Happened to me for a while too, used to go on LOTS of weekend breaks...

  20. Apologies for the delay to this(!) - um, not so much research outside of half-remembered 'turns of phrase' and whimsical notions... It's mainly struggling to find my own "voice", best avoid everyone else's!

  21. It would've been great to see some of these guys out of the studio-system in modern times. I mean, can you imagine Jimmy Cagney today in a Scorsese film? Or what Tarantino could do with Cary Grant?!

  22. So, is that the way it works? One has to call you out publicly to get you to visit one's thread??? Is that why you've not come to mine then? After all, I'm twice the man (and double the fun) of those other two combined!!! (No offense, Joe and Limey!)

  23. Thank you (again!) - all due credit to donbot though, for "realising" my vision!!!

  24. Glad you picked up on that. Now for my next miracle...

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