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Status Updates posted by TheBaronOfFratton

  1. Thanks for trying to help me there - problem still ongoing, but I think I've found the culprit!

  2. Thanks for your comments! Was wondering if I was posting to 'thin air'...

  3. That as may be... But, hell, they are nice coconuts!!!

  4. That D&G campaign is up and running! I'm actually about to post some now - I'm guessing it's the same thing?

  5. That does not sound good AT ALL! Is this still your 'ancient' computer that you've been having trouble with for an age?

  6. That feeling is mutual! And I see you have your own thread now - so I shall have to fight for such affections!!!

  7. That fine lady is my erstwhile no. 2: Lais Navarro! As for my 'smileys' I just search online when I need them - and keep the ones I like and will use again. I have about 50 stored up!

  8. That li'l cat paw thing is so cute!

  9. That nobody beat me to it is the only travesty!

  10. That was pretty much my rationale for choosing it! Ay dios mio!

  11. That website is an ODDITORIUM goldmine - thanks! And yes, I get the feeling that US College Students will whoop at just about anything...

  12. That, dear Limey, is my li'l angel Behati Prinsloo. She's the lady in my sig too. Go see! And good luck with the puck...

  13. That's a darling new set you've got yourself there too!

  14. That's always been my answer for ennui thus far! I don't know - the world's getting smaller?! How about you? Or stuck in California with those Spanish blues again?

  15. That's as maybe - which is all the more reason to be happy you've returned! We can't pick and choose members. Es lo que hay...

  16. That's been on my 'to do' list for about 6 months!!!

  17. That's the trick, isn't it?!! Sweet on the outside, but nasty to the core!!!

  18. The Big Pink? Yes or no?

  19. The fact that I am mentioned twice in your signature pleases me no end! You give succour to my BZ vanity, and I thank you... Bonne Annee.

  20. The music's OK - nothing special (or new) but certainly better than most of the pap out there... But I think I AM a little in love with the bass-player, Louise!

  21. The sport of arses - uh, I mean kings...

  22. The tabloids are certainly full of it (and his ex bitching about it!). But I've not seen her to make a conclusion!!! as for Magda, then you're lucky - our billboards aren't of the same calibre as your fine export!

  23. Then big congratulations to you! I visited Bar's thread for the first time today. Exciting place, isn't it? Don't think I was welcome...

  24. Then I feel obliged to fill it up some more! What an honour...

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