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Status Updates posted by TheBaronOfFratton

  1. Sorry, I hadn't seen that 'friend request' before! I wasn't being elitist (if you even remember by now?).

  2. Sorry, I've been offline for a few weeks as you know - and I forgot to open it on launch. Will do tomorrow...

  3. Sound? Well, as intelligent and enquiring as ever. You sound as a man who pays attention. A commodity I hold in high esteem. Pithy too, I guess... Do I win a prize if I'm right?!

  4. Stands to reason you'd return whilst I was away!

  5. Still not there yet! *grumble* The volcano's smoky talons linger and reach far...

  6. Sunshine and football my friend! How about you - did you watch Spain today? I can tell you, they're massively looking forward to "fighting" Portugal next week!!!

  7. Sure enough there'll be another one soon! Keep an eye on that jaw...

  8. Sure have, a friend of mine owns a Banksy piece. Got in there before he became this 'phenomenon'!!! You a fan?

  9. Sure is a fine set!

  10. Sure! Although it won't be the same without Siegfried & Roy...

  11. Surely your signature's missing the "acting" anomaly that is Paul Walker! He can't even STAND STILL unselfconsciously in a scene...

  12. Surprise! Pre-emptive communication! I just read your VSFS comments - my, you're in a feisty mood aren't you?!!

  13. Tell me though - do you subscribe more to the 'carrot' or the 'stick' approach with errant members?

  14. Tell me, is this "TA TA'S" thread just an excuse for us to perve on breasts? If so, it's working a treat!

  15. Tell me, what's with the conspicuous food wastage on GG? Everytime I see it there's 2/3 characters sitting down to an absolute banquet (often breakfast for 20+) that they hardly touch. Does the crew finish it? Is it some in-joke as seems to get more elaborate?!!

  16. Thank goodness for that then. I thought I was missing something... I hope it doesn't come across as bullish? Anyway, I like her VS pics!

  17. Thank you - it really is my birthday, but I'm slightly older than 1 year old! Are you in Melbourne? Did'ja see Doutzen?

  18. Thank you (again!) - all due credit to donbot though, for "realising" my vision!!!

  19. Thank you (again)! I have received a PM from the tfs member - through isobel - and I hope that's all sorted out now. It's just manners, as always!!!

  20. THANK YOU (and for the kind words on that thread too) - still only go the 4 though... Que lastima! Do they want blood?

  21. Thank you for indulging my sense of humour on the VSFS 2888 thread - at least you liked it!

  22. Thank you for liking my silly posts - sometimes I wonder if anybody else does? But then you're the most important one anyway!

  23. Thank you for noticing that thread! I guess it's only funny because (sadly) it's all true?!!

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