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Status Updates posted by TheBaronOfFratton

  1. I'm going to say it here too:

  2. Actually Hilary was probably right about the Kirchners! Although her comments on Cristina's 'nerves' seems a bit stupid - don't ALL people in such power have some degree of nerves?

  3. + Mainly I look it at it as two points lost for them, come on the Hammers and the Royals! ;)

  4. Did you know 'Yakthing' is a real life surname?!! What a terrible burden...

  5. Just came to see your 'other' dog. I didn't want it to feel left out..!

  6. That's the trick, isn't it?!! Sweet on the outside, but nasty to the core!!!

  7. Of course. That, amongst other things, are all the better to PING with...

  8. Just discovered your ABB site, it's beautiful! There are some gems I've not seen before. My thanks - and hope all is well on this 'ruby' tuesday!!!

  9. Mine are probably just me!!! They must all be in secret though (anonymous members) as I've never had half as much 'listed' traffic as you...

  10. Yeah, what's with that? I didn't think they could come 'snoop' on us? Or is there more to this as you disturbingly hint at?!!

  11. Bless you Joe! But it's a lost cause. You got 9 right though...

  12. I know what you mean... BZ Ennui!

  13. What/who do you mean?

  14. And to you too... Feliz Navidad.

  15. Thank you for the birthday wish, and for those cheeky little Candi/Behati pics!

  16. Ah, I see the lovely azgirl helped you out! Team USA qualified easily though - so who knows?!?! I'm a Banfield man - if you know who they are..? Hope to see more of you around.

  17. Me? I'm blissfully free of worry at present - but ever mindful fate waits at every corner... Just enjoying my European sojourn. And ALWAYS happy to see a post on my thread from you!

  18. Ja! Just saw the 'Barney' quote: ugh!!! ;)

  19. Well you see I'm half-British - so there's wealth of beers to be going on with there! In Argentina it's mostly just factory-brewed lagers (although we have some nice artisan micro-brewers). I like the variation in the UK...

  20. I guess we're all trying to write a novel(!) - but this sort of fairly anonymous work is how I make a living mainly. It's a specific task though, hence the 'teaching' at present.

  21. The Big Pink? Yes or no?

  22. Hope to find you well good sir, it's been a long time since our paths crossed... Feliz cumpleanos!

  23. Received - and have been enjoying - the album! A bit 'My Bloody Valentine' which I wholeheartedly endorse...

  24. That website is an ODDITORIUM goldmine - thanks! And yes, I get the feeling that US College Students will whoop at just about anything...

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