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Everything posted by almanaotemcor

  1. Anastasiya Scheglova Lara Stone Jessica Morrow Ginta Lapina Eniko Mihalik Jasmine Tookes
  2. Barbara and Lais are my favorites this year. They got good shots although I expected something much better from Lais. Mia LOL really?... definitely this girl does not know how to pose; It's a shame because I really liked the atmosphere they used. In my opinion, Nina looks incredible in this year's photos although I do not think she stands out too much among the other models. Vita had good shots but her body looks strange on this occasion.
  3. Vanessa Moe - 4Jacquelyn Jablonski - 2Bryana Holly - 4.5Sui He - 3Cindy Bruna - 2Roxy Horner - 4
  4. Solveig Mork Hansen - 3Gintare Sudziute - 2Karlie Kloss - 1Laetitia Casta - 3.5Chelcie May - 4Jasmine Tookes - 5
  5. There is no need for her to mention anything about her weight, it is something so noticeable and more for some third party who may notice a more evident change. I have not been aware of what she has talked about her weight or something related to diets, but I can not convince myself that she is in good health, at least physical ... I say this from my own experience with this situation; It was very difficult for me to stop self-denial and convince myself that I had a serious problem. Anorexia or any eating disorder can be presented in different ways depending on the person. There are some who are usually seen as to their personality or others who do not even show a physical change or even thin. Nor am I confirming that she suffers from this disorder nor do I want to make you see that you can not be right in your theory, but I can not think that she looks the same as before or magically slimmed for no apparent reason. Anyway, a person who is obsessed with losing weight will not necessarily stop eating. There are many ways to lose weight and I say this because I was one of those people who used several methods to feel better with my body. I did not even think I had a problem because I was taking different pills or shakes; To realize I had to explain a doctor and a psychologist the different behaviors of someone with disorders of this type
  6. It is not so much the fact that she looks thinner and highlights her bones. It is that she has recently had an obsession with her body and excessive training is also part of eating disorders. The pressure to become a VS angel should have been very strong for her and that easily triggers an upset. When I suffered from anorexia, I tried to appear good health taking vitamins or something that did not raise suspicions but the low rate of radicalization in a person is not normal unless you suffer some type of illness or disorder. Obviously not all women can have curves but come on, a couple of years ago Martha even looked very thin but did not alarm anyone because of their weight since you could see some flesh in their bones. If she has always been then as thin as now, she should have the conscience to take care of her health and regulate her workouts. The mere fact that she with that low that has weight wants to lose more calories still, is worrisome ...
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