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Everything posted by DolceGabbanaLove5

  1. So many good adds! Can't wait to see the final product of that shoot!
  2. Here's a few more snaps from the past month or so that I forgot to post as well.
  3. Blanca on Pauline's snapchat back when they were in that storm a few weeks ago. I had to film my phone screen though, so that quality isn't that great. IMG_0451.MOV
  4. I've always wanted to know where that was from.
  5. I am off on holiday for the next two weeks and will not be as active as normal. I'll be back on the 22nd of June! :smile:

  6. David Gandy for Essence Lifestyle "The Renaissance Man": http://essencelondon.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/David-Gandy_0062-2-Edit-3.jpg
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