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Everything posted by Prettyphile

  1. CONSOLATION 3 7/16 CANADA 1 vs. GERMANY 5 A - Lea Girard-Nadeau vs. A - Nicola Cavanis ' ' ******** B - Rona Mahal vs. B - Alexa Breit ' ' ******** D - Willow Allen vs. C - Maren Tschinkel ' ' For cell users to help with teams layout ******* Voting You have 5 points to spend per pairing. The team with the most wins after any bonuses or handicaps moves on or goes into the Rep round. In the case of a tie, the team with the most overall points before a handicap/bonus move on ******** Lea Girard-Nadeau vs. Nicola Cavanis Rona Mahal vs. Alexa Breit Willow Allen vs. Maren Tschinkel
  2. RESULTS Not going to count the scores properly, even with handicaps and bonuses, there is a clear winner. Israel- Consolation Round 4 Brazil - Eliminated
  3. @phenobarbie - It's only taken an hour of trying to get AI to understand, but it's finally figure out the comp parameters. I input 500 names as well as their location, and it's making teams for me. I just need to figure out math now. Examples:
  4. Omer Nudelman vs. Kamila Hansen 3x2 Nicola Ward vs. Giulia Carolina Vaz 3x2 Sophie Skarupa
  5. CONSOLATION 3 6/16 ISRAEL 6 vs. BRAZIL 3 B - Omer Nudelman vs. C - Kamila Hansen ' ' ******** C - Nicola Ward vs. D - Giulia Carolina Vaz ' ' ******** C - Noam Bohadana vs. D - Sophie Skarupa ' ' For cell users to help with teams layout ******* Voting You have 5 points to spend per pairing. The team with the most wins after any bonuses or handicaps moves on or goes into the Rep round. In the case of a tie, the team with the most overall points before a handicap/bonus move on ******** Omer Nudelman vs. Kamila Hansen Nicola Ward vs. Giulia Carolina Vaz Noam Bohadana vs. Sophie Skarupa
  6. RESULTS Italy 6 vs. Sweden 1 Carolina Stramare vs. Hanna Edwinson +10% 25/35 -15% = 27.4/29.7 Susanna Canzian vs. Noya Miller -15% 22/38 +1o% = 18.7/41.8 Giorgia Palmas vs. Diana Tavares = 12.5/47.5 Sweden - Consolation Round 4 Italy - Eliminated
  7. CONSOLATION 3 5/16 ITALY 6 vs. SWEDEN 1 C - Carolina Stramare vs. B - Hanna Edwinson ' ' ******** C - Susanna Canzian vs. D - Noya Miller ' ' ******** D - Giorgia Palmas vs. D - Diana Tavares ' ' For cell users to help with teams layout ******* Voting You have 5 points to spend per pairing. The team with the most wins after any bonuses or handicaps moves on or goes into the Rep round. In the case of a tie, the team with the most overall points before a handicap/bonus move on ******** Carolina Stramare vs. Hanna Edwinson Susanna Canzian vs. Noya Miller Giorgia Palmas vs. Diana Tavares
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