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Everything posted by fhdb.webmaster

  1. Thanks. I see the resemblance to Scoggins for #4, but I'm not sure. (I've collected a lot of photos of her.) But you may be right, they may have recycled some older photos.
  2. Looking for IDs for these models from a late 1990s swimwear calendar.
  3. Wow, had forgotten about that one. Thanks!
  4. Hello! I have seen this model (actress?) identified as "Tricia Long". Does anyone know if that is correct or not? Any more information about her? When she was active, etc.? I think this photo is from the 1980s or early '90s. TIA ETA: Maybe "Trisha" not "Tricia".
  5. Oh, thought I was finally going contribute an ID, but you beat me to it.
  6. Some models from early 1990s catalogs. Any help appreciated.
  7. Nice, thanks for posting. Do you know anything more about this?
  8. (Reposting due to lost data.) Does anyone know where this Ellen von Unwerth shoot was published? "Hippie Summer", possibly also know as "La Madrague". Thanks.
  9. Maybe a long shot, but does anyone recognize this model (or actress?)?
  10. Thanks! I was thinking she was also an actress.
  11. Some models from early 90s: (OK, I see I have some duplicates in the group. E.g., pretty sure #5 and #9 are the same.)
  12. Thanks! (I should have remembered Gail. The others I never knew.)
  13. Yes, I believe you are correct. Thanks.
  14. Could someone remind me of the name of this model from the early 1990s? Thanks
  15. I'm pretty sure the model in the middle is "Clotilde" (Kristin Holby). #1 is very familiar, but...? Thanks.
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