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Everything posted by MissBarbiePalvin

  1. Both are part of the Tay-Tay Quad and the Nepotism Crew...Oh, right. I forgot that these two are representatives of the holy Swift Nation.
  2. You guys sure like to debate amd discuss but it was still fun reading all these pages. Congrats on +400 pages. )) And to think there's still plenty of time until December 8, I'm sure last year's thread will be dominated. BTW, I'm surprised Kendall is acting all friendly with Lily. I thought she would aim for someone bigger, someone like Adriana. It would've been fun seeing a picture of these two and Kendall being all like "Look, the queen is passing the torch to me." and Adri having that look of "LOL, come back from cloud nine, little rookie. It ain't happening."
  3. Lily seeing the FB for the first time: Sorry if it was already posted.
  4. And to think everyone was so hyped to see how the bra looks like. We waited for so long that at some point we didn't even care who gets to wear it, we just wanted see it. It's the complete opposite now: we're so happy for Lily yet so dissapointed by the design (which was the main thing we wanted to see).
  5. I don't think it's Ellie instead of Selena. I mean there's this Twitter comment as well. It doesn't confirm anything but I don't think they would've bothered to respond if what that twitter user said was far away from the truth.
  6. What about Calvin Harris? It would be nice, I think. I'm sure he would stay out of the runway since he's a DJ. I don't know.. Maybe playing 'How deep is your love' or something like that.
  7. Hey everyone! So I've been thinking, Justin Bieber will release his new album soon but I really hope they WON'T make the mistake of having him again.
  8. Oh my.. You're telling ME I went too far with the analysis? Relax.. All I said were just some facts that people already stated, don't worry I'm not delusional, they are actually true facts and than I said I like them together, I didn't analysied anything.Just because you said you know how things go with them and you 'highly doubt they are dating' doesn't mean it can't be true or that I don't get to have an opinion because I only said 'I personally think they might be dating' and it looks like my comment really got on your nerves for some reason and I'm not sure if you're trying to convince us if it's Nadine OR Harry that isn't dating. 'You don't personally know Harry so you don't know shit about him or if he is looking for girlfriend and blablabla or since when he has been single' No, I don't know him but I know a few things after three years of being in this fandom. And I didn't said he IS LOOkING for a girlfriend, I said that I see him wanting a girlfriend which is a completely different thing and I don't appreciate you making me look like that's not what I said. Also, Harry has been single, that's one of the facts and you can ask ANY directioner. No I didn't forget that Niall and Harry and the rest of the the goys have common friends but they don't have that many common friends that are models. For all we know the only model that is a common friend is Barbara Palvin. It's not pathetic to assume they are together after they've been spotted together and I've been informed they were spotted together five times by now. It's pathetic when the media assumes Harry is with every girl he shakes hands but that's because media can make it look like even his sister is his girlfriend, but in this fandom it's actually more pathetic when you assume they're not together because that's what most fan girls do and it's getting out of hand. Harry and Taylor kissed on New Year's Eve and they kept saying they're not together. Harry and Nadine seem pretty cozy with each other so I don't want to ignore the fact that they might be dating. You took my comment the wrong way because I wasn't trying to analyse anything and I honestly don't know why you 'attacked' like that. I don't want to fight with anyone, everything I said was just my personal unpopular opinion. That's all..
  9. Nadine at the SNL After Party. The blonde boy on the right is Harry's bandmate, Niall Horan. Harry was at the after party too.
  10. I personally think that they might be dating. I've been in the One Direction fandom for a long time and I know how things go with these boys probably better than anybody on BZ. Harry is single and so is Nadine. As someone said on the previous page, the guy that went out with Harry and Nadine has a wife. The whole 'Nadine has a boyfriend' thing is probably just a rumor made by some of the hardcore directioners who just can't stand the idea of Harry having a girlfriend. Trust me, you have no idea what these fan girls are capable of! Harry has been single since January 2014, almost a year and I can see him wanting to have a girlfriend and he also followed Nadine on twitter a few months ago so I think he had his eyes on her for a while now. I really don't mind this couple. I've seen videos of Nadine and she seems lovely and I know for a fact that Harry Styles is a true gentleman, very well mannered and respectful. This boy is anything but a womanizer. He's nothing like Bieber so I think Nadine choose him right.
  11. I sure hope not I would really like to see Stella doing the VS designer lingerie collection like her though. BTW love the set Aw, thank you! I do hope all the best for Stella regarding VS, but I just.. I don't know, she's great doing the collections with VS just like her bestie was but Stella didn't shine in the show, at least not as much as I expected her to, BP did because she has an immediate impact and had an outstanding look but that's pretty much it with her and VSFS. So far their paths look quite similar.. but who knows? I hope I'm wrong.
  12. I feel like Stella will have the same VS path as her best friend. No name needed.
  13. About Doutzen's decision.. I'm SO SAD about it but I don't understand if her contract just ended or she just doesn't want a new one when the one she has now will end? She's not an angel anymore? Like from now on? She posted a lot of VS related pictures on Instagram and Facebook these past few months. Was that like her way to look back at the memories and the wonderful time she had on the show? Thinking about it now it does feel like those pictures were hints.
  14. Some Taylor Swift fan accounts are saying that Taylor wanted to open a segment with Karlie because she was opening a segment with Lily also. So apparently that might be the reason Karlie opened Angel Ball. Might be just rumors but still.. Rumor or not, I've had enough of Taylor Swift. I hope she'll never get in touch with VS after this show. They promoted (more like shoved her in our faces) her more than enough!
  15. I'm falling asleep. What time it is in America? I really want to see the show but my pillow and blanket seem to have a different opinion.
  16. Thanks for the updates everyone. Barbara's gorgeous as always! :wub2:
  17. Is there a live stream for people who live in Europe 'cause I'm willing to watch it even if I stay up all night. Or a link to CBS live? Anything that can help? Also, I know there's a link for the pre-show, right?
  18. I gotta say, even if her language might sound strange to some people, I think it's beautiful. I'm actually glad whenever she speaks hungarian because she's sending a more natural vibe,she seems more herself. Interesting video.
  19. Behati is usually the best in the lip-sync videos because those videos are for fun, even if it's promotion. And well.. Behati being the goofy one, she fits perfectly.
  20. Why the hell didn't Adriana, Candice and Alessandra wore the dresses in the lip-sync video on the pink carpet? These dresses they wear in the video are much better. Also, I might be the only one, but I think they are actually having fun, all of them. I liked the video. But I give it a minus for not including Elsa.
  21. It's so frustrating not seeing my country on that list!
  22. I'm quite surprised no one created this topic already. I gotta say I'm looking forward to see this movie and I'm also sad that Paul Walker didn't live to finish it.
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