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Everything posted by saviorofcamelot

  1. Not blurry, noisy. The dress looks nice but the photographer shot the photos using an unnecessarily high ISO and the photos are loaded with grain/noise. A lot of candid photos come out noisy because the photographers are shooting different shots. Modeling shots are crystal clear and that normally due to excessive PhotoShop of the fact they were shot at a very low ISO (100).
  2. Can't wait to see her on the cover of the 2014 Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Edition.
  3. They added some shots at Fashion TV. I still haven't seen the full ed but they do have 3 or 4 shots.
  4. Bet the original versions would be awesome Sadly these are HEAVILY photoshopped.
  5. I think these were already posted and some of them have nudity in them.
  6. ^^It's amazing how Maxim still hasn't been able to convince her to do a cover for them. Maybe she's all bitter that they gave last year's Hottest Woman title to that Superbowl has-been, Bar Refaeli. But I'm sure you'd agree that a spread in Treats Magazine wouldn't hurt, right? I dunno. I really love some of the shoots in Treats Magazine but some of them are horrible. Playboy seems to be doing some higher quality stuff than Treats! is lately... Not all of it but some of the newer outdoor Playboy shoots look really beautiful because it doesn't just focus on the T&A. Actually, some of the new outdoor Playboy shoots are 500% better than Sports Illustrated too.
  7. It was only a matter of time before she got bumped into Maxim. Thankfully this isn't a shoot for Maxim, just a reprint so it won't damage her rep.
  8. Better quality - nudity http://postimg.org/image/psbug939f/
  9. Looks like there is a new super hottie breaking into the international market. Congrats Emily! I've been waiting for this for over 12 months... You're on your way to proving SI has been making a serious mistake! You've proven you are the hottest artistic model in America with your Treats! Magazine shoots and now you're cleaning house with the casual modeling too.
  10. I've looked past those like 50 times and just now realized you can see her nipple in #4 too. Gees, I think I just lost the right to call myself a man.
  11. If Emily Ratajkowski is an actress and not a model she should be classified as an "actress" instead of being listed as a fashion model. The only real acting Emily has done was in her teens and it wasn't serious. The majority of her career has been modeling. Nude modeling, swimsuit modeling, lingerie modeling and now she was added as a replacement for Kate Upton in the new Carl Jr's commercial. The only real "acting" she did was a few guest appearances on some television shows. My point still stands though. You classified Kate Upton as a "fashion model" before she ever had an editorial in any magazines and she still hasn't ever appeared in a pantene style ad. She didn't qualify as under those guidelines till this year but you still listed her as a fashion model 2 years before she even qualified as one. All I'm saying is that it isn't fair to show favoritism to someone. If you allow one model to violate the rules you should allow all of them to violate the rules.
  12. I can't believe Emily has like 14%.. I had my fiance number the girls 1-4 in his opinion, and I'm ashamed to say he put Emily last too!! What's wrong with these people? lol I've been voting as much as I can every time I remember, but I dunno if she'll make it lets hope!
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