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Everything posted by Meryl

  1. Meryl


    does anyone have the awesome vid of adriana boxing? she looked amazing there
  2. i found her presence at the vsfs amazing too. she has something special
  3. quite honestly... i think it is looking too costumey. back in 2002, 2003 and 2005 i could still see lingerie... sexy lingerie that didn't need embellishments/tutus to be sexy.
  4. That's why she had Orlando there. For moral support. I feel Chanel has been acting like she got something to prove more than Miranda has. She has been extra "in your face" recently---trying to milk every moment she gets. VS' Spring Cleaning coming up soon!!! i don't think chanel has been doing anything apart from being a little hyper but i did notice that Miranda has this new-found snotty attitude. very unlike when we first saw her. she now exudes the look at me, take photos of me, i'm a celebrity vibe.
  5. i can't believe how much lily's tan destroyed her look/beauty. she looks like she's burnt not tanned. ale x3 because the colors at least look good and match her glowing skin.
  6. Meryl


    well i loved everything about adriana for this fashion show and in fact for the recent few months. her butt is probably the most amazing (after KK in 2005) but i THINK it was the best butt on show at the VSFS 2011. i think her diet is fine... it is just gruelling. gotta admire her guts for being honest. she did say that before her pregnancy she didn't even need to exercise or diet... so this is really the hardwork that models who have given birth need to go through and we should accept that. even normal people who try to get back their pre-baby figures (not the the extent of looking perfect under the scrutiny of millions and udner bright lights) have to go under extreme exercise or diets in short bursts.
  7. man those who are not sold on karlie need to see her walk in super angels. she is a real stunner. her walk is incredible and her pose is incredible. I felt an improvement from and loved Adriana and Doutzen this year. not feeling candice, lily A and chanel. partial to ale, miranda, erin, lindsay and behati. unfortunately candice does not suit this hairstyle or makeup and lily really doesn't suit it. Ale and Miranda looked pretty as usual. Doutzen is just gorgeous for this make up and she has such a consistent dreamy image. Adriana really toned down on those faces according to the videos so far yay! and her booty is phenomenal! best surprises: Karlie Kloss, Sui He, Toni, Bregje, Shanina, Lily D, Constance J, Joan
  8. Meryl


    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZzEjljwOGWY the full super angels segment credit pen6693 of TFS adriana opens strong and very characteristically her! karlie kloss absolutely stole the show. strong walk, long legs and that attitude when she posed!
  9. Meryl


    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZzEjljwOGWY adriana's walk is amazing!!! her outfit is amazing too. credit pen6693 of TFS
  10. Meryl


    http://www.antena3.com/celebrities/famosos...1111000050.html from Jeiema of TFS. =D adriana looks amazing
  11. Meryl


    SUI HE looks AMAZING!
  12. Meryl

    Misc. Images

    karlie kloss is looking like a fit for the show. =D and Adriana looks stunning in the backstage photoshoot!
  13. Meryl

    Misc. Images

    i'm a little upset now because i love adriana but she really looks like she is actually drying out and it is not a good look on her face and neck. currently i am also hating her hair.... my fingers are crossed that it will only go up from here.
  14. after looking at some of the outfits.. i think that candice is being overwhelmed by those 2 outfits with the train... she kinda looks like she's being eaten up by the embellishments. she looks great in the ballet one though
  15. Meryl

    Misc. Images

    i think adriana's outfits are looking FAB. i think the super girl outfit looks great it is just the cape that looks cheap. i want adriana to get bigger wings for the red and black outfit. and yea it does look similar to last year's hope vs doesn't shuffle her awesome outfits away this time.
  16. Meryl


    YES!!!! ok i take back what i said. adriana looks awesome in that orange and blue and yellow outfit but i still feel the cape needs to be improved. the purple outfit is such a standout this year!!! i hope for the red outfit they give her wings instead of that silly lil red drape. gotta say her body is in TOP FORM!!! i think Adriana is gonna rock this year
  17. Meryl


    mm. yea you make a valid poinht with your last post. while black is gorgeous in photos... she might need something a tad lighter. something like this photo where it is dark but slightly on the ash side http://adrianalimafan.net/runway/2005-runw...6-sexy-toys-21/ i really hate when she goes all blonde though.
  18. i wonder what she thought when she saw the costumes for the first time. HAHAHA
  19. hey i want to remind everyone that Adriana had a very strong and characteristic walk in 2000 and 2001 which made everyone sit up. she proved herself in 2002 and 2003. 2005 she incorporated cute(ish) acts with her walk and it worked but 06 onwards she kinda overdid it. the way I see it, candice can open as her walk last year in that metal looking floor sweeping outfit was strong and had dramatic pacing. Out of the new angels she is the best. She, with her awesome hips, also has a very characteristic walk. i was rooting for doutzen who i adore and i do think her walk has a sultry quality to it that really draws me in but that may not be as suited for opening the show after rewatching. but hopefully she gets to open one segment? i miss doutzen's sweet flirty auro on the runway. i hope candice surprises us all! And of course for the editing of the show to do her justice. i think the best openings of the show depended on the dramatic pacing of the videos and music that preceeded it. e.g. 2003, 2005 and 2008 I also like that this may lift the weight of the show off Adriana and allow her to return to her less OTT walk because she's actually BETTER without those actions. i actually think adriana has gone into "let's groom the next generation" mode and hopefully won't be OTT. Her body is 100% back now and with less OTT actions I hope she will get less flaming this year.
  20. i was hoping doutzen could open... ahh well. we'll see how it goes.
  21. the past 2/3 years we've been saying adriana is back but this year she is REALLY back. this is so oldschool VS... just amazing. adriana is devastatingly beautiful.
  22. sadly the fantasy bra really doesn't look good. and why did they make miranda's post preggo boobs look so photoshopped? it's not supposed to be SO ROUND... her post preggo boobs would have been perfect without the damned photoshop... ergh. and the tassel is so ugly... i do think could be a under-the-sea theme with mother of pearl tones and iridescent colors and lots of pearl necklace embellishments. maybe some fish-fin-like wings like adriana's 2001 huge orange wings that moved like it was in the water. could be pretty. i think VS really needs to bring more Christmas to their holiday catalog. i rmb the days when the catalog cover was a cut above the normal sexy photos and brought an element of magic...
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