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Everything posted by starbucksaddict

  1. Hi, I would love it if someone here can help me. I made a post and would like the topic deleted. I was wrong to post something about this model because she's not actually a fashion model, but a commercial one. I will post about her in the future if she gets into some fashion agency or grows to be 5'9. LOL Thanks! Sorry for the trouble. http://www.bellazon.com/main/index.php?showtopic=39233 Done. ~ Post Edited by Joe > Average
  2. No wonder Charvet married her. She's HOT. She's a beautiful women and to think she's got kids! No excuse for women to get fat after having babies.
  3. I don't know why people are so hung up on Alexa Chung. Yes, she's got style, but come on. She's no Kate Moss.
  4. She's got a new book out named Modelland. Tyra's book is the first part in a three-book young adult fantasy series and follows teenage girl Tookie De La Crème in a magical world who is accepted into an academy for 'Intoxibellas' - 'the most exceptional models known to humankind'. (Source: Daily Mail) Read more:
  5. Do you think she has a better body now or before she had her baby girl???
  6. Does anyone know of what Elise is doing now? Can't seem to find anything new about her online or any new campaigns/editorials....
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