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Everything posted by lithium01

  1. whats the point of general discussion when u cant discuss anything at all? the staff was really "forced" in here to break up that one... haha what a joke give a prick a flashlight and he'll shine it in your eyes
  2. That vid has been posted in the general motion thread awhile back. It's only 21 pages, take a look. Search is not working so..... EDIT>>> I don't know what happened to it, It's not there. I have it somewhere, I'll try and upload it. It's by far the best vid of her, or any model with her shaking it to J Lo's, Let Get Loud. ya, its a great video, shes pretty good at shaking it and u can tell shes barely trying. i think shes a tease the way she shakes it, she knows we're all looking i dont mean to keep bringing it up, but go to dailymotion. the dancing video is there and someone just uploaded a really good one of her, theres like 10 of them there, u should check them out the dancin one at dailymotion has part of the title in it, i have links to like 50 of the vids so PM me and ask me for the links if u want them(anyone) and ill send them to u without a problem. the title of the video on dailymotion(the dancin video) is specific, i havent checked if it matches any of my links but im 100% sure it does cuz the kid that uploaded the video is the same kid that i got all the links from, feel free to search for yourself when i give u the links... derdude posted some vids of her on youtube, the one when she has a life preserver, pretty good anyone who wants them, just ask me(PM me, dont ask in here) and ill send u the links, i cant download them myself so its no use hoarding them, im willin to share
  3. im not sayin that i "value" virginity, i value a decent girl whos honest blah blah blah i was sayin that the fact she is a virgin makes her more desirable because u hardly see a girl like that who is still a virgin at her age.... geez... i would have never said a thing about virginity if u guys were gonna start this shit end the feminist rally already its not a big deal, shes probably not a virgin anyway, and the only ones making a big deal out of it are girls who have no idea what i meant- u r thinking i value virginity way too much and that is not the case, like ive said like 6 times, i doesnt even matter to me. dont take it literally, it was an out of context remark go to hell if u dont like it and just to add- guys really dont give a shit if their girl is a virgin, the subject will only come up once in a blue moon - usually when u just start dating the girl. its not like guys sit around discussing their girls virginity... hahaha
  4. u clearly misunderstand what the hell i am trying to say... and the guy who brought up britney spears made a perfect point, she took advantage of "virginity" and it made her huge, so dont tell me the fact that a good looking girl is a virgin does not add to her value, because it clearly does and im talkin about adrianna and adrianna only, u act like im generalizing about every girl... it definately adds to her value cuz shes a supermodel. u talk about ur friends that arent even that good looking that can walk up to any guy and get him, well that only supports my claim that it adds to her value, because if an "ugly" girl can do it, then it should be 10 times easier for adriana, and the fact that she doesnt/hasnt when she clearly could DOES add to her value. i guess u need to see it from a guys opinion, cuz i know the exact girls u are talking about, the ugly ones that sleep around, and to tell u the truth, guys really dont think shit about those girls, if anything they have less value because they sleep around everywhere, so we just use them as need be and dont really "respect" them because theyre sluts... like i said before, i could care less if a girl is a virgin or not, it doesnt make me not like her or however u wanna put it, but if she is a virgin, and she is gorgeous, it definately makes a difference... u r taking the subject too seriously, i was simply asking if she was a virgin, and if she was that she is "a pot of gold"... u gotta see it from a guys opinion... like u said, even ugly girls can get guys, so the fact that this one is gorgeous and does the exact opposite is a positive attribute... even if she wasnt a virgin i would still get with her and i dont think she is a virgin anyway, although it would be nice if she was... and saying that i have no "value" because of this stupid argument is the most retarded thing ive ever heard if u were a man of value u would rather have some virgin than some slutty pig, prove that wrong and im leaving out "personality" for this "debate" so dont call me shallow cuz im the furthest thing from it
  5. nice pics sha... ya, my comp was never treated like it should have been. i never bothered getting antivirus programs or anything i used to use this program called imesh to download music, but it gave me corrupt files and shit and i dont think my comp ever really recovered... the comp itself isnt too bad, its just the maintenance is terrible and i dont put in the effort to make it a "mint" computer anymore maybe next comp ill have better luck. derdude put that video of rocio on youtube and she looks awesome, u guys should check it out
  6. no i have a dsl, my connection is not the problem tho, i think it would be my hard drive that is the problem. my virtual memory keeps poppin up sayin im out of memory, and my comp in general has bad downloading capacity. i cant even download music, and music files are much smaller than video files my computer is id say 6 to 7 years old. its not as bad as i make it out to be, but download wise its probably 10 times worse than i say it is. its a gateway, and they make ok computers, but its got some kinks in it, i think its got spyware on it or some shit, maybe some bugs, because once in a while it will just freeze and not come back. and 5 out of 10 times when i start it up the whole screen just stays blue with no icons or anything, and then i have to restart a couple of times to get it back to normal. it always is running disk checks and it blows in general im assuming that by operating system u mean windows xp. i have xp, and it worked like magic for the first 2 years i had the comp. then i got some spyware or something of the sort in my comp, and within the past year i have had to redownload windows atleast 5 times. im sure it could be a great computer with someone else behind the drivers seat, but i really dont take the time to download the newer faster programs. my sound cards and all of the other drivers u need in ur comp are all from back in the day, and the general capability of my comp is awful. i have a dsl connect, but with the whole system going at once it all balances out to about as fast as my 56k used to be. im tryin to get a new computer, but my money is tight so i cant for a little while. my comp isnt even that bad, it works fine for the internet and decent for aol instant messenger and shit, but anytime there a more than 2 programs running it stalls. i tried calling gateway, but they closed around my area and they keep telling me the same thing, to redownload windows when it stops working my computers a joke, and u seem to know enough about computers to have it running at 100% if it were ur own, i just dont take the time i guess. redownloading windows takes like 3 hours, and im sick of the process in general. i got dsl, but thats about the only good feature on my comp. even the mouse and keyboard blow.... trust me man, if i could i would download the videos myself instead of wasting my time asking u guys, but if u knew my computer u would totally understand... it just blows in general... and will continue to do so until i have a technician come or buy a new computer, and the new comp will probably end up happenin first u want those links?
  7. Anyone who says my comment was spoken like a true asshole has no idea about what i meant obviously adrianna could get anyone she wants. the fact that she is a virgin adds to her "value" in many ways. ill take it that it were ladies who were calling me an asshole, or a couple of fruitcakes... anyway... makes no difference cuz neither of u would understand what a straight guy thinks about a girl like that being a virgin i think any straight guy in here would agree it adds to her value. shes pretty much perfect, u would think a girl that good looking would be sleeping around everywhere because she can get anyone she wants. i knew girls in high school that werent even half of what adriana is but took advantage of it if u know what i mean. the fact that she can keep her legs closed even when she looks like that adds to her personal character and her looks too. i could go into examples of how shes independent and whatever else, but i really dont fell like it and its really not a topic worth arguing... but if u r going to tell me that the fact she is a virgin does NOT add to her "value"... then u are clearly not weighing in the circumstances that a straight guy would. trust me, a girl that looks like that who is a virgin is like 1 in a million, so i am right when i say she is a pot of gold and as a matter of fact, i could care less if she was or wasnt a virgin, but the fact that she is(and i dont even know if she is) does make her a pot of gold because she is what, 25? most girls loose their virginity by 17 and thats a late age, i think the average is like 15.... u gotta think about it from a guys POV i guess
  8. then u obviously dont know my computer.... i have links to like 50 of her videos, but like i was sayin my comp blows and the downloads always stall or never work in the end.... and i have no idea what codec is... im not sure which video is the one of her dancin, but ill send u the 50 links if u want. the video at dailymotion has the name of the show/file in the title. and the video sharing sites i recommended are good for more than just watchin rocio videos. youtube has a shitload of funny videos about skateboarders breaking their arms and guys falling down the stairs... there are some funny videos there and i doubt u could ever watch them all let me know if u want the links
  9. weed is probably the safest drug, but its in no way good for u... unfiltered smoke alone is enough to kill u, ur not supposed to inhale any foreign smokes into ur lungs - including weed. i still smoke it tho... if u ask me the positives outweigh the negatives coke rots out ur nasal cavity and after a while will start rotting away ur nose X puts a hole about the size of a marble in ur brain with each use, but i know kids who have done hundreds or more over time and they are still "normal"... its still bad for u tho and i have yet to see the longterm effects to those freinds. its a blast tho when u do them, and then u grow out of them and theyre not fun anymore. just make sure u smoke weed(kicks it in faster) and drink water (but not too much water or ull die and by too much i mean like more than a gallon, just drink casually throughout the night to make sure u dont get dehydrated) crack totally fucks u up. dont smoke crack, its very bad for ur lungs and brain and body in general. do urself a favor and just dont smoke crack heroine is the worst thing u can do. its all artificial substances, and anything man made is probably not too good for u. it fucks with ur veins, ur heart, ur whole body- organs and all. ur better off doin every drug at once than doin heroine once because god only knows what ur injecting. then theres shrooms, lsd, pills of all sorts, and the minor drugs like speed and what not. drugs are pretty much all bad for u, but what isnt nowerdays. the candy bar u eat or the soda u drink is probably 10 times worse for u than weed, look at coca cola. ill never drink coke again, and u wont either if u knew that it can take the rust off of a nail. go ahead if u dont believe me. put a rusty nail in a cup of coke and like 2 days later the rust will be gone.... ur better off just not doing the serious drugs in general, and pills are the most addictive thing no matter what anyone tells u. i know some kids who are totally fucked after takings Oxy's for less than half a year. dont do pills AND DONT EVER take an upper with an upper, or a downer with a downer.... like if ur rollin(on ectasy) and u take an upper ur heart will be beating too fast and working way too hard and u could have a heart attack. same with downers, ur heart could stop. I stay away from pills and you should too, they are all bad for u no matter what anyone says. even headache medicines are bad for ur liver..... this isnt meant to tell u to take drugs, or to tell u the safe ones. ur better off not doing drugs at all and just worry about getting straight As in school. trust me... when u smoke weed the last place u want to be is in school. dont do drugs if u know whats good for u, and dont ever sell drugs if u dont know any druggies, cuz people want their money and u better have it for them DONT DO DRUGS
  10. ya, i keep telling u people to go to dailymotion.com or youtube.com people upload videos of her there, and if ur comp sucks too much to DL them urself then those are the 2 best spots to go to see her videos. dailymotion.com has like 6 videos of her, and the one ur talking about is one of them. shes dancin and she shakes her ass very well youtube has a few videos, but its got a better media player so i hope people upload the dailymotion videos there(youtube)... u all are ignoring me, but ull see if u go to either of those sites how simple they are. just search for her name and the videos pop right up. and signing up is a breeze, i signed up and u all should to and upload all of ur videos there go to dailymotion and ull see the video ur looking for, bad quality but she still looks awesome
  11. at dailymotion.com some kid just uploaded one of the best videos ive ever seen of her. shes dancin and she can shake her ass like its her job. check it out if u want, all u gotta do i search her name, theres like 6 vids of her there and they are all quality
  12. i think someone should start uploadin some videos on youtube.com or dailymotion.com theres already like 6 of her on dailymotion, add some to the collection or check them out
  13. lithium01

    Ass zits!

    no kiddin, id rather ignore it and think of somethin else... how many of u girls actually suffer from this disease? hahaha...
  14. yes, thats very true... maybe i should be more specific.... whats the feature that you look for most in a girl? what stands out on every girl u see?(the first thing u look for on a girl) in other words, what part of a girls body do u like most, and if u could choose one part of ur girls body to make absolutely perfect - which part would it be? might have been too broad of a poll, but i hope its narrower now with some better questions to vote on
  15. of course the first thing i notice is usually the face and eyes, and then work my way to checkin out the body, but the feature that i think is the best is the bum. i like girls with nice bums, bums that stick out alittle but not too much. dont know how to describe the perfect one, but check out picture of Rocio Guirao diaz or nicole nuemann and ull see what type of bum im referring too... i dont like too big of bums tho, medium size bums are the ones i like... and the girls bum has to shrink into her hips, u know what i mean, shes gotta have nice curves, not just a bum that goes right into her stomach, i like some definition u know what i mean... also, when a bum is perfectly shaped for the body the girl will have these two little dimple lines in her lower back, thats a sign of a really nice bum.... hahaha anyway, it might be a shallow conversation but its a realistic one
  16. i know some may consider this "offtopic" but i was wondering, why do u little girls(not meant as a derrogitory remark) think shes the shit? i mean, shes done absolutely nothing with her life... shes a terrible actress, dumber than a doornail, her nose is busted, her eyes are crooked- one of them is really droopy, she has no ass at all, boobs are the size of a golf ball, not to mention she is as fake as can be and will end up looking like joan rivers(not sure if thats her name) in 10-15 years. and dont even get me started on personality... she has none, people say she is "original" but its BS- anyone can be original with that much money... u know she tried to trademark the statement "thats hot"... unbelievable, like those two words didnt exist until paris hilton came along... she acts like she is the shit cuz the cameras take pictures of her, but i see better looking girls walking down the street everyday i know it may seem like im just hatin on her, but doesnt she kind of deserve it with the way she represents herself? theres girls in my college classes that actually try to do things with themselves and they dont get half the credit that paris hilton does, u know what i mean? am i the only one who realizes that she played the media with that porno tape? she clearly leaked the tape to get huge publicity. i dont know, im just stating my opinion - how can someone so worthless be so huge in the public eye. shes little girls role models and its absolutely pathetic... for all of u girls, paris hilton slandered ur reputation and ur respectability... she represents the new generation of girls as dumb, airhead, whores(pardon my french but it is too obvious) i dont mean to get on her case, i just dont get why everyone thinks she has appeal, when personally, i wouldnt even touch her even if she threw herself at me anyone else have a comment on the subject before i get banned???(please dont... )
  17. lithium01

    Ass zits!

    hahaha, i like how u give evidence to support ur case. i see the ones ur talking about, but honestly, that girl had such a nice ass that i probably wouldnt even notice, and even if i did i would try to forget about them right away so that it wouldnt be a "big" deal. how funny/awkward/crazy/never want to happen to me would this be... ur with ur girl, u know what i mean, i wont get too explicit cuz i think the mods already hate me here, but her ass is facing ur direction, u see one, and u go for it, im talkin u pop the shit outta this thing.... the nastiest thing ive ever thought about but what do u expect when u come into a topic called ass zits that would take some serious balls to do, i think it would probably end ur relationship with that girl and u would never think about things the same way after that ruthless experience
  18. i thought it came out pretty good, probably should have done a different pic tho because the background on this one is so bright that the white morphs with her body and theres no definition to her u know what i mean. the white makes it look bad, but the quality of the scan isnt too bad. if i were u i would lower the brightness of the picture if the background is a bright white like that so that its not too bright to take away from the detail. looks like a decent scan tho, probably 10 times better than my first one would be
  19. Merged topics - edited by persuazn nicole neumann a blonde model from argentina i believe, not sure about age, height, weight, or measurements. i guess the next guy to look her up will have to fill u in. Was searching for pictures, found one of this Nicole girl. she looked really good so i started the search from there.... not much of an introduction but what do u really want me to say... i think shes gorgeous and i bet ull agree sorry for linking all the pics, but theyre too big to display theres a ton of pics of her on that site, alot of other models too. i only gave links to the ones i thought were the best http://fametown.com/fams/nicoleneumann/074...le%20neuman.jpg http://fametown.com/fams/nicoleneumann/061...le%20neuman.jpg http://fametown.com/fams/nicoleneumann/054...le%20neuman.jpg http://fametown.com/fams/nicoleneumann/066...le%20neuman.jpg http://fametown.com/fams/nicoleneumann/063...le%20neuman.jpg http://fametown.com/fams/nicoleneumann/056...le%20neuman.jpg http://fametown.com/fams/nicoleneumann/052...le%20neuman.jpg http://fametown.com/fams/nicoleneumann/049...le%20neuman.jpg http://fametown.com/fams/nicoleneumann/047...le%20neuman.jpg http://fametown.com/fams/nicoleneumann/043...le%20neuman.jpg http://fametown.com/fams/nicoleneumann/042...le%20neuman.jpg http://fametown.com/fams/nicoleneumann/041...le%20neuman.jpg http://fametown.com/fams/nicoleneumann/040...le%20neuman.jpg http://fametown.com/fams/nicoleneumann/nic...ctures_(14).jpg http://fametown.com/fams/nicoleneumann/nic...ng_pictures.jpg http://fametown.com/fams/nicoleneumann/nicole%20newmann9.jpg anyway, u get the picture, they have like 5 pages worth of pics depending on how many u want to be shown on one page at a time..... if any of u can shrink the pics and post them for viewing please feel free to do so
  20. that video looks like it is probably the best one out there. nice find
  21. 1) Rocio Guirao Diaz- best ass ever, flaunts it all the time and her body is perfect preportions, best curves, her face is priceless, not perfect, but it is exactly what i would want on my girl. shes overall definately got my top spot. 2) Adriana Lima- predictable, i know. some would say #1, id say its a tie. has the personality i would look for, ive seen her in videos and she acts like she isnt even hott, just normal, and that makes me like her more 3) julieta prandi- perfect all around and has a million pictures online if u find the right sites 4) sofia zamolo- gorgeous blonde that shows her ass all the time so im a huge fan, haha 5) nicole neumann- seen a pic of her the other day that stuck in my head, but no one seems to like her here 6) marisa miller- has nice curves, good face, good proportions. the only downside is her nipples are the size of dinner plates from what ive seen and im not a big fan of that 7) gisele bundchen- predictable, probably should be higher in some peoples opinions but not I 8) the other VS girls- beatriz barros or whatever her name is. petra nemcova too, i always see them on TV so they jumped up a couple spots from TV time alone. alot of the other models i only see online so that hurts their rating(if i dont see them alot, i dont remember them) simple as that 9) ingrid grudke- good looking but not perfect, shes just willing to bare everything and looks damn good doing it 10) luisiana lopilato- only seen her a few times, shes young and already looks fantastic, shell be gorgeous when shes older thats a half assed list though... rocio and adriana stay, actually i wouldnt even touch the top 4... but the rest are interchangeable... the VS girls(other than adriana) are not my top 5 tho cuz i think they are overrated. they are all gorgeous, but they get so much TV time and exposure that theyre the only models that people see. i think if rocio or sofia zamolo were VS models then we wouldnt even be talkin about gisele or the others. lopilato probly shouldnt even be on that list, only put her on there cuz she was the first to come to mind.
  22. i cant believe this is even in discussion... listen up, if u meet a supermodel online it is a 99.9% chance that it is not really that person. do u honestly think adriana lima for example would actually use the name adriana lima on myspace... come on if anything she would use some weird ass name so that she wouldnt get harrassed by weirdos all day. and i doubt adriana lima would even go to myspace, shes a supermodel with things to do, she probably has a busier schedule than half of us here... and just cuz the person talks adrianas native tongue doesnt mean its adriana. half the worlds population is women(not sure if its exact, might be more or less but its around there). im not gonna BS, cuz i know nothing about the population of brazil but im very sure that there are atleast 5 million women in this world that speak porteguese(the # could be ten times more for all i know)... that gives u a one in 5 million chance that the person speaking porteguese to u was adriana... not too good of odds man.... and let me tell u something, i am a male so i cannot sound like a girl, but for the past month i have been prank calling my uncle with some girls voice(i got from the computer)... and he has no idea who it is. so dont tell me just cuz its a girl with a similiar accent its adriana, cuz for all my uncle knows hes talking to some hot babe from miami(never really told him that), but the truth is, its me on my computer... there u go dont take it seriously, im not tellin u to yell at the person and call them a liar cuz its ur own damn fault for believing them, just dont take everything seriously, cuz i can guarantee u the last person u will ever be talking to on myspace is adriana lima now enough with this serious discussion shit... im bored with it
  23. hey im not hatin on you cuz i know everyone has different tastes, but that list is ass backwards. bianca is fine ill give her that, but thats only cuz her face is perfect. she has no ass or curves and lettin her take adriannas spot would be just crazy, haha... salma is too high if u ask me, shes gorgeous just not my top 10 anyway, i just had to say that... ur list is urs and ur probly happy with that so ill leave it alone... my list however is probably the exact opposite 1) Rocio Guirao Diaz- best ass ever, flaunts it all the time and her body is perfect preportions, best curves, her face is priceless, not perfect, but it is exactly what i would want on my girl. shes overall definately got my top spot. 2) Adriana Lima- predictable, i know. some would say #1, id say its a tie. has the personality i would look for, ive seen her in videos and she acts like she isnt even hott, just normal, and that makes me like her more 3) julieta prandi- perfect all around and has a million pictures online if u find the right sites 4) sofia zamolo- gorgeous blonde that shows her ass all the time so im a huge fan, haha 5) nicole neumann- seen a pic of her the other day that stuck in my head, but no one seems to like her here 6) marisa miller- has nice curves, good face, good proportions. the only downside is her nipples are the size of dinner plates from what ive seen and im not a big fan of that 7) gisele bundchen- predictable, probably should be higher in some peoples opinions but not I 8) the other VS girls- beatriz barros or whatever her name is. petra nemcova too, i always see them on TV so they jumped up a couple spots from TV time alone. alot of the other models i only see online so that hurts their rating(if i dont see them alot, i dont remember them) simple as that 9) ingrid grudke- good looking but not perfect, shes just willing to bare everything and looks damn good doing it 10) luisiana lopilato- only seen her a few times, shes young and already looks fantastic, shell be gorgeous when shes older thats basically a half assed list, I forgot alot of names and didnt properly order the models. i would say that #1-5 are pretty solid, wouldnt move them around much... wouldnt move rocio or adriana, and id keep gisele and the other VS girls out of my top five cuz i think they are overrated. granted- they are all gorgeous, but if they werent victoria secret models we would never see them. all of the VS models get the most exposure, if they were Joe Schmoe company models you would hardly see them. i think they get too much credit, cuz if Rocio and Sofia Zamolo were VS models we wouldnt even be talking about half of those girls... this list isnt meant to "knock" yours, i just stole ur idea with my opinions. its not better in any way but personal opinion. karolina kurkova, daniela pestova, carolyn murphy are all models i probably should have listed but forgot. lopilato is interchangable with any of the ones i have named. only reason she got the spot is cuz she was the first to come to mind, not the overrall best choice... it seems that my list leans towards blondes i just noticed, but it also leans toward body type if u havent noticed... most of the girls are like rocio, sofia, or adriana type bodies, all with tight stomachs that morph into shapely hips if u know what i mean, and they all pretty much share the same asses, u could take pics of all 10 girls asses and u probably wouldnt be able to tell the difference, and they all have that "spanish" look to them - their eyes are more narrow and i like that about spanish girls, they all look seductive id say marisa miller and gisele are the two oddballs, marisa because she is the most curvy of the list, and gisele because she is tall and skinny - when the majority of the list are short girls with good curves, but not huge curves like marissa miller.
  24. tons of great pics, wish i could pick a fav but its impossible this one is great tho, plus the tie on her bathing suit reminds me of back in the day, all of the girls used to wear those ties and pulling them was a blast, u had to be quick tho or else they would drop right under water as quick as they could and u wouldnt see nothin... thats when i used to wait until they were out of the water... haha..... i heard shes a virgin in another topic in this forum, true? cant believe it, a girl like that can't be... shes probly tryin to pull a britney spears and deny it... im not hatin on her(adrianna, britney spears is a fat pig who cant take care of her own kids so ill hate on her all day)... for it, i actually think it would be cool if she was, its hard to find a girl that fine whos a virgin, and if shes one then i think we hit a pot of gold good thing she didnt go to high school in america, cuz all that would have changed with us horny bastards in her classes anyway, i want to meet her, just like im sure everyone else in here does... id run so much game on her she wouldnt be able to resist, especially if she really is a virgin, that would make me put in 100% more effort cuz i would know it wouldnt be a sure thing and it would be fun trying to overcome the obstacles haha
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