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Everything posted by summerxstrawberry

  1. I remember seeing her on some Korean TV show before she was in America and it was just incredible. I kinda don't like the watered down pop sound of her album, but it's good seeing her succeed after all she's been through.
  2. Ayumi is like an icon, and has had a great impact in terms of fashion, but her last few albums have suuucked. But she seems like she's really hardworking and heartfelt with her lyrics (at least earlier in her career) so I can admire that.
  3. I thought it was pretty obvious she had minor work done to her nose, lip filler like every other young actress, and breasts done because of the obvious changes between the first and second Transformers films. As an actress that doesn't have an overflow of acting cred, it isn't far-fetched that she would want to keep up her appearance. If no one is being insulting about it, why should it be forbidden to talk about?
  4. I wonder how much those guys are paid to put up with her.
  5. So true. Thing is so that Fashion seeks to be seen as so different, but pretty much coasts on using the same thing all the time. + I like your avatar/icon. But I hope that Megan can find some kind of niche that might show promise under the "sexy" veneer.
  6. I love Meisa! Glad to see her have a thread here.
  7. I think you should see her music videos, I don't know if any of you knew she's also a 'singer' since I only saw 'actress/model' in the first post.
  8. She kinda looks like she's sick in those beach pictures. Just a little underwhelming.
  9. Hmm I will agree to an extent. I have to keep in mind that I don't stay updated with American mainstream pop. But after being a really big fan w/ GGGB, it feels like Rated R is just a disappointment. I was a super big fan and I just feel like she's capable of better. And I love the big forehead as well, shes does it better than say Tyra.
  10. Oh! Youre back with SNSD goods. I can't wait for the "Black Soshi" concept to come out.
  11. me neither but the video is awsome! Speaking from personal experience, I know its hard to find a good style for big foreheads. But damn, I can't imagine having one the size of China like her. But I think its just too extreme of an image change, and her music isn't even that good for pop standards. Shes never been the most talented, or had too much of a personality but her image just isn't working like it was before.
  12. I recently bought it as well, and I surprisingly love it. I think its so much better than the fame which was better than most albums of the genre, but the singles were the few great songs. But Fame Monster is all great tracks Except maybe Alejandro.
  13. Her dress for the Jay Leno show was gorgeous. I love seeing her on the late night talk shows.
  14. Well I pretty much live at the makeup counters in my local mall, so I always wondered who it was with those amazing eyebrows in the Bobbi Brown ads. I found out her name like three weeks ago but then forgot. Lily looked so amazing in the show, but I wish they would have at least given her a better outfit since she only had one.
  15. It seems like she's trying to build up this whole new image for her music career. Do not want. The look might be ok if she didn't look so dead in the eyes. I liked her more fashionable days.
  16. Yeah, i m with you on the 'whore' thing. Honestly I think Megan has the mindset of alot of actresses/females (or it seems like it), but she's willing to state it in such a bold way. At least it never makes her interviews incredibly boring, I can give it that much. Then again, the way the articles word it, it seems like they rehash the same things people find negative instead of actual news questions.
  17. I don't dislike Megan, she's the type that I would usually really like. Honestly, I think she has a talent for a certain type of movie/niche she hasn't been cast in yet. Im just offering some logic into the whole "all females are jealous" bs.
  18. I highly doubt women think Megan Fox is a slut etc or don't like her because she's threatening/attractive/jealousy. She seems to be someone who talks about sex alot and how she's always hanging with guys and how "other" women are so dumb, jealous, or not like her. When you give that impression of yourself and then talk about how other females suck, why would they like you? Or you could say they are jealous because that's always the answer, right?.
  19. I never really cared for Paramore, I thought they were pretty obnoxoius but my friend plays them in her car all the time and ive gotta say, Haley has a great voice and songwriting ability (i think she writes?)
  20. Hime, have you been watching TOP in the drama IRIS? He's soo good in it (as expected). If you haven't gotten into k-drama's you should definitely check this one out.
  21. Oh my goodness. It feel so long ago since "Noona is so pretty" when they all looked so young and now even the maknae, Taemin is starting to look more mature
  22. Ugh. the whole Jay controversy made me so upset. I've been hearing rumours lately that 2PM's comeback for their albums, will have a group with seven members. So...Jay or a new guy? Im really hoping it's Jay. I know the other guys really do matter and are important, but you cant really deny that he brought this air, charisma to the group that without him is just not the same.
  23. Ill try and help contribute more here and other K/J threads
  24. RUN dedicates a song to Lee Hyori? Couple days ago, new solo artist named RUN released his debut-album as well as his MV for his title-song, "She's Strong." Recently, it has been revealed that his title-song was dedicated to famous diva queen Lee Hyori! Well not really "dedicated," but more like Lee Hyori being a model for this song. LOEN Entertainment's representative stated, "Won Tae Yeon, who wrote the lyrics, is a fan of Lee Hyori. It has been told that he wrote the lyrics because when he first heard the guide song, it reminded him of Lee Hyori's fascinating, strong attractions. ... The producer strongly recommended his lyrics because it matched the atmosphere of the song, as it was unique." The title-song's lyrics is about a deep love relationship between two lovers. In this case, you can guess that it expresses Won Tae Yeon's love of Lee Hyori. "She's Strong" recently received more attentions of netizens as it was the BGM (Background Music) of SBS "Family Outing." Coincidently, Lee Hyori is a cast of Family Outing, so this started a rumor that Lee Hyori asked the production team to make this song her theme-song. "She's Strong" revealed Lee Hyori's strong character effectively as it was played on the preview of episode 68, in the part where Lee Hyori was seen wrestling with actress Ha Ji Won. credits to allkpop
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