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Everything posted by Pikachuuu

  1. I finally purchased a comfortable desk for work. I work online at home and did not have a proper desk to work comfortably, which caused me back pain. My choice was the height adjustable standing desks. Has anyone used one of these? How do you feel? I'm just trying it out, and to be honest it's quite difficult to work standing up, but I've read that it's useful.
  2. I already have a chain of Thai restaurants. But I would like to open restaurants not only in America, but also in Europe. I'm also thinking about creating a food delivery website. I am now actively studying this field. I'm figuring out how to build a site and work in it, so that the kdintsyami was as comfortable as possible to make orders. Looking for managers and SMM specialists. I am studying the question of what is lead management, and also found a handy tool twilio call tracking
  3. More and more often I think about the current situation in the world. On the one hand it has little to do with me, but on the other hand, it is very sad for many people
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