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Everything posted by indulge.

  1. :drool: my only problem is that he doesn't look real... if you know what i'm saying.
  2. I think these are all repeats but they're higher quality.
  3. With Josh Beech and another model who I don't know:
  4. Sorry if this one is a repeat: With Cole Mohr and another model who I don't know:
  5. Oooh, maybe he'll get on the runway more. I love those, thanks Faget!
  6. I hope none of these are repeats...
  7. I can't believe you guys don't have more pictures. He's adorable. I want MOHR. Sorry if any of these are repeats.
  8. No problem! ^-^ I just wish they were bigger.
  9. Sorry, but I have no clue. Wish I could help, and knew.
  10. ...I saved all the hot ones for the end. :drool: :drool: @ the last one
  11. I don't know, I think he might be awkward on the runway. Plus he'd stand out too much.
  12. the second one isn't so flattering. but the rest...
  13. I know! Wish someone knew who he was.
  14. ooh! I dig the one with the shades. Gimme, gimme more. Gimme more. haha
  15. Yayyyy, I'm speshul. ahah I was wondering what the Snish on his wrist meant...
  16. http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fusea...iendID=28113899 ^His band! omg, so many hot pictures. :drool: :drool: look @ the one with him on the windowsill! EDIT There is more.
  17. No problem, Faget. But he seems straight to me. Here are some more. I'm not a fan of them. Okay... the last one is hot. I'll post more later.
  18. You're welcome, I love 'em too. He is quite the catch.
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