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Everything posted by GraceKelly

  1. Wow, that's a hard one! I've got so many.. Wish you were here - Pink Floyd Verigo - U2 (including drums) One - U2 Miracle Drug - U2 I'm more into a soft intro, not just proving you can change chord as fast as possible.
  2. U2's new album! I just can't wait
  3. I must say both.. Mine are way to small! I'd rather have small boobs than huge ones, but seriously, not this small and it's quite wierd, my mother and grandmother, and all they have biiig boobs, they really have, so how come i don't? I thought it had to do with the genes.. ohwell i'm 16, soon 17 and and trust me when i say they're small. But i don't wanna complain, i still love them, they're mine
  4. omgodness, three hours a day? I feel so proud if I run three times a week (like 30 mins each time) How do you do it?
  5. Aah, thanks for the info I want to try that soo bad! It seems like alot of fun haha
  6. These are just totally amazing. Soo pretty!
  7. and i think they look veeery cute together
  8. Oh, the pics are veery pretty! ^ Thankies
  9. Haha, yeah she was! I was a huge fan And i agree with the barbie-look...
  10. Nonono, I'm sorry, i expressed myself badly It was just that everyone was so skinny, but not Hil, and i admired her tons for that because I was like "I don't have to be anorectic". But when she lost weight.. well it was like OK. It's hard to explain, but for me she was so perfect, i always wanted to be like her, and that made me loose weight as well.. I was young and stupid and well. It's hard to explain. I don't blame her at all, i blame myself. And I still love her AND, that's a very pretty picture!
  11. GraceKelly


    Haha, i hate spending much money on lingerie unless i have a boyfriend. otherwise no one will even see. Though it's nice to feel pretty underneath the clothes ^^,
  12. Okay, so this is an urgent problem. (sorta..) I wanna be fit for summer, have a nice belly, bum, legs and back. I decided to buy a gym-card and so I did. I do pilates and gym, but also alot running and eating healthy. But I have a problem. My freinds goes like "ah, take care, you don't wanna lose the boobs, right?" so my question is: Does work out make the boobs smaller? If yes, what kind of work out? I don't wanna lose the small boobs i have lol.
  13. GraceKelly


    That's my girl! Though i'm pretty short..
  14. Since I have quite a hard time finding jeans that fit my long skinny legs i buy whatever fits me good. But i could never-ever spend more than $150, not as long as I'm growing. And I'm more of a dress-girl But tomorrow i'm gonna buy a pair of jeans from Pepe Jeans, and they are like $95 and that's pretty normal of you want a nice pair over here. We don't have many cheap brands in sweden (not that i know) I'm usually pretty stingy so the cheaper the better, poor quality doesn't bother me. Haha
  15. GraceKelly


    Cheeeses crist, I'm their biggest fan EVER! Seriously, i know every song, every lyric, i know all about them, have all cd's, concert-dvd's and all I love them so much.. Their music thouch me like nothing else, it's wierd, but i sorta feel a special connection to them. Hard to explain They deserve all credit they can get for being so amazing, not just as the band, but also as persons. All they do for charity and for suffering human all over the world is just amazing, fantastic. And Bono is my favourite-person in the whole world, I adore him soo much. AND I recently got my brand new iPod U2-edition Best ever <3
  16. wohoow, i never knew he was HOT! But I'm agreat fan of his previous bands
  17. ehu.. why would i watch Star Wars III if it wasnt for Hayden being in it? Gaah, he's soooo hot.. So gorgeous <3
  18. I was JUST looking for this very topic! Well, what can i say? He's probably the hottest/cutest/prettiest/most handsome boy i've seen in my entire life.. I can barely watch Desperate Housewives, he seriously makes me drool. A lot..
  19. I totally love this guy! He's soo hot, he's a greaaat actor (and i have a thing for walk the line lol). He's the best, taht's it
  20. Oh I really love him in A walk to remember and ER <3
  21. OMGosh she looks soooo much like my friend Julia! Creepy.. Uhm, since she's from my country and i used to love A teens i just gotta like her... Not her music though, im sorry but i don't like it at all.. But she's very-very pretty
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