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Everything posted by tipi12

  1. Missoni Spring/Summer 2018 Campaign by Harley Weir via: kendallkeek
  2. Behind the Scenes for Tods SS18 Campaign w/ Roberto Bolle source: Tods
  3. This year's show was just boring. Sure, the hair and makeup were nicer. Yes, the performers stayed in their lane. No, you didn't have to deal with Kendall or Gigi (which frankly their absence did not make a single difference or improve the show's quality). And yes, we can't ignore that the diversity this year was fantastic. But can anyone actually say that it looked fun? Exciting? Powerful? Sexy? Entertaining???? It was a snooze fest. A few things I realized with this show: - I might actually prefer performers that threaten the models' runway path because at least they have a tendency to interact with the models more. I think the extremely minimal model/performer interactions this year actually contributed it to looking so boring for me - What did Karlie come back for? - Far too many models hired this year were ill-fit for the show in terms of energy and personality - Speaking of energy, where was it? Seems like everyone left it on the plane - The editing somehow gets worse every year - The dramatization of Ming Xi's fall was unnecessary and kind of a savage move for them. Showing footage of her talking about it being her hometown and her family being there, then showing her crying after. Poor girl, she didn't deserve that - As mentioned a thousand times before in this thread: the outfits were trash. There were so few good outfits and even the good ones were nothing to rave about - I hope they never do that two model thing again that they did in the Punk section because it was awkward and cheesy as hell. Only about 2 pairs actually nailed it and really only one half of each of those pairs (specifically Elsa, she nailed it) Overall I was just so underwhelmed. When you think about the amount or work, planning, production, etc. that goes into this show each year, for the result to be so underwhelming is just crazy and disappointing.
  4. Wow, I finally understand why Martha is an Angel. Her VS work has never impressed me (quite the opposite actually), but she's clearly a fantastic spokeswoman. She comes across very eloquent and charismatic in interviews, I'm impressed
  5. Eh, the difference is that those black women look nothing alike. Maybe the two on the end do, but all three of them posing together does not have the same effect as the photo I previously posted. As a black woman, I would understand that type of comment about these women if they were at least all the same skin tone. But they're not even that, they're very easy to differentiate between even if you don't know their names or who they are, you most likely wouldn't confuse one for the other. Can you honestly say the same about the three women beside Devon? If you didn't actually know their names, who they are as models and invidiuals, etc. and just saw that photo of them? I personally couldn't. And I know that's a common criticism VS gets, so I'm certainly not alone in that thinking. It has nothing to do with bringing another model down, no one is saying anything negative about them. They're beautiful women... they just happen to look extremely similar to one another and that's not their fault. That's just a poor reflection of VS to not expand their horizons when they hire/style women in recent years. And I think the "beauty standards" argument others were making is a weak one. They've changed their beauty standards before, they can change them again. It's definitely possible to maintain a certain standard without choosing handfuls of girls that can easily appear that similar to each other.
  6. A little late here, but some general thoughts: - For all the drama attached to the show this year, it felt like such a non-event when it actually happened. Hopefully the editing will spice it up, but nothing wowed me - Taylor is so tragically awkward to me. I don't understand how anyone would refer to her as a bombshell. Sure, her face is pretty, but a pretty face only goes so far. She always looks stiff and uncomfortable on the runway and like the word "sexy" would make her cringe or giggle like a child - I've probably watched Martha's end of the runway pose/arm gestures 15 times just to laugh. I'm very confused as to what made her think that was a good idea - Candice's opening was nothing special, and I agree with others that previously said she doesn't seem to have as much spark as before. Idk what it is, but her face seems very harsh/sharp lately and the hair is a mess. Too long, too blonde, roots too grown out - Sad that Ale's leaving, but not surprised. She barely works for the brand anymore, spends most of her time in LA or on vacation with her family. I'm more surprised she didn't attempt to venture into acting years ago - On the contrary, I hope Adriana never leaves because she really holds the show together for me. She is Victoria's Secret - Very happy to see many more black/brown faces than in previous years. Probably the most ethnically/racially diverse show of theirs that I've noted in recent years. Still, they could tone it down on hiring a plethora of girls that look exactly like each other. I was looking at backstage pics on Vogue.com and like: You can't convince me that this is not just a picture of Devon and the same girl replicated three times. - Lais KILLED it. Was a little nervous for her because despite her always being a bombshell, the VS runway has never been her strongpoint. But she looked great and it was so well- deserved. Still not over how stunning that bra is. - Is it just me, or were 95% of the outfits ugly? The show has transformed from a sexy, lingerie show into a frat party costume contest. Lastly, I wonder how many more years we'll continue to get a show from VS, because it's a total money pit. VS has been struggling for years, and the show just seems like unnecessary money down the drain. How much of that money do they actually get back? Do they even turn a profit from this show? Genuinely curious, so if anyone knows or could find information about it please send it my way
  7. She's the highest paid model of the year, dethroning Gisele who's been #1 since 2002: https://www.forbes.com/sites/natalierobehmed/2017/11/21/highest-paid-models-2017-kendall-jenner-ousts-gisele-with-22-million/amp/
  8. The video was released in February when it was filmed, Bella had posted it to her instagram story and it got immediate backlash on twitter so it was very quickly deleted from her story. It just became a hot topic again when Gigi announced on instagram that she'd be walking the Shanghai show.
  9. No part of me believe that Gigi's not going out of her teams' paranoia for "safety concerns." When Gigi was attacked last year, her body guard had to hold her back because she started chasing after the guy. Unless their safety concerns are that she'll be arrested or something of that nature, I highly doubt that's why she's not going. I think it's far more likely to have to do with the visa situation. Last year was last year. Her actions caused problems this year and from the moment she confirmed herself for this year's show, people were pissed.
  10. See, I'm not so sure I really buy that this "transformation" had to happen for her career. Has her career drastically transformed as a result of her dramatic weight loss? In terms of the types of clients and opportunities she books, no. VS hired her for her first show at one of her heaviest weights. She was walking for Versace and Tommy Hilfiger (her two biggest fans) at her heaviest. She hasn't suddenly started to book shows or campaigns for brands that notoriously hire stick-thin girls. Her career has expanded and exploded because she has excellent people managing her and they've been able to transform her into a stand-alone brand: Gigi x Everything. But her body had little to do with that. It just allowed her to be slightly more accepted by fashion fans, who lets face it, have little to no influence over which way her career heads anyway. I personally miss her fuller-figured body. I think in general she looked much more lively.
  11. ^ she was shooting the Tods SS18 campaign.
  12. Thank you. But moving on, I'd be happy to see Ariana again, she had a good vibe with the girls and wasn't overly distracting. It'd also be a nice surprise because she hasn't remotely been on my radar as a candidate for this year's show. I didn't consider Zayn either (particular because of his anxiety struggles and frequent cancellations of performances), but if VS could swing that somehow and guarantee that he'd show up, they'd probably be over the moon to have some interaction between him & Gigi
  13. I completely agree with you that just because someone is successful doesn't mean everyone has to enjoy their work. That's obvious. But I don't think it's about enjoying it as much as it's about acknowledging or respecting their artistry and the work they put in. There are so many iconic artists out there whose voices, performances, etc. I can't stand. But that doesn't mean I'm willing to discredit what they've been able to legitimately accomplish and simply chalk them up to being annoying or overrated because I don't like them. They're just not my taste. That doesn't mean their success is unwarranted or undeserving or that the impact they've made in music is simply because they get hyped up a lot. And Taylor was a disaster, they handled it but not well IMO. She took a lot of attention away from the girls and it was the Taylor + girl gang show, rather than the VSFS. Ariana didn't bother me much. Gaga wasn't terrible either, she mostly stayed in her lane but it's hard to ignore her in general because she is outrageous (in a good way, but not necessarily for VS)
  14. Girl, it ain't that serious. I know what slander means, I wasn't being literal just like I'm not literally dying because someone said something negative about her . I get that everyone has their own opinion. Edit: Also, I hate Rihanna but her 2 second walk upstaged every model's on the runway the year she performed, so I'd be down for a repeat of that. But I have a feeling she's never coming back to VS.
  15. The Beyonce slander is killing me (& making me roll my eyes, if there's anyone that actually lives up to their hype, it's her), but I agree that she's not right for VS. For me, she is undoubtably one of the greatest living artists we have today, and not because of her voice (though she is a great singer whether you enjoy the sound of her voice or not), but because she's a true performer in every aspect of what it means to be one. And frankly, that's not what VS needs. They need someone who's not a performer (shouldn't be too hard to find, most artists these days don't give true performances which is really what makes someone like Beyonce stand out amongst her peers) and who can just stand there and sing alongside the models while interacting with them on a minimal level- enough for it to be fun, but not too much where it becomes a distraction. Beyonce is also a much bigger name than any girl that will walk the show. Not only could I never see her agreeing to be apart of VS (what benefit would it provide to her?), I can't see it working out in their favor if they want to focus on the actual models and lingerie part of the show. It would basically just become a televised Beyonce concert in viewers eyes, which I'm sure viewers wouldn't mind, but it would completely defeat the purpose of the show.
  16. Alexander Wang FW17 Campaign by Juergen Teller
  17. Alexander Wang FW17 Campaign by Juergen Teller
  18. Daily Front Row Media Issue photographed by Eric Ray Davidson
  19. I mean, walking in a La Perla show once or twice is very different to being contracted to them. Most of the models named before weren't in any type of contract with them. They did a campaign or two, or they walked the show recently. If Kendall is contracted to them that's a whole different story, especially if as claimed by TMZ, there's a non-compete clause. I'm pretty sure Irina actually has a non-compete clause in her Intimissi contract and she had to be granted permission to walk VS last year. It was something that was discussed back and forth in last year's thread when there was still a lot of uncertainty over whether she was walking or not. I honestly don't think Kendall or VS had any interest in each other this year. But I also wouldn't get too excited. Just because she's not walking this year doesn't mean she won't be back for next year (which I fully expect to see her next year, especially as this story keeps making its rounds). And yes, @Sanni she's pretty much had the worst year of her life from a publicity standpoint. That Pepsi commercial destroyed any credibility she might've possessed and since then pretty much everything she's done received backlash. I'd argue a lot of brands view her as a liability at this point; people are so turned off by her presence that they're ready to boycott anything with her name attached.
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