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Jessica Alba

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Jessica Alba Outsmarts Sneaky Allergies

The movie and TV star shares her lifelong struggles with allergies and how she beat her hidden triggers.

By Bonnie Siegler

Reviewed by Health Monitor Medical Advisory Board


For over a decade, Jessica Alba has taken down the bad guys on TV (in Dark Angel) and in movies like The Fantastic Four, in which she plays a superhero with the power to make herself invisible. It's no small irony, then, that the actress fell to a foe in a seemingly safe place: "The laundry room!" reveals the 31-year-old wife and mother of two girls. "I was using a 'baby-safe' detergent and developed hives. I thought, No way am I putting this on a newborn," says Jessica.

In fact, hidden allergy triggers—like the mysterious ingredient in that detergent—have plagued Jessica since childhood. "I spent a lot of time in the hospital as a kid. My asthma and allergies were so severe, my throat would close up. I often had pneumonia. I even had a collapsed lung."

While her scariest allergic reactions diminished over time, Jessica still had symptoms. "I later realized that when I avoided fragrances and certain products—especially detergents and harsh cleansers—it eliminated a lot of my reactions," notes Jessica. "That was kind of a breakthrough moment for me: knowing you can control your environment and have an effect on your health."

Soon, Jessica was inspired to cofound The Honest Company, which sells allergen-free products. Here, she shares breathe-easy tips.

Be prepared!

"I always carry an inhaler, and once after eating Brazil nuts on a plane—I'm allergic to those, but didn't see them in the mix—I had to quickly use my inhaler and get oxygen from the crew."

Tip: If you have food allergies, alert the airline before you fly and ask if they have special seating (e.g., nut-free area).

Hone your focus.

Millions of people are allergic to indoor allergens, says the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology. The No. 1 offender? Dust mites! "Yes, I'm allergic to dust mites, too!" says Jessica. "But it's hard to avoid it completely."

Tip: If dust mites are an issue, focus on banning them from your bedroom (where we spend the most time), especially on drapes, carpets and bedding. Remove throw rugs; try to replace curtains with plastic or vinyl blinds.

Suss out triggers.

Even after nixing harsh cleaning products, Jessica still had symptoms. Then she noticed a pattern: They usually occurred after eating. "I realized if I avoided certain food preservatives and pesticides, I was fine."

Tip: Keep a symptom diary. For example, do you wheeze while jogging? You may have exercise-induced asthma. Review the diary with your doctor and ask if you would benefit from treatment.

Published March 2013


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Jessica Alba Gets Honest

The mommy mogul talks babies, books, beauty


She’s best known for kicking ass in movies like Sin City and Fantastic Four. But nowadays Jessica Alba is a part of her own Fantastic Four with hubby Cash Warren and daughters Honor and Haven, and the only ass she kicks is that of household toxins!

Yup, the gorgeous mommy is one of the founders of The Honest Company, which is devoted to providing safe, non-toxic products for a happy and healthy home. We chatted with her about the eco-friendly line a while back, and caught back up with her to learn more about her new book, The Honest Life!

What was the concept behind The Honest Company and The Honest Life?

The concept really was high performance, beautiful designs, designed affordable, and then obviously non-toxic. I feel like the modern family, the modern woman expects the products to not only be high-performance, but obviously non-toxic. We never expect it to affect our health. And when I found out that conventional products in the market place had all of these toxic chemicals in them that could lead to harmful things from allergies, asthma, learning disabilities, endocrine disrupters, hormonal disrupters, cancers…I was just like, “this is nuts!”…The book really breaks down the toxic chemicals that are in everything from your household cleaning detergents to your beauty products, to fabrics, to furnishings, to paint, flooring or anything that will off-gas, and how to avoid them and how to make better choices.

Our editor-in-chief at FabFitFun, Katie, just had her first baby, actually…


We will tell her you said that! So, if there was one product, what would be the first one that she should get as a new mom?

There’s not just one product that you need as a new mom…[but] certainly the diapering is a big thing. Because she’s going to be changing the baby all day long. And the mattress because the baby spends really the first year of their life they spend most of their life sleeping. And you want to make sure that they have a safe place to sleep. So either invest in a natural mattress — and usually they’re more expensive so if you can’t swing for that (or if you got one at your baby shower or one handed down) put a non-toxic mattress cover over it to make sure that your baby doesn’t get any of the off-gassing from the [plastic flilling in the] mattress.

What is your typical beauty routine and your exercise and fitness routine?

I should have a better answer for the fitness routine. It’s really inconsistent. I wish it was more consistent. I have good intentions but I keep falling short. Um, and then beauty: I drink water, I try to get sleep. I don’t sleep as much as I should. Drink plenty of water, wash your face at night. And I think as far as colored cosmetics go…I found that it was really challenging to found reds, and oranges, and pinks — strong pigments that didn’t have lead. But I found them, and they’re in the book!

Do you eat carbs?

Ya, (as I’m adjusting my belt) Um ya, I do. I really should lower my intake. But y’know if you eat whole foods and whole grains, that’s good. I try to make like a big pot of legumes and grains on the weekend. And then I kind of sprinkle it throughout their meals throughout the week and our meals as well so we can have salads, or we can have it as a side dish, or we can add pasta to it.

And as a busy mom, what does it take to stay organized?

Labeling and organizing, and even picking out my clothes and the kids’ clothes out at night. So in the morning we can just get it done. And I can tell my husband to go get them dressed and have them not walk out in some crazy outfit. Because my daughter, especially my 4-year-old, y’know will wear whatever kind of craziness and I’m like, “that is not weather appropriate, even.” “She can’t wear sandals with tights, when it’s raining outside — what’s going on?! Tights are not pants!” and he’s like, “But they’re thick,” and I’m like, “Right, but they’re tights. They’re not pants!…oi vey.” So if you pick it out the night before, it’s all good.

xx, The FabFitFun Team

Posted on April 9, 2013


Thursday, March 21, 2013

the honest life

last week i had the occasion to meet jessica alba and ask her a few questions about the release of her new book <a href="http://www.honestlif...keycode=228261" target="_blank">the honest life. i've already written about the honest company and was more than happy to attend a little poolside celebration in honor of her new book at the mondrian in west hollywood.

jessica's book is about living a more beautiful, holistic life. realizing that what's good for you doesn't necessarily have to cost a fortune or negatively impact the environment. some things i already knew, some were eye opening. it's great to have a little cheat sheet on the top 12 most important fruits and veggies to buy organic if possible or a refresher on the importance of having everyone take their shoes off when they enter my home. it was such a pleasure meeting this sweet mother of two vibrant girls and hearing a little about her perspective on motherhood and the honest company.

what is one value that your mother instilled in you that you would like to pass on to your children as they grow?

having respect for myself and respect for others. that is two big things that i try to instill in honor. the baby is too young to really get it but now that honor is a little more aware, we talk to her about what's appropriate. we travel a lot. we talk to her about being kind. to our planet, to animals, to her friends, to strangers. you don't need to act cuckoo bananas and throw yourself on the ground. you can communicate with mom and talk about things even when you're not getting your way. it's not always easy, she certainly has her moments.

my husband thinks i'm a bit too intense with it. i'm constantly reminding her and hope it will eventually sink in. and certainly leading by example. i'm not sitting there treating people poorly and so i hope that in itself will rub off on her.

it's kind of comforting to know that however different our every day realities might be that we all have the same parenting rewards and struggles. i look forward to more from this lovely mama. thanks for having me honest!

my dress -

ace & jig


The Honest Company and The MOMS Celebrate Jessica Alba and her new book “The Honest Life” at the Mondrian Los Angeles.


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Celeb Chat with Nancy O'Dell: Jessica Alba

Actress and mompreneur Jessica Alba has a jam-packed schedule these days, with her new book, The Honest Life, out this month and a role in the animated family-friendly flick Escape From Planet Earth. We chatted with the mom of daughters Honor, age 4, and Haven, 19 months, about eco awareness and how motherhood changed her for the better.

By Nancy O'Dell, cohost of Entertainment Tonight


Nancy O'Dell: You cofounded The Honest Company, a subscription service that delivers nontoxic baby and household goods to families. How did you become interested in eco-friendly items?

Jessica Alba: I created the company purely out of my wants and needs as a parent. My personal concern was the safety of my baby. I was worried about petroleum-based chemicals that are in everything from shampoo to the absorbent material in diapers and are linked to health issues like obesity, autism, ADHD, and childhood cancers.

We just released three new cleaning products. I did all of the scents because I'm a bit of an essential-oil freak: ours smell fresh, clean, and light. You'll be happy to spray them all over your house, and you won't have to worry about your baby or yourself getting sick as a result.

What message do you hope moms take away from your book?

An eco home can still be colorful, fun, and eclectic. Also, I want to encourage moms to ask questions and read labels. That was my biggest eye-opener when I became a mother for the first time. I had no idea that this was even an issue!

You've got so much on your plate, but you don't seem frazzled. How do you balance it all?

Um, I don't! Oh, God. I'm terrible at it! I always feel like I'm compromising something. But my priorities really lie in my children and their health and well-being. So as long as my kiddos are good and happy, then I just kind of figure everything else out.

What have you learned from being a mom?

Really mundane things are the best part of my day, like reading stories to the girls or singing songs with them. Honor comes into my room first thing in the morning if I don't steal her in the middle of the night to have a sleepover. My idea of perfection has definitely changed. Being perfect is being flawed, accepting it, and trying your best. Otherwise you'd go crazy.


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Monday, 15 April 2013

Jessica Alba still cherishes designer knit

Jessica Alba's first designer purchase was an Alber Elbaz for Lanvin "big knit".

Jessica Alba's first designer piece was an Alber Elbaz "big knit".

The actress was living in Canada at the time of her purchase, spending the majority of her time in hotels.

Jessica joked the jumper has such fond memories for her she doubts whether she'd even allow her daughters to inherit it.

"I got this big knit by Alber Elbaz for Lanvin. It was like cashmere wooley thing with gold thread and giant cable. I still have it and it is massive. And I just can't part with it because it was the most expensive thing I had ever seen in my life. It was so cosy. It rained for like ten months a year, and we were shooting in the dark most of the time. To have that cosy sweater, it was like the best thing ever," Jessica explained to The Coveteur. "I will let them [my daughters] borrow it... I don't know if I will give it to them."

The author of The Honest Life also bought flashy designer pieces when she started earning her own money. Jessica joked that the items she got herself are stereotypically things men gift women at the start of relationships.

"I also bought these like weird flower-like yellow Céline kitten heels from their resort collection. I don't know what I was thinking," she laughed. "And a Prada bag when they did that bowler series. I am so dating myself."

© Cover Media Group 2013



5 Questions with Jessica Alba

The actress, entrepreneur and mom on her healthy habits and latest obsessions.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013 | Q Editors

In co-founding The Honest Company, her line of eco-chic diapers, wipes and cleaning products, Jessica Alba has made launching a company look easy. But of course it's not, especially when (as is the case for the actress and mother of two,) you already have a day job. We asked Alba for a bit of insight into her hectic yet healthy world.

Favorite workout:

I like doing dance cardio classes, and low power yoga but I actually don't like working out at all. It is not fun, I need music to drown out my inner voice that is telling me, I hate this and to stop and that I should drink a glass of wine right now.

Favorite health food or drink:

Water! Seriously, it betters everything. You should try to get as much water in you as possible.

Best career advice she's ever gotten:

I've received a lot of career advice but I think the best is, if you can be derailed from your path, then that is the right path to take.

Latest obsession:

I have a few fashion obsessions, I am loving the crazy color combinations and mixed patterns, Kenzo and Narcisco Rodriguez for Kohl's is really accessible. I also loved the early 90's. Versace, thats where it was at.

Advice to get through the day:

Keep it moving....just keep it moving!


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out in LA 4/21/13

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