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Robin Wright: "Je ne perds pas facilement espoir"

La comédienne s'est confiée à Gala


Une âme authentique et fière doublée d’une actrice talentueuse et discrète… Gérard Darel s’est choisi pour égérie une femme moderne à la quarantaine éclatante. Rencontre.

Elle est vive, menue. Pressée. Sa poignée de main est franche, son sourire si lumineux qu’il lui mange le visage. La vie, la solitude, la quarantaine, l’espoir, et puis Sean Penn, le père de ses enfants… L’actrice américaine se raconte. Plus sereine et confiante en l’avenir qu’elle ne l’a sans doute jamais été.

Gala: Le vêtement est-il le reflet de ce que la femme vit ou ressent, de la manière dont elle appréhende sa propre existence?

Robin Wright : C’est pour elle une façon comme une autre d’exprimer ce qu’elle a en elle, oui. Et je suis persuadée que plus elle avance en âge et plus cela se vérifie.

Gala: Vous, comment vous sentez-vous aujourd’hui?

R. W. : En plein jetlag. Ceci dit, vous me voyez comme je suis tous les jours. Jean, pull, blouson de cuir… C’est mon uniforme à moi.

Gala: Avant Gérard Darel, vous n’aviez jamais accepté de devenir le visage ou l’égérie d’une marque. Celle-ci a donc quelque chose que les autres n’ont pas?

R. W. : D’abord je ne me voyais pas dans une énorme campagne. Dans des « pubs », comme vous dites ici, qui m’auraient donné l’impression d’être… surexposée. Charlotte Gainsbourg et moi avons une amie commune qui m’a parlé de cette ligne de vêtements. Elle m’a dit qu’à sa tête il y avait des gens bien, elle était sûre que je serais en harmonie avec eux, avec l’esprit de leurs créations et l’image qu’ils souhaitent en donner. Et c’est vrai, non? Moi, j’ai besoin de me sentir en affinité avec les gens avec lesquels je travaille, de partager avec eux une certaine forme de philosophie, d’approche des choses, de pensée.

Gala: Qu’aimez-vous le plus dans la vie que vous menez aujourd’hui?

R. W. : Les voyages. L’Europe, Paris. J’adore être ici. Et puis être seule. Franchement… J’apprécie la solitude, oui. Il y a toujours tant de choses à faire, tant de gens dont il faut s’occuper… Cette nuit, par exemple, impossible de dormir. Alors à quatre heures du matin, je suis sortie, j’ai marché. Personne autour. Juste moi, seule, dans les rues de cette ville incroyable.

Gala: Pour une femme, la vraie vie démarre après quarante ans?

R. W. : On ne se débarrasse jamais totalement de l’inquiétude qui est en soi, des angoisses. Mais quelque chose change, difficile à expliquer. La phase de chaos intérieur est terminée, les événements, les gens n’ont plus la même prise sur vous. Avoir quarante ans ou plus, c’est se réveiller un jour et se dire “ Bon, tu sais quoi ? Ça va aller. Au finish, tout sera ok. ” Votre âme ne vous consume plus, ou plutôt elle ne se consume plus comme avant.

Gala: Vous vous sentez libre, désormais?

R. W. : Je me sens davantage ouverte à la possibilité de l’être, de le devenir vraiment.

Gala : Quel regard portez-vous sur la Robin Wright des eighties, celle des années Santa Barbara?

R. W. : C’était un bébé. Et dans ma bouche le mot prend tout son sens, croyez-moi.

Gala : De toutes les expériences de vie que vous avez connues, le mariage, le divorce d’avec Sean Penn, la naissance de vos enfants, quelle est celle qui vous a le plus appris sur vous-même?

R. W. : Elles m’ont toutes aidé à avancer. Toutes.

Gala : Même si vos enfants (Dylan Frances, vingt ans, et Hopper Jack, dix-sept ans) sont aujourd’hui de jeunes adultes, avez-vous le sentiment qu’ils ont toujours autant besoin de votre aide, de votre présence, de vos conseils?

R. W. : Oui, ça j’en suis sûre. Je pense même que c’est à leur âge qu’ils expriment le plus le besoin d’être guidés. Mes enfants sont tous les deux des esprits indépendants et forts, mais ils croient dans ce que l’être humain a de meilleur. Sean est un père formidable, il a un sens aigu de l’éthique, de la moralité, et n’a jamais transigé avec ces valeurs-là. Il leur a appris comment se conduire dans l’existence, quelle était la seule manière correcte de se comporter avec les gens. Il a fait bien plus que les guider, il s’est imposé naturellement à eux comme un modèle. Regardez ce qu’il fait pour la planète, le désir qu’il a de venir en aide à ceux qui en ont besoin. Tendre la main, c’est important. Et c’est devenu essentiel dans le cœur de mes enfants, qui ont grandi en étant nourris de ses enseignements.

Gala : Votre notoriété, celle dont bénéficiait votre couple, vous ont-elles apporté plus de difficultés que de joies?

R. W. : Cette notoriété dont vous parlez, je ne pense pas l’avoir jamais eue. Je ne suis pas poursuivie par des photographes en permanence, en réalité je ne crois pas correspondre à l’idée que les gens se font d’une célébrité et j’en suis plutôt contente. Sean et moi nous avons quitté Los Angeles lorsque nos enfants étaient petits pour ne pas avoir à subir tout ces désagréments, c’est vrai. Mais à titre personnel, je me considère plutôt simplement comme quelqu’un qui connaît une certaine réussite dans son métier. J’aime être comédienne, je suis payée pour le faire, je suis heureuse de voir ma carrière évoluer comme elle évolue. j’éprouve une immense reconnaissance pour tout ça.

Gala : Vous seriez donc une vraie optimiste?

R. W. : Pas tout le temps, non. Disons plutôt que je ne perds pas facilement espoir.

Propos recueillis par Coraline Lussac

Jeudi 14 avril 2011


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What a beautiful and talented actress. It makes me quite sad that even though she chooses roles in good movies, she doesn't get enough recognition.

I watched her "Chelsea Lately" interview when it was on tv and wanted to post link to it here, but it looks like it's not uploaded on youtube yet :blink:

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Robin Wright "GRAZIA France" May 2011

«I'm not bankable»

By Marguerite Baux, Grazia, 2011

Gildings, Louis XVI style furnitures, heavy curtains, pastoral decorations on the wall. This is there, in the huge lounge of a luxury hotel in the rue de Rivoli, that rises a blonde figure mounted on springs, an elastic walk in very slim black jeans, short boots and a large charcoal sweater with a hole under the arm. More a look for a rock concert than for a presidential suite. Forget the cliches about bloomy forties : Robin Wright is a young girl. Not only because of her prepubescent body line, but of her disarming natural. Alternately laughing, serious, thoughtful, with an expressive face, thin and pale skin, but not fragile either. The portrait of the former Mrs. Sean Penn, often portrayed as a victim of her husband's escapades, sticks bad with her assertive personality. Robin Wright is a true star : not capricious, but headstrong. After the success of The Princess Bride and Forrest Gump, she is famous for having refused the blockbusters Batman and Jurassic Park: her children before her career, the scenarios which speak to her before the war strategy. Today her children are grown, and the shootings come the one after the other with Robert Redford, Ari Folman, David Fincher... She looks mischievous, impatient. But she has always been suspicious of journalists and jumps on any opportunity to talk about something else. To interview Robin Wright is a little like play cat and mouse. And this is not the cat who wins.

You've been a model at 16 years old and have described the experience as traumatic. Why did you do it again for Gérard Darel ?

I knew Charlotte Gainsbourg, it was her who introduced me to Mrs. Darel, and I immediately appreciated her. I do not speak French, she does not speak English, but we are on the same wavelength. And I like what she represents : there is something elegant in her restraint. When you play, you'd better do it for people with whom you feel in harmony.

This is not exactly a role like any other : it is yourself that you play.

It was their intention, and I think they have succeeded. I recognize myself. I have been a model, I know wear clothes, but Peter Lindbergh really knew how to seize me. And at the end, it is always what they want : you.

You have cultivated a certain discretion, and suddenly you agree to play with your image.

What matters is how you play with this image, or rather how you are represented. The fact that it is not like me to do this was also an appeal for me.

It is said you're not interested so much in fashion. In Paris, will you see the fashion shows ?


You said you almost look "French" on the photos. What did you mean ?

Who said that ? Me ? I never said that ! You see, that's why I hate doing interviews...

You hate that ?

So much ! Do not take it for you, it's nothing personal. I'm doing this business since I'm 20 years old, and I always hated it. I also avoid to read articles on my favorite actors, not to be influenced.

And your own image, what do you think of it ? You're said to be quiet, discreet, natural...

That's what you're saying. Of course I prefer this rather than to be hear that I'm a neurotic madwoman cramed full with antidepressants. Thanks God ! But I have no idea of the image I give. This is not my thing. Make the cover of magazines, to give interviews, that's not my job. Judge us on our work instead.

You refused roles in big movies. How do you choose ?

This is a whole thing, it depends on the script, the director, the other actors. Sometimes, you also need to work to earn money.

To "warm the pool" as you say...

Yes, it makes me laugh, it's a sentence I stole from a Hollywood producer. It's so Californian, as saying : "I do have to pay my driver ! Or the champagne, the maid...". (She makes a pause to admire the sunset she says to be "mauve" in French (purple) with a long "o", the eyes lost in the horizon. Not easy to get back on topic).

I found an irresistible interview of you when you were playing in Santa Barbara (reproduced on this website). You said : "I have two oil rigs in Texas (...) If the price of oil goes up, we will have enough money for thirty years."

Oh, it's touching. But it did not work ! The rig has dried up. We get paid back our 5000 dollars investment, but that's it ! I was 20 years old, I was convinced it was a big blow and it could have worked, look at the prices now !

So you could not stop working ?

No ! You know, I do not earn much as an actress, I do mostly low-budget independent films. I'm not in the "box office" category and it will not get better as I get older. I've never done a movie that makes money. Except Forrest Gump, or The Princess Bride, but the budgets were not the same, it was twenty years ago, f... !

And if your daughter wanted to become an actress, would you discourage her ?

Yes, if she has to fight, if she is not good enough. But she is very talented. I want my children to do what they want to do, but I think they are too smart to be actors !

You say you never wanted to be an actress. It is always true ?

I love my job. I've always loved it. But I was never satisfied with my work. I am very critical, I get angry, I want to start all over again and again... I also recommended some other actresses for the roles they offered me... and I was right, they were really better than me !

You can not know until you try.

It is true, and now I realize that. Now I want to try everything. When you're young, you're afraid of failure. You are perfectionist. But in life, you must take the risk of failure, because there may be something magical waiting. Maybe... I try more things now.

To grow old does not seem to worry you.

It does of course. But it is a discipline : to tell to yourself, 47 million times a day, "we must accept it, get over it, because anyway, you grow old" and wake up everyday with a new wrinkle... I go to the gym, but not enough. Besides, it's been four days since I did nothing and I have to go tonight, if not I kill someone !

You pay attention to yourself ?

I smoke, I drink... a little. A few cigarettes per day, and when I go out, I smoke ten or so. I'm more in moderation. But according to the moments of your life, you pass through extremes, of course.

So you happen to be excessive ?


In your couple, you gave the image of someone stable, wise.

Really ? This is funny how people invent stories. Imagination should be reserved for books and movies. It's very annoying to see your life transformed into fiction.

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Robin Wright in Talks to Star in Netflix's 'House of Cards'


The actress is in early negotiations to play the female lead opposite Kevin Spacey.

Robin Wright is in early negotiations to play the female lead opposite Kevin Spacey in Netflix’s first original series, House of Cards.

The hourlong political thriller, based on the book and British miniseries of the same name, comes from Media Rights Capital. The Social Network director David Fincher is helming the pilot and will executive produce the series along with Eric Roth, Josh Donen and Spacey’s Trigger Street Productions partner Dana Brunetti. Beau Willimon (The Ides of March) wrote the pilot and will serve as an executive producer.

Netflix, with more than 20 million subscribers, has committed $100 million for 26 episodes of the drama, outbidding HBO, AMC and others for the series. The subscription service will stream the series exclusively beginning in late 2012.

House of Cards, which is scheduled to begin production on the first 13 episodes in spring 2012, will be Wright’s first TV series regular role since she played Kelly Capwell on the NBC soap Santa Barbara from 1984-88. She next appears in Fincher’s The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo, due in December.

Wright is repped by CAA, Anonymous Content and Ziffren Brittenham.

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Le Figaro - Madame : Mode, Beauté, Société, Célébrités, Art de vivre

Robin Wright : classe à part

Longtemps, cette actrice magnifique s’est réfugiée dans l’ombre de son ex-mari, Sean Penn. Aujourd’hui divorcée, elle continue de tenir la célébrité à distance. À 45 ans, cette anti-star assumée, lumineuse égérie de Gérard Darel, a réintégré le grand mercato hollywoodien. Elle nous confie ses nouveaux principes de vie.

Dans sa suite de l'hôtel Le Meurice, Robin Wright tourne comme une lionne en cage. Ce petit lutin survolté combat le jet lag à coups de champagne, de rire et de fromage français. Officiellement divorcée de Sean Penn après quatorze ans de mariage houleux, l'actrice sort à contre-coeur de l'ombre de son illustre mari, regagne l'arène publique et redécouvre une liberté qu'elle considère sûrement avec un sentiment de vertige mêlé d'appréhension.

Elle est pourtant loin d’être dépourvue d’armes : une forte personnalité, un talent incontestable – on n’a jamais compris pourquoi le Festival de Cannes ne lui avait pas attribué le prix d’Interprétation pour She’s So Lovely en 1997 – et un énorme potentiel de sympathie chez les femmes. Trois raisons parmi d’autres qui font que la maison Gérard Darel l’a choisie comme égérie de ses nouvelles campagnes sobrement shootées par le maître Peter Lindbergh, qui l’adore. Robin Wright, anti-star par nature, célèbre pour avoir refusé des films qui ont fait la gloire et la fortune d’autres, a déserté Los Angeles et ses vanités, le temps d’élever ses deux enfants, Dylan, 20 ans, et Hopper, 17 ans. Elle vient de rallier Hollywood et y retrousse ses manches : elle a enchaîné les participations prestigieuses, avec Robert Redford (The Conspirator) ou David Fincher (The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo).

Assumant fièrement son âge (45 ans) et son absence de retouches esthétiques, cette actrice américaine atypique touche tout autant par sa volonté de ne jamais baisser la garde que par sa fragilité et son discours teinté de désenchantement. Une femme blessée ? On l’ignore, toute allusion à son cher ex-mari ayant pour effet immédiat d’entraîner un verrouillage automatique et de voiler son beau regard bleu d’une ombre menaçante. Rencontre avec une forte tête d’une dignité exemplaire.

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Madame Figaro

«My private life is nobody's affair»


In her suite at Le Meurice, Robin Wright turns like a caged lion. This little overexcited pixie fights jet lag with champagne, laughs and French cheese. Officially divorced from Sean Penn after fourteen stormy years of marriage, the actress goes reluctantly out of the shadow of her illustrious husband, returns to the public arena and discovers a freedom she considers surely with a sense of vertigo mixed with apprehension. She is yet far from being free of weapons : a strong personality, an undeniable talent - we have never understood why the Cannes Film Festival had not given her the Best Actress award for She's So Lovely in 1997 - and a enormous potential of sympathy at women. Three reasons among others that make the house Gerard Darel to choose her as the face of its new campaign soberly shot by the master Peter Lindbergh, who adores her.

Robin Wright, anti-star by nature, famous for having refused movies that have made the fame and fortune of others, deserted Los Angeles and her vanities, the time to raise her two children, Dylan, 20, and Hopper, 17 years. She comes from Hollywood and rolled up her sleeves : she linked some prestigious participations, with Robert Redford (The Conspirator) or David Fincher (The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo). Proudly assuming her age (45 years old) and her lack of cosmetic surgery, this unusual American actress touches as much by her desire to never lower her guard as by her fragility and her speech tinged with disenchantment. A wounded woman ? We do not know, any allusion to her beloved ex-husband having for immediate effect to lead to an automatic locking and to hide her beautiful blue eyes with a menacing shadow. Meeting with a strong head of exemplary dignity.

You're back with a series of movies, some famous directors (Robert Redford, David Fincher) and some ad hoc partners (Brad Pitt). A comeback in force ?

I'm not in the deep end, I've never been in it, but I just followed up some collaborations of quality, which fulfills me. With Fincher for example, it was crazy, an incredible experience. I am blessed to continue to work at 45 years old : my agents really do a great job. (She laughs.)

Your career is unusual, however...

This is exactly what I have expected, and I could not have conceived this job otherwise. There are many people on the market, and many actors are left on the floor. I am grateful to life for getting parts that could have been attributed to others... Competition is fierce, but I've always said we were made for a character or not. This reasoning did not always been profitable to me : these last twenty years, I have often declined film proposals thinking that I would not be at the level of them. Was I right ? I do not know. But I happened to be afraid.

Listening to you, it seems that ambition was not part of the program...

When I decided to become an actress, I also thought that I would have to last. I never fantasized about the instant superstars, those who align all the films and cultivate their huge fame. I have considered and isolated the projects the one after the other, and my questions became a line of conduct, if not a life condition. I look my way as a succession of emotional seasons. At each chapter, I ask myself the same questions : where are you now ? what do you want ? what do you wish ? what are you capable of ? Sometimes you accept a film because you have to earn money, but more often it is for art.

What was happening in the mind of this young girl born in Texas and raised in San Diego ?

I thought I would dedicate my life to humanitarian organizations. I could see myself as a nurse in Africa or elsewhere in refugee camps. What happened to me ? (She laughs.) I do not know what happened... I did some modeling to make money when someone had to say : "You should play, miss..."

What do you remember this experience as a model ?

It was awful. I was 17, I was a second-class model. I was too small to march, but I did a lot of catalogues, beauty and lingerie pictures. I even posed for La Redoute ! I worked in Paris, Milan, Munich. I do not remember exactly, but I know that the experience was traumatic. It is a brutal and totally unfair competition, since it is not based on talent, but only on physique : you are not treated as a woman, but as a specimen. I ran the castings to hear that I did not have good teeth, good legs and not the wrong butt. You are 17 years old and you think : is that the world ? This is completely destructive. I has hardened me and moved me away from vanities.

Then there was the soap Santa Barbara, who made you famous...

Oh ! It's another world, another life. It was twenty-five years ago. I hardly remember... Not that I erased it from my memory, but it's very far away. What I can say is that I was very happy to have a recurring role that allowed me to learn all the tricks of the job and techniques to memorize miles of texts. And then I shot the movie The Princess Bride (in 1987), and they liquidate my character in Santa Barbara before resurrecting it since I contractually had to finish the season... It's all so far ! (She laughs.)

It was during those years that you became a celebrity...

I was never a celebrity and I'm still not, thank you God ! I have always fiercely defended my private life. When I see the fate reserved to Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt, two great human beings, I'm angry. Leave them alone ! And when we dare say that the violation of privacy is part of the package, I fly off the handle. Promotion, red carpets ? O.K. My Privacy ? No way ! It's nobody's business, especially not a bunch of fanatic piranhas... God thank you, I did not know that.

However, you are exposed as a Darel ambassador. Do you enjoy to be a beauty muse ?

A beauty muse ? Please ! Some mornings, I do look like nothing, even if I'm like everyone else and that I want to be found pretty. And like everyone else too, I would like to be different. To have nice breasts, for example...

It is possible...

I will never do that ! I prefer to stay with my ugly little tits... (She laughs.) I had breasts before the birth of my children, and then presto ! they disappeared...

You are perfect...

Please ! I'm 45, and it's hard to grow old. You wake up one morning and discover a wrinkle that was not there yesterday. What to do ? To welcome it ! (She laughs.) I will never make a face lift, I will never touch my lips. When I see it on other women, it terrifies me and makes me want to cry.

Can a non-retouched actress continue to work in the United States ?

I'll tell you soon... But look at Annette Bening : she is fabulously 50 years old. The worst part of this story is that these new physical condition the audience's look : soon they will hide their eyes when they discover a wrinkle in their families. Maybe we should go to live in Africa ! (She smiles.)

Do you feel American ?

I am a Californian who loves Europe. I'd love to live here. To play with Yvan Attal, who is a friend. I like the way you live. In America, you work day and night and you have lunch in your car. I love the idea of ​​taking my time, even if the French talk too much : they say in a quarter of an hour what an American summed up in one sentence. You like to listen to you, don't you ? (She laughs.)

You don't ! It seems that you hate interviews...

You can not imagine how ! I hate talking about myself. And this is not always a service to actors than to let them talk. Sometimes I read an interview of Mr. So-and-so, I do not like his answers, I do not like his views or what he stands for, and, as a result, I would almost not want to consider his work and go to see his movies anymore, which is unfair. And you know it, basically, all these interviews, it's just some disguised "gossiping". What do journalists want to take from us ? Gossip and indiscretions, nothing else...

You obviously have temperament. About you, the filmmakers evoke a big inner strength...

I'm strong to some degree. Sometimes it's just automatic piloting. I can be vulnerable or even with no will. For example, I am unable to stop smoking, I'll probably never stop, and it is a weakness. My strength, however, is the understanding of others. I can not share a point of view, but I'm always in acceptance. It is a gym that I constantly practice : learning to be positive. I rely a lot on hope and faith. I hope to one day make a profit of it that would take the form of harmony or a semblance of harmony...

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