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Kim Cloutier


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Her interview

What was your reaction to getting into the Swimsuit Issue? I was so happy. Oh my God, I was so excited, I called all my family and I told them the good news. I had dreamed about that day for a long time. It's huge, it's really big and the day I made it I just said, 'Wow!' I had to sit down and take a deep breath after I found out and then I called everyone.

In all honesty, is modeling really that hard? I would say the job isn't, but all the preparation is. All the traveling to get to the jobs and being on your own is the hardest part. Staying at different hotels by yourself and not being around your friends and family is hard, but the job itself is not that hard. The hardest part is being on your own and being in amazing cities that you would like to share with someone else, but you're there and all alone. Again, it's great to see all these cities that I would never had seen had it not been for this job.

At what point in your career do you know you've made it? I think it was when I found out I got into Sports Illustrated. That's when I knew I had made it. It's like a confirmation that you're doing a good job and have reached another level. It's just another level.

Happiness is... Happiness is love. Its simplicity and love, that's all.

If you could change one thing in the past year, what would it be? Honestly nothing, I don't have any regrets.

What makes you feel sexy? I feel sexy when I look in a man's eyes and he's looking at me. If he's looking at me a certain way, I feel sexy. When I work and I'm all made up I feel sexy, too, but sexy is how you feel, what you reflect and the way people look at you. That's sexier than being made up.

Who is your dream guy? I have to say Tom Welling from Smallville. I just think he's hot. In the show he's Superman and he has a great personality and he has these beautiful eyes.

Do real guys have a shot? Sure, the more real, the better. I prefer a guy who is not in this business so they can bring you back to earth and make you realize there is something else in this world besides modeling and celebrity.

How much attention do you pay to nutrition and exercise, or is it all natural? Every time I have a chance, I'm going to try to train and eat well; it's a question of health. Of course I need to do it for my job, but it's more a question of being healthy and eating properly and training so I can stay in shape and be healthy. It's hard when you travel but I train sometimes in my hotel room. I have a little routine when I'm in my hotel room but, of course, it's harder when you travel. I use my own body weight so I don't need any weights or equipment.

If you had to play matchmaker for a day, what celebrities would you pair up? I would pick the funniest guy, who is Jim Carey and the funniest girl, who is Tina Fey. That would be a great couple.

What meal do you miss from home? I miss all of my mom's meals. The typical meal we have in Montreal that I miss is poutine. It's so good. It's the one thing I miss from because it's so good.

Every girl has her dating checklist. What are your top three deal breakers when dating? I don't like if a guy burps or farts on the first date. Please, save it for later. I also don't like it when a guy loves himself so much or thinks that he's prettier than everyone else. No thank you. I also wouldn't want a guy who would say he wanted to marry me on the first date.

What is your most memorable first? I remember my first modeling job back home for Elle Quebec and I was so nervous. It was hot but we had to wear winter clothes. It was the hottest time in the summer and we had to wear winter clothes and I fainted. It was my first shoot and I said no one is ever going to want to work with me again. It was so hot.

People have said I look like... It's always different celebrities, but some people say I look like Avril Lavigne. I don't see it, but thank you.

The world's hottest athlete is... I have to choose a hockey player, so I'll say José Théodore who used to be the goalie for the Montreal Canadiens.

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