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Bar Refaeli


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hello :wave:

I'm a Bar fan so i'll be posting here frequently now lol..

Who knows maybe Bar will stay in Israel throughout her birthday maybe not.... but i understand why she wants to spend time there because she hasn't spent much time in israel this whole year if you really think about it. She's mostly been in los Angeles from what i've noticed recently.

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oh one more thing...

I've been reading the posts about Bar and her work. Personally i believe she is the one cutting back on her workload, she hasn't done much this year but i think thats how she wants it, i have a feeling she's more concerned about her friends and family now. She definately has enough exposure to be working frequently like she did before. For example before she got the sports illustrated cover she was working alot more, but since she's gotten that cover not as much ( she's said that was her biggest dream) she accomplished that dream. She's not working AT ALL it seems and that sort of proves it's more her choice since now she's more well known than she's ever been before in her career.

I've read an article that was posted here in hebrew and she said she's not interested in the runway thing (can't remember her exact words) Also there was an article posted here awhile back and she said that when she turns 25 she wants to cut back or do something else (again i can't remember the exact quote) Do you guys remeber what page that article was on? i think it was mid year of last year i'm not sure but its driving me nuts i want to read it over again lol

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I am Bar fan (when bar is working haha)

sure it is better to be here after all the flights

and most of the people Bar meeting in her work are not her friends

just work people and all family and friends are in Isarel

also very hot and nice weather

they wrote Bar has a flat in Yoo towers living alone is this right?

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Hi ienergy

sorry I can't really understand what you wrote.. But she probably has a place in Israel last year I read she had a place for what 10,000 a month and that her brother keeps it when she's not there. However, lol she apparently doesn't use it often she's mostly living in Los Angeles ( she officially lives in Los Angeles now it seems) I think that place is just for when she goes on a vacation to Israel and her brother lives there most of the time it's a good investment though to own property. But Who knows if that's true...

Ps where did you read she has a place in the yoo towers is it recent enough that you can post the article? The article I'm talking about was from last year....

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I think it is about time that Bar wil have her own place even in Israel and start be on her own as why a 25 years old need to live with her mother or have a place with other people?

paying so much on a proerty and not using it? what investment is this to rent it

if Bar buy this or buying houses on her name it is something else but for now it is nothing on her name

Why to live in L.a.? the fashion works are in europe or New york no?

my house is a bit nicer than Bar one

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Well her boyfriend lives in Los Angeles Ienergy lol that's a good reason to live in la for her i guess...

yup those articles you posted are dated from last year, so i guess the rumour that her brother stays there is true since she's obviously not there often.

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Well her boyfriend lives in Los Angeles Ienergy lol that's a good reason to live in la for her i guess...

yup those articles you posted are dated from last year, so i guess the rumour that her brother stays there is true since she's obviously not there often.

sorry can not tell Leo is her boyfriend yet

in the photos they always look far away and not so happy better for Bar to use this house and enjoy Israel

never saw them even hand in hand like 15 years old...

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Lol ienergy you are very strange you were just talking about a wedding a few days ago. So you are not making any sense. Bar has not been to Israel for over a month she has been with her boyfriend the whole time so she's obviously just giving her family aNd friends some of her time too. They article even said she was taking a vacation to Israel. Everyone knows they are a private couple so it's no surprise we don't see them all lovey dovey in public lol. She'll be back in Los Angeles very soon

nothing you post seems to make much sense no offence, like for example thinking you saw bar refaeli walking in the beach with her iPhone. Contradicting by saying your a fan of bar and then dissing her a little while later.

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lol ok good i'm not the only one. just curious ienergy why even bother posting here your comments are way out there plus michal can post the bar news that comes from israel. you don't need to post here no one seems to like what you post <_<

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lol ok good i'm not the only one. just curious ienergy why even bother posting here your comments are way out there plus michal can post the bar news that comes from israel. you don't need to post here no one seems to like what you post <_<

Hi daisy, (or may I say Melinda!... lol) nice to see that you joined this amazing forum!!

WELCOME!!! :heart:

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Bar is on the cover of Germany gala men :heart:


ps. lol ya noone is dumping anyone we have all just seen how much time leo and bar spent together. Bar even said in that article from people that she spends most of her time with leo. Now she's spending time with family its only fair lol. She even said how its important to balance lovelife with friends same thing like her boyfriend does too. They are alot alike in that regard. That's so true fashiondream they were just looking for an apartment together in NYC and all those marriage rumours plus bar's grandmother loves leo if he was such a bad guy her grandma wouldn't say that since bar is close to her lol.

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Barbieerin do you know leo? How can you say he's a womanizer you can't go by the tabloids lol. i doubt Bar will dump leo sorry. They recently went looking for an apartment together and the day before bar left she spent mothers day with leo's mom... so things look well for them!

yes, that was seems pretty good between them, but suddenly the cheating rumours started again.

and someone twitted that her friend had sex with Leo in his apartment while Bar was away (in Israel). after the "Maxim" party. :anger:

dont know if its true but the situation doesn't seems very well suddenly. :/

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hi michal :wave:

Anyone can tweet something like that it could be anyone of us or one of the haters lol. Where did you find that tweet lol i'm curious... Whenever bar and leo spend time apart these rumours start but then we see them together soon after so it's a pattern its the same thing with all the other celebrity couples who aren't married in my opinion...

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People can believe what they want but I personally don't believe gossip stories or someone just saying something on twitter or something unless it is verified - I mean honestly, are you gonna believe something like that just cause someone twitted it? :yuckky: . Leo goes to parties (which he is allowed to do, he isn't married or engaged) and of course women are gonna flock to him and try to get his attention and if he wants to flirt (if he did) that's okay too. The People item (which I believe more than the other gossipier sites) said he went to some club or party but ignored all the women,just stuck by his guy friends. btw, apparently Leo is now in India or somewhere looking into endangered tigers and then today I read he went to some event in Russia.

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