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Bar Refaeli


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^^Was that suppose to make sense?

I like how when these 'newcomers' make their first post, it's always in this thread, and always something that has to do with Leo. That's not suspicious AT ALL. I don't see why these people....or should I say person feels the need to constantly bash on Bar. Don't they have anything else better to do with their time?

Anyways, Bar is now on the VS website! The swim pics have fiiiinally been posted

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part from the interview that Bar give to the Israeli newspaper "Yediot Haharonot" in friday, septenber 18:

she said that the first three things that shes looking in a man are: 1. magic, 2. smile, 3. eyes.

she think that prettiest man in the world is her father and Fredie Lombart.

she doesnt have a problem when mans are crying, but not when its to much.

she send and get somthing like 40-50 SMS every day.

she said that theres no rules in dating. and then she add, "theres no relationship that moving/getting stronger too fast".

about cheating: "maybe you can forgive about it for the short time, but its will allways stay in your mind. its never happend to me, but if its will, then I'll never forgive".

make-up sex: "its defends about what the fight was about".

the biggest 'turn-off' in a man: "when he is looking to much in the mirror, and allways cares what he looks like. the thing that most do it for me its when a man doesnt cares what he looks like".

the biggest compliment that you ever got from a boyfriend: we drived car next to car, and the he sent me a text massage, 'you are beautiful', just becouse she was so simple I liked her so much, she was the most magical".

you ever got dumped? "no."

what makes you loose confident in yours relationship: "its never happend to me. the guys thay I dated with was allways amazing and sweet. but in the other hand, when someone is playing with me 'hard to get', and doesnt show respect for me- its happend to me."

the best gift that you ever got fron your boyfriend: "hand lace that I sew in someone's hand, I liked it alot and asked her who was the diseger, she told me his name but I forgot. so I serch it everywhere and didnt find it. and then, my boyfriend at that time, sew it in other girl hand and ask her where she buyed it, and then he suprised me and buy it to me at my birthday".

I made the tranletion, so maybe some words are worng. hope you'll forgive me. ;)

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Great new pictures of Bar shopping in New York! Thanks michal and thanks Vampire for the enlargements!!! :) I noticed how she concentrates on text-messaging on her Blackberry while walking.... :p She looks serious doing it!

Prettyphile, these Barcelona fashion show pics are among my favorites! Thanks for posting them, I love them!

Thanks michal for the interview. When did that article appear exactly and for what occasion was she interviewed? Because these things were already said about her and lots of those answers come from the interview she gave for SI, Swinsuit Edition, in 2008. Sorry to ask, but so many inaccurate interviews and unreliable sources are displayed about Bar on the net!

Palmtreechick, thanks for the alert about Bar appearing now on VS's website! Cool! ;) I particularly like this photo.


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^^To be honest, I prefer more Bar pictures instead of pages of gossip. But that's just me, so what the EFF do I know.

most definitely agree with you, I cant stand all the pages with no pics

I think the problem isn't pages without pictures but pages without pictures AND unnecessary words... when words comes to interesting things about Bar I think is great, we all want to know about her...

So, let's hope people stop this eternal Leo-Bar thing. It's obvious people like him or do not like him, or them together so that's it, that's life.. we don't need to discuss that every single time.

Sorry, just my opinion :B

And well... as solange_09 said (it was you, right?) when I actualy see pictures and not "a source", I'll be happy to know if she's w/ someone. And yeah, no matter who is it, if it's her choice, then I just wish the best for her.

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