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Bar Refaeli


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sorry by the israeli newspaper bar is now dating tedi

it was publised everytwhere and also in big time in the financail newspaper

in one big article

Single life is working for her! :wave: And Leo is flirting with everything in a skirt!!! Glad to know that they've both moved on! She looks great and I'm sure she will find another stable guy! Keep those pictures coming! :kiss:
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Single life is working for her! :wave: And Leo is flirting with everything in a skirt!!! Glad to know that they've both moved on! She looks great and I'm sure she will find another stable guy! Keep those pictures coming! :kiss:

What do you mean single life...??? Isn't she supposed to be in love with Teddy... or Ricardo?? I thought her love life was totally and absolutely filled :laugh: Sorry, I had to... :p But yes, I guess we all saw the recent razzi pics of DiCaprio having a good and relaxed time in the south of France and in the Baleares. But frankly, I was not shocked or surprised. He likes to party surrounded by not that pretty wannabe models who stick around celebrities. Didn't we see Bar doing just that a couple of weeks ago in St-Tropez (thanks Petralove for posting these particular pics from your blog).. I looked at the pictures of him on these boats and frankly he didn't look interested in any of these girls..... I don't want to take his defence, but if you remember well, he was cruising in Spain just about the same way exactly last year and the rumors were that he and Bar had broken up! I don't want to argue (I am like Pheiress) with any of you about the subject, but I don't think Bar and Leo are through. Yes, she looks great, and yes she still wears on a regular basis, the beautiful Jennifer Meyer's necklace! ;)

Thanks for the pictures of her and her mom, Refaelishop!

Bar was at an event for Peace, in the old port of Tel Aviv yesterday. What a gorgeous lady!!! :)


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[so much focus only on her private life :yuckky: and totally based on gossip and speculation :blink:

although, yeah kerriLynn, i dont think either Bar or Leo are with anybody else right now. maybe they took a break from each other tho cause no serious couple stays away from each for thaaaaaat long.

Thanks petralove, baby and anyone else who posted pics of Bar. I look at her and think she really is beautiful, and fresh looking, in comparison to other models out ther right now. :wave:

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:laugh: Thanks Refaelishop for the article! So does that mean Zion Baruch could be another of Bar's possible boyfriend..?? We never know, after all he was with her and her friends in St-Tropez.


He also accompanied her and her family to Berlin for the BS concert.


Thanks for the news concerning the settlement between Bar and Ilan Ben-Dov. Great that Bar decided that the money would go for a charity dedicated to helping children with cancer and their families.

Solange, I don't want to focus on "speculation" and gossip like you said... but isn't it all what the news are based right now? And yes, there were long periods where we did not see pictures of the two together and stories of all kinds were reported. People magazine sure has his share of stories based on rumors. You must remember this one:

http://www.people.com/people/article/0,,20153549,00.html - posted in October 2007.

And this other more recent one:

http://www.people.com/people/article/0,,20284062,00.html - posted in June 2009. The day after, WENN pictures posted several pictures of DiCaprio and Bar shopping at a bookstore.

It just goes to show you that it is not because people are not "photographed" together that they don't communicate or talk with each other. And sine these two are probably the most private and discreet celebrities, no wonder how gossipy columnists take pleasure to write anything about the two.

Now, when is SESSION really being released? I can't wait to watch Bar on the big screen!!! :drool:

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:laugh: Thanks Refaelishop for the article! So does that mean Zion Baruch could be another of Bar's possible boyfriend..?? We never know, after all he was with her and her friends in St-Tropez.


He also accompanied her and her family to Berlin for the BS concert.


Thanks for the news concerning the settlement between Bar and Ilan Ben-Dov. Great that Bar decided that the money would go for a charity dedicated to helping children with cancer and their families.

Solange, I don't want to focus on "speculation" and gossip like you said... but isn't it all what the news are based right now? And yes, there were long periods where we did not see pictures of the two together and stories of all kinds were reported. People magazine sure has his share of stories based on rumors. You must remember this one:

http://www.people.com/people/article/0,,20153549,00.html - posted in October 2007.

And this other more recent one:

http://www.people.com/people/article/0,,20284062,00.html - posted in June 2009. The day after, WENN pictures posted several pictures of DiCaprio and Bar shopping at a bookstore.

It just goes to show you that it is not because people are not "photographed" together that they don't communicate or talk with each other. And sine these two are probably the most private and discreet celebrities, no wonder how gossipy columnists take pleasure to write anything about the two.

Now, when is SESSION really being released? I can't wait to watch Bar on the big screen!!! :drool:

Come on KerriLynn, don't tell me you sincerely think after ALL this time of Bar and Leo being separate and in different countries, that they are still a couple. That's not gossip or speculation..I won't say we will never see them together again because it has happened that couples split and get back together but for me, it is absolutely clear to me that they have been apart for quite a long time and real couples do not stay away from each other that long.Let's move on.

BTW, I saw a nice large Garnier Fructos ad of Bar in the current Marie Claire mag and I think in the recent Glamour mag a small pic of Bar from the Met Costume event.

As for Sessions, it doesn't look like a "good" movie, more like a "B"" movie, I hate to say so maybe it won't even be released but only on DVD cause there's no real big actors in it either. I t was finished long time ago so I think this is the case.

That is very good that Bar donated the money she got from the lawsuit to a children's cancer charity organization.

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I was trying to mention that there were periods (one in particular lasted 3 months) where no pictures of the two were posted anywhere. And suddenly, we saw them shopping together before Xmas. That's all. ;)

As for Session, I don't see why the movie should not be a good one because no big actors are in it. So many movies were realeased with well known actors and they turned out to be craps. Haim Bouzaglo is a very well respected director who won awards for his movies in Europe and his craft has nothing to do with light comedies with bimbo actresses. I still am waiting for the movie because I think Bar made a very good career choice by starring in this type of film with such a fine director.

The Garnier campaign with ads should begin in September on a widely range. But yes, we do get to see an ad here and there in magazines and on TV.

Thanks babylola for the pics. I love the last one! :)

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I was trying to mention that there were periods (one in particular lasted 3 months) where no pictures of the two were posted anywhere. And suddenly, we saw them shopping together before Xmas. That's all. ;)

You don't have to remind me when we saw them last and where - it was one time where they were phot'gd at a magazine stand in a bookstore looking unhappy / mad / bored...this after no photos of them together or sightings of them for a while before that. For some reason, you want to interpret things in a certain way but you're more than welcome to think what you like.

As far as Sessions, it doesn't look that great from the trailer I saw and the main actor in it is Steve Bauer who has been in a lot of sh&TTY films lately. I don't expect this movie to be well-received but at least Bar looks great in it.

I was thinking maybe it is possible Bar will make a guest appearance on US version of the Runway series this year - since she appeared on the German and Israeli series. That would be nice.

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Sometimes I think that KeriLynn might be the only sane and intelligent person around here besides me. I wonder, if Bar flew somewhere and stayed for a weekend, staying in and not going out, and then flying private home - if there would be any pictures? The answer is no. You Think About That.

I'm really glad to see that Bar is enjoying her summer in Israel. It's nice to see her out with friends and having fun and being young - as I would want to be doing, since we're about the same age. I also wonder when she'll be returning to the States... I might take a guess and say the beginning of September since a certain movie shifts filming to Los Angeles.

According to IMDB, Session's release date is February 4, 2010. I just emailed the production company and asked for more information so if they get back to me I'll post that information here.

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wow, so anyone who doesn't think these two are still together (for now)is insane and stupid..wow, just wow.

If I agree with your thinking pheiress, she's still seeing him in mucho secrecy. My question is WHY? WTF! I know he is very private and all but if that is what is happening(Bar flying out, not going out on purpose, never being seen) , that would be insane and stupid. I doubt Leo has such a big ego to think people would care that much that he has to take such means to keep it secret. And why keep it secret now if she's seeing him still? You can believe what you want pheiress but there's no need to say people who don't think like you and KerriLynn are stupid and insane.

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I didn't say any of that was taking place, nor did I say any of it was "on purpose", I was simply giving a hypothetical. And no I don't think you're stupid or insane, but some people around here are suspect and all I meant was that KL seems to be the only one I agree with wholeheartedly. This isn't really new for them to be apart and working, but just because there aren't pictures of something doesn't mean it's not happening.

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okay pheiress, sorry I got so mad at you, I've always liked your previous posts. but what your saying is comparable to saying "pigs flying have never been seen but just because they've never been seen, doesn't mean they don't exist"..you know whaat? PIGS DON'T FLY and THEY NEVER WILL!

Babylola, I love that last pic you posted. Garnier Fructose shoulda used that hairstyle in the ads instead of that ridiculous beehive they have her wear.

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