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Bar Refaeli


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barrefaelishop - you made these kind of comments before about Bar and her mom is suing everyone they work with in Israel. How come if there is any truth in this, there isn't any info or news about it on English language sites? Are you the same poster who had another name before and was claiming Bar was suing you?!?! It's libel to say things like that without any proof.

Solange, it's only libel or slander if it's untrue and published in a malicious and defamatory way. Not that I necessarily agree with refaelishop.... but I have heard about Bar in a number of lawsuits since I've known about her. She sued that newspaper after they interviewed her because they misquoted her and called her a draft dodger.... no idea how that one came out. I know her and her mother were involved in a suit from a previous agent who demanded that he was owed a cut of her money, but he was the one who sued them. Probably after Bar got famous and he was no longer working with her... not exactly a big surprise there, everyone gets money hungry. And then I know that she was also involved in suing Renuar, one of the first companies she campaigned for, and I believe she signed a contract with them before she was 18. She was suing to get out of that contract. She was also suing Samsung International for using her name and likeness, which is a copyright infringement.

So far with all that I've listed, I don't see where her and her mother are out of line in any of these situations. Companies should not be taking advantage of her fame to make money and if she lets one do it, they'll all do it. It sounds like Bar finally lawyered up and she's finally being represented and taken care of by managers and lawyers who are looking out for the company and the brand she's built and continues to build. This is what the entertainment business is all about, folks.... it's not all about Bar taking her clothes off and stepping in front of the camera. She's a brand that companies use to sell their products and just as they don't want thieves taking their products off shelves without paying for them, Bar is entitled to be paid for the marketing her likeness contributes to their products.

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pheiress, well, you actually provided details to prove my point and agree with what you wrote. The lawsuits Bar were involved in were all seemingly justified on her part. I mean, if someone misquotes her and it damages her reputation, she should sue. If her image is being used without her permission or compensation, she should sue. When you are famous, people sue you, trying to make money and take advantage. But even with these lawsuits, it's not of out the ordinary for a famous person; rafaelishop wants everyone to believe Bar is involved in many many laawsuits...how many, actually, was she involved in? I have no idea about how she treats fans in Israel, but when she's in the US or other countries, it seems to me she seems happy to sign autographs and seems grateful for fans. As far as being involved in fan forums, I don't think it's unusual for celebrities not to interact on fan forums; it can get weird because fans tend to expect a lot and become personal with celebrities. This part of what refaeli shop said was not libelous; when I said libelous, I meant when refaelishop claims Bar and her mother sued HER for posting photos of Bar on the internet. I don't think that is true. She claimed this before and then claimed she would stop ever posting on this forum..but yet she has returned with another name..and started of posting photos and news about her but now has started making the same kind of angry comments and accusations about lawsuits and this and that about Bar.

In her last posts, her comments make it sound like she hates Bar. I thought the rules here were not to slam any models...her comments just seem weird, like she is on the attack with Bar and her mother.

I don't think Bar is hated in Israel.She appears on talk shows and events there and seems to get a warm reception from the audience.

The part I agree with her though is that Bar seems not to get as much work as before she got SI. Maybe it is true companies were interested in her because of her relationship with a very famous movie star and icon. I think she would be perfect for Maybelline or Covergirl with her beautiful face and I think she appeals to young women and young girls.

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barefaeli, show me one article, that can be translated that backs up what you say, and I will believe you. Because if all this is true, that every company she has worked with ends up in a lawsuit, surely an article about that would be written. Don't post one or two or three separate articles about different lawsuits...post one article which can be translated that talks about the situation and then I will believe it. btw, what makes you think you have a right sell things without permission?? I have posted many many photos of Bar here and other people have also. Just Jared post many many photos of her. I dont think anyone else is afraid Bar's mother is going to sue them. As far as Facebook, websites, Bar is not the only celeb..in fact there are many who are not involved in any of that.

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refaelishop- You seem to have this personal vendetta against Bar. I mean a lot of celebs sue so Bar suing is not a big deal. What did you get your feelings hurt when she didn't have time to give you an autograph one day or something? You have no clue in real life what happens behind the scenes. You can only go on what it written in articles. I am neither defending or slamming Bar, it's just you appear to have your feelings hurt with her. Instead of constantly slamming her why don't you open the door and walk out the door and discover the world. I mean I am sure you could find better things to do than bad mouth some one you don't even know.

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Bar attends a charity event in Tel Aviv

In the Tel Aviv harbor, Bar with other personalites, came to draw the longest bench in the world. This event initiated a fellowship of memory to the mark 18 years to the laborer. 180 artists together with children sick of cancer will design the most long bench in the world. The project " draw Hmhr " symbolizes the connection and the brotherhood between people by means of art.

Some pictures with Bar






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