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Bar Refaeli


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Bar Refaeli

Israeli born model Bar Refaeli was once best known for her relationship with heartthrob Leonardo DiCaprio... However with fab outfits like this one she's becoming just as known for her fashion know how! Bar looks absolutely stunning in this pink bikini and floral playsuit teamed with a clutch bag enjoying the sun at Club 55 in St. Tropez, France.



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Hi to all the new posters and thanks for everyone who posted news, pics, video.

well, I am a Leo fan and Bar fan also, BUT I will still be a fan of both even if they break up or not. Also, just remember just cause Leo hasn't been seen with another girl or Bar with another guy, that doesn't mean they haven't broken up - that is not proof. Sometimes people break up, not cause they are seeing other people or hooking up with a new person. I have no clue whether they are still a couple but it has been a long time since they were together....I consider more than 2-3 weeks a long time for a serious couple to be away from each other, esp. when there is a chance that they could get together if they wanted to be.

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and about leo - bar - togher or not - seperate or not

I think you should talk more about bar as a model and not about if they are toghter or not

meanwhile they are toghter as they didn't decided to sperate - this is what I think

if they were seperate they would date other people and it would be clear to see

Bar is working now in Israel for the last few weeks in big works (Fox) and Leo is not coming soo often to Israel so it probbly why they are not toghter

they both flying all over the world and have a very busy work so they can not be toghter each day!

also hope to see more works from companies in europe and anybody knows what about the movie?

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If they are separate that happened only a couple of weeks ago, so it`s not surprising that they are not dating yet. After you end a relationship that lasted more than 2 years it takes more than a week or two to start dating again. They had a chance to meet in Europe before Bar returned to Israel for work but apparently they didn`t.

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I so agree with mypicture! This is a fan board for Bar so let's focus on her. It's okay to talk about her personal life but I'm not sure why some people ONLY come here to talk about her and Leo. If you aren't interested in her unless she is w/Leo, then you're not really a fan of hers.

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Thanks everyone for the new splendid pictures of Bar! Thanks mypicture for the scans from the magazine... I so much wish we could know what it says. :) She is so gorgeous. As I was searching for some of her pictures, I realized how perfect her face is and how beautiful her profile can be. So soft feminine features.





Looks like she is really busy with her work in Israel. I wonder what campaign she is doing now? Irit? Foxy? Let us know, mypicture, please.

oh and.... am I the only one here noticing how some "newcomers" have registered to this forum with the only purpose to criticizing Bar/Leo's relationship...??? :whistle: Let's hope I am just guessing. ;)

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Enough about Bar and Leo, for god's sake... I have very strong opinions about it since I'm fans of them both and know how the industry works and considering what happened LAST time Leo was in Israel, I think he's okay with waiting a few weeks to see his girlfriend while they both work. There's no reason to insist they're broken up or even to insist they're still together. Like solange said, if you're a real fan of Bar's it won't matter either way.

I'm hoping that whatever she's working on in Israel turns out to be great... I'm thinking shoots for Fox as well as for the next line of IRIT which is my favorite line of hers and so stylish. I wish there was a way to shop for their clothes here in the States.

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Enough about Bar and Leo, for god's sake... I have very strong opinions about it since I'm fans of them both and know how the industry works and considering what happened LAST time Leo was in Israel, I think he's okay with waiting a few weeks to see his girlfriend while they both work. There's no reason to insist they're broken up or even to insist they're still together. Like solange said, if you're a real fan of Bar's it won't matter either way.

I'm hoping that whatever she's working on in Israel turns out to be great... I'm thinking shoots for Fox as well as for the next line of IRIT which is my favorite line of hers and so stylish. I wish there was a way to shop for their clothes here in the States.

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