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Before I bring up my points on some of the biggest problems of this forum, I would like to state that I am not perfect and that I have made mistakes on this forum. There are some threads I have started that I sometimes neglect but once a month, I try to go through all my threads to update them. Sometimes I get distracted because I am helping other members find more images of models or identifying models. For those who know me and work with me know I am not a selfish or lazy person. I am always willing to help others. Most of the time I am adding to the models you like and not the ones I like. 

But I have had enough. There are people on this forum who treat this place like a race. It's QUALITY NOT QUANTITY. I don't care if you want more posts and more threads than anyone else. I am getting sick and tired of selfish and lazy members.

1. How hard is it to add agencies and vital statistics or a biography?

Can we agree to make it rule that you must have a biography in the first post. Maybe if we deleted these threads the people posting them would learn to put a bleeping biography instead of adding 10 new threads with NO BIO!! By allowing this threads to exist, its condoning this behavior. I don't care how many times the moderators talk to these people. They are still doing it. I myself have PMed many members with bios so that they could add them to the original post. Most of these members don't even have the decency to go back and edit the thread. Half the time, another member or myself is adding to thread.

2. Why do members feel it necessary to add polaroids of a newface who has no test shots which you later neglect because you can't find her OR is no longer with that agency?

Just because a model is featured on sites like digital diamonds or models.com doesn't mean she deserves a thread on here. There are so many models who get scouted and most of them don't even make it to the mainboard. Also, the type of members we have on this site aren't scouring fashion shows. If you are, you are probably not the people neglecting these threads. Most of the members on this site are scouring catalogs or agencies which you are good at. So if you are interested in runway and editorial models, be prepared to work. I can tell you ways to find them but just because you can use google and rip things from fashionspot doesn't make you are going to b able to keep up with the thread. So don't rely on others to do the work for you. So, stop posting threads that are barely minutes old from the fashionspot unless

3. Why do you insist of adding a model with one name that is very common like Lauren?

Do you know how many one name threads I have had to update since I got here? Do you know how many of these threads were duplicate threads because members forgot about them and another member added one with a full name. Do you like make the moderation staffs job so much harder?


I know a lot of Scandinavian agencies only use first names or first name and last initial but most of those girls are with multiple agencies if they aren't a new face. If you're not sure,  there is a one name model thread in the model id forum. Ask someone if they know a model's name before posting a thread. Maybe someone knows who she is. In fact, google the models name with her agency. If that doesn't work, google reverse image her. If that doesn't work, google her name and bellazon or fashionspot. Sometimes going the extra distance pays off.




4. Why do you insist on adding new faces with just one name?


News flash: Model agencies don't always use a full name for under age models. One name is often an indicator that she is a newface. If a model looks really young, you shouldn't be adding her in the first place.

Can we agree to make it a rule that modes who appear/ are under the age of 16 shouldn't be in this forum. It's bad enough the industry puts so much unnecessary pressures. Should we be adding our insulting comments about an underage model in the mix? I have seen some of the comments made on here which are disgusting like calling a size 6 model obese. Can you imagine the impact of a younger model reading those words. I am sorry but young models shouldn't be added here.


5. Why do you insist on posting every picture of a model in one post then complain when no one is posting in the thread or you can't find more pictures?


Every hear of slow and steady wins the race. When you upload all the images of a model from her agency at once, it's called Portfolio loading. DON"T DO IT. It discourages other members from posting about your model. Sometimes letting other people post a picture or two will encourage them to look for that model. By you posting every picture known to man is like saying this models is all mine, don't bother looking for her or him. Also, if you post every known picture of a model, it would be hard for anyone to find more pictures unless they stumbled upon an editorial or catalog work.


6. Are you so lazy that you can't label an advertisement or a magazine cover?


Seriously, I can understand forgetting to do it but there are people who NEVER do it. Do you know how many people use this site a day. There are about 20 or so members who are active in the model id subforums, and by active I mean people who scour the internet to discover who this models is and NOT use google reverse image to do so. When you don't label, you make those people's lives that much harder. Also this site is used as a reference to sites like FMD and Wikipedia. So LABEL!


7. Why do you compulsively start new threads and never update them?


There are several members who start a lot of threads and then don't update them. I get finding images of some models are hard especially ones from countries like Hungary or Ukraine. But there are people who abuse their right to add models. We all know who they are. If you don't start going through your old threads and make an effort to update these threads, I will personal start a thread to call you out. It is ludicrous with the way people start threads. Nearly half the threads I start aren't because I like a model. It's because someone put her in the id forum or she works a lot.


When all is said and don, you want models that are easy to find. Add models with a lot of agencies. You want the girls who work in more than country or in an American's case: a model who works in more than one city. You also want to pick models who work in cities that you can actually find their work. You can add a Russian model but you better make sure she also works in other countries too. Because unless you are Russian and willing to buy a lot of magazines, you are probably not going to find her easily.


8. Why do you insist on making people do your work?


Don't ask people in the id forums about a model if you aren't going to put the work in. I personally spend a lot of time on model identifications. I know others do as well. When I go to the model id section, I always look at the posts that no one has written in. I work on those because no one has a clue where to start. If I am not busy, I will go through all the agencies to find a model. Sometimes, I don't have the time or I just can't get it. I always leave information on how to find a model. Use it. Don't tell me you can't find her. There is only so much you can do. Eventually, you will figure out who that model is or someone else will.


Another thing, just because no one has posted in a model id thread doesn't mean we are ignoring it. It means we don't know who she is. So, BUMPING a model id after a few days is stupid because if we didn't know who she was three days ago and three day before that, we probably won't know who she is now. 


9. Why do you insist on believing everything that is on the internet?


Not everything on the internet is true. This is a fact, not an opinon. Models.com is a very reliable source as it operated by a staff who is in direct contact with model agencies. This is a fact. Fashion Model Database is not a reliable sources because it is user generated. This is a fact. So when you copy information from FMD, you must make sure the information is accurate. For instance, Michea Crawford is listed with Ice Models in Canada. I don't know any international known models signed to this agency. The problem was someone inputted Ice Models and didn't specify that she is signed to the agency in Milan. The same thing happened to Agnes Fischer who is signed to Ice Models Capetown, and never Ice Models Canada. FMD also has pictures of different models in their threads. Because people make mistakes. While FMD is a great way to find information, you must always verify those agencies and images. 


Social Media sites and model websites aren't the best ways to identify a model. There are a lot of weird people on the internet who create fake facebook accounts, fake twitter accounts, and fake model mayhem accounts. Just because it looks legit, doesn't mean it is. Currently, Elle Liberachi has several fake accounts which boast highly inaccurate information. At one point, she had 5 fake model mayhem accounts. One of the best ways to figure out if an account is fake is to see who they are following or friends with. Models are usually friends with other models. Also, if the account isn't updated regularly it probably isn't the model. It is probably someone who had brief access to the model's information. 


On another note, DON"T STALK MODELS ON THE INTERNET. If a model has a public facebook page or a twitter account, feel free to talk to her or follow them. DO NOT find a model's personal facebook account through friends of friends and PM her. If you want to know more information about a model, contact her booker or one of her agencies. Ask the agencies for her CV or list of clients. Just tell the agency, you want to update her profile on this site and FMD. Some agencies will give you the information others might ignore you. Most models aren't celebrities. So don't seek them out if they have private accounts. I know a lot of you are friends with certain models on facebook, Don't post pictures from their private accounts unless you have the model's permission. . 


10. Why disrespect this forum, other members, or other member's posted?


There are several threads on here that were started by members that aren't about a celebrity or a notable person. There are threads that are for fun and that have rules. There are people here who do not abide by these rules. Respect the thread. If it someone starts a thread for black and white photography, don't post a colored picture. 




I bring up these 10 points because almost all of them are creating more work for the moderation staff.  I made these points public not to call anyone specifically out but to acknowledge some of the problems on this site that get ignored. I have talked to several moderators about one or more of these issues. I believe the only solution to most of these problems is talking to the members directly. I don't think members are aware of the problems they create. I myself didn't realize how much goes into this site until I started adding last names to model's threads. 


The rule of this forum are so lenient. While I don't agree with a lot of the other forums disciplinary actions, I also believe we shouldn't take advantage of this forum. Other forums are so strict. You make an honest mistake and you get reprimanded. Other forums you can't talk in a thread. Other forums you can only add HQ images. Here there are a few easy rules. If this forum's leniency is continually abused, our rights to do almost anything we want will be taken away. It's no that hard to be a member of this forum. So if you are here for the glory of having the most posts, post in models who have been neglected instead of adding models you will neglect. 



Thank you and have a nice day/evening. (depending what time zone you are in) 








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