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Oh me, oh Maja! Another fabulous Swede is coming to tear up the fashion world. From Lyckeby in the Sweden’s southeast, Maja spent this past summer in Paris and is signed with the mighty IMG Worldwide. So after intensive model bootcamp, Maja’s momentum is building – we are predicting that this girl could have a major moment come the next show season.


Full Name:

Maja Mayskär






177cm / 5′9.5″


80 cm / 31.5″


62 cm / 24.5″


90 cm / 35.5″

Place of Origin:

Lyckeby, Sweden

Date of Birth:

September 19


Mother Agency:





IMG Paris


IMG Milano


IMG London


Mega Model Agency

AdvertisementsFashion ShowsReady to wear - Autumn/Winter 2010 {Acne, Stylein}


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27.06.11 …quot; Together with Schönheitsfarm Dirk Messner set the scenes with beauties Toni Garrn and Maja Mayskär for UNGER Fashion. See the Director´s Cut here!

Client: Unger Fashion

Agency: Upgrade Advertising GmbH

Creative Director: Florian Kahle

Digital Operator: Adrian Denn / Curve riders

Assistants: Stefan Grossjohann, Benno Teubner

Hair & Make Up: Gregor Makris / bigoudi

Models: Toni Garrn / Mega models, Maja Mayskär / Mega models

Filmproduction: Schönheitsfarm

Postproduction: Schönheitsfarm



Maja Mayskär haben wir euch bereits vor einiger Zeit im Editorial "Alpenglühen" vorgestellt. Wir haben uns, wie vielleicht einige unter euch, auch ein wenig in die schöne Schwedin verliebt, die bei Mega Models unter Vertrag steht und für große Magazine wie Harper's Bazaar vor der Kamera steht. Unsere Auslandskorrespondenz Marie shootete mit ihr vor kurzem und bat sie daraufhin um ein Interview.

SF: Was ist dein Lieblingsdesigner/Label?Maja: Oh, I've soo many favorites! I love the swedish brand Acne. They've a lot of cool clothes. I'm also a bit fan of Filippa K.. I can't say just one, but Acne, Filippa K & Tiger are some favorites.

SF: Welche Art von Musik inspiriert dich?Maja: Haha, the thing is that I really hate this question, cause I don't have a good answer. I love all types of music, old songs, rock bands, ABBA, Rihanna, Muse, Eminem, pop music, RnB and so on... I listen to very different types of music depending how I feel, of course. I really can't say just one & two artist that I like most.

SF: Wurdest du als Model entdeckt oder war es immer schon dein Traumberuf?Maja: A women "found me" on the street in my hometown, Karlskrona, so that's how it all started. I never really thought about modeling as a "real job" but I've always been very fascinated by glamour and celebs. I really don't know why, maybe because it's so different from the small town I'm from.

SF:Was würdest du jetzt machen, wenn der Beruf des Models nicht für dich in Frage käme?Maja: Right now, I would be in school actually. Haha.

SF: Was war dein letzter Fashion-Kauf?

Maja: An amazing jacket from Tiger.

SF: Wer ist deine persönliche Stilikone?Maja: I think Kate Moss has a really cool style, most of the time. But I use to get inspiration from people on the street, other models or just people that I meet. That's the best way to get inspired, by taking something from different people and make it my own style.

SF: Wer ist dein Lieblingsfotograf? Warum?Maja: Hmm, I've been working for 2 years now but I think I'm gonna need another 2 years of working to be sure of who my favorite is .. ;)

SF: Was ist dein Lieblingsort? Warum?Maja: Home! Haha. Because that's where my family and friends are. But I love the sun and warm, tropical climate so somewhere where I can have all that and my family/friends would be the best combination! :)

SF: Was liest du im Moment (Bücher/Magazine/Blogs)? Maja: Just finished reading a book called "To run", it's a swedish book, so at the moment I don't read anything. Almost all of my (model)friends have a blog so I use to read them. That's the best way to know where in the world they're at the moment. I have one too actually, (<A href="http://majamayskar.blogspot.com/">majamayskar.blogspot.com) that's a great way for your family and friends to see where I'm and what I'm doing when I'm not home.

Thank you, lovely Maja! xx

  • 2 years later...

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