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Heidi Klum

Guest MissIsabella

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Heidi was interviewed in the December 2010 issue of American Baby Magazine:


American Baby: Is there one piece of maternitywear that you couldn't live without when you were pregnant?

Heidi Klum: Well, I always wanted to have tight jeans, and they were really hard to find, especially ones that don't have the stretchy panel over your whole entire belly. So Destination Maternity helped me develop this hidden under belly, so that maternity denim leggings can look exactly like normal jeans, but they have all this stretch. I like them a lot!

AB: Do you have any advice for dressing a baby bump?

HK: I have two different lines. One is called Loved at Motherhood Maternity, so the prices are not bad. At Pea in the Pod I have the Lavish line, which is a bit more expensive. I design some really cute sweaters and I did some great prints. I love the overalls in the Loved collection. I had to fight for them because Destination Maternity was like, "Really? Overalls?" I was like, "Yes! They're so cute and I love them!" I always loved overalls when I was pregnant.

AB: Aren't overalls hard if you have to go to the bathroom?

HK: No, no, no, it's not hard at all! When I was pregnant there weren't pregnancy overalls. There were just regular overalls and at a certain point they looked silly because they weren't sitting at the right place. So for me it was important to do maternity overalls and I hope that women love them as much as I do. For Lavish I did a cashmere tracksuit, which I also love a lot. We did a lot of tunics, a lot of beautiful tops that have embellishment around the neckline for holidays. I wanted to make something for the pregnant women out there that, you know, want to look a little sassy.

AB: I was wondering if you could talk about any baby gear that made your life easier when you had a newborn.

HK: Well I do love the Baby Bjorn. And I puree food for Lou in the Magic Bullet. It's perfect because she only needs to eat a tiny portion. If you use a regular blender, you have to make too much, and then you have to throw away so much. So definitely the Magic Bullet. I love the Fisher Price Activity Table that they kind of walk around. It's great for like a 12-month-old. Lou loves that. Actually, all my kids actually had that table and they all loved it.

AB: Could you talk about what you and Seal do to stay connected?

HK: Seal and I go on weekend getaways, just the two of us. It's important as a couple. And our kids have fantastic grandparents who can watch them! We were just in London for five days, which was really great. You can't forget the romance.

AB: Is there anything you'd do when you were pregnant to streamline your beauty routine or any products that were great for pregnancy?

HK: No, nothing too different. I mean, I definitely think there's something to taking prenatal vitamins. I prefer prenatal vitamins even when I'm not pregnant. Your nails and hair grow like crazy!

AB: Could you tell me your favorite thing about newborns?

HK: Yeah, it's hard to explain to someone who has never had one. You know, they can be very addictive because they're just so cute. It's kind of like a little alien that comes out of you. And you're like, "Oh my god, I get to take you home!" It's exciting. Yeah, it's the most wonderful experience. And for all the moms who can experience breastfeeding, that's so nice and so connecting and so wonderful. I loved it.

AB: What's your kids' favorite meal that you make?

HK: They love fried chicken. They love chicken soup. My oldest daughter's favorite food is sushi, but I don't know how to make that.

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Transkate of DIVA mag Ukraine

Heidi sat before a television set and sadly stroked a notedly growing stomach: yesterday it at last decided officially to declare about the pregnancy. Alas, the father of child, Flavio Briatore, reacted on its confession quite not so as it expected, lie had brought colors, did not purchase the cherished ring, did not kiss, getting up on one knee... Far from it. The its chosen one and the next time acted one's own way, imprinted in all of reports of news with Fionoy Svarovski, heiress of jeweller empire. Seems, was a fully comfort them.

Heidi collected his number: «That will we with all of it do?» He cut off dryly: «Nothing. you and know perfectly, that we will not be able to live together».

For newspapers they chosen formulation: «Parted, because both test the sharp shortage of time». Press disbelieved And with vengeance dashed to spare Heidi. But on it she did not indeed have time.


Unlike new passion of the incorrect escort, blond cherub Klum never was nobody heiress. Heidi borned in 1973 in ordinary German family of middle-income. Her father Ganter. it was the ordinary representative of cosmetic company, and mother Erna — by master of style. The world of fashion surrounded Heidi from little up, therefore a girl from early years seriously dreamed about a career — no, not some there models, but designer of clothes. «What you for us clever girl!» — a mother petted Heidi on blond curls and sincerely delighted in prudence and purposefulness of daughter. «you must much study, — a father echoed it. — In fact you are German». A girl regularly attended school in a home small town Bergish-gladbakh, and on ending gave documents on the designer faculty of university to Dyussel'dorf And suddenly popular show of Tom Gottshalk entangled «Model-92» all of plans.

Later than Heidi confesses that does not know how appeared there. «It was out of nowhere, — Klum will be divided with journalists. — Seems, I was persuaded by a school friend. However, does not remember exactly, in fact I even not going to become a model!»

A sign for Heidi competition was organized the German womanish magazine of Petra and model agency from New York. Twenty five thousand — unbelievable amount girls participated in him! But young Heidi appeared favorit of public from the first ether! At first it became the «model of evening». In a week — by the «model of month». And finally, surviving the most cruel competition with those, who stepped on a podium and studied a patternmaking how hardly not from diapers, having no experience nineteen years old Klum got the title of the most «beautiful model of year». And a main prize is a three-year contract with the New York model agency of «Metropolitan». On the terms of contract the German schoolgirl must was get three hundred thousands easily soiled in a year: to the new star work was offered to gathering in Miami.

Declaring at home it shattering victory, Heidi acted as the real daughter of the parents: it collected domestic advice. «you are German, and, you must be prudent, — gerr Klum pronounced with authority. — it is Impossible now to lose a head from the success knocked down on you». «And dad», — Heidi nodded. The next morning it revealed to the new employers, that they need to wait. Only getting a certificate ( secondary education and giving up the cherished studies in Dyussel'dorfe (after another domestic veche, certainly!). Heidi signed a contract and left in the States.

In a year it will make a decision forever to remain in America — the new dream of veritable aryan required the careful working.


Who knew that New York would become the second motherland for young German. Suggestions about surveys poured on Heidi, as from the horn of plenty. And the real fame came after the publication of its coverpictures pompous Sports Illustrated. A magazine went out the most enormous drawing 55 million copies: like to many to other forcings one's the way through models, Heidi woke up famous. «I very wanted to make an attempt itself as a model for a standing magazine, — acknowledged then Klum. — For such edition, where not only your person and body but also your personal charm interesting, where it is possible to overmaster a smile or pose more than good make-up and blameless form».

Certainly, freulein Klum sin it was to grumble about the attractiveness. Attempts to show the «personal charm» were crowned success: it was here begun to call pretty German to itself Chistian Dior, and Guchchi and many other. Heidi politely smiled and accepted all of enviable suggestions. It worked practically round-the-clock, advertising everything, what only it is possible: telephones, clothes, wedding-dresses and Cosmetology. And... took it easy to go out on a podium. «I fully have photoshoots and commercials» while, — it declared nothing to the impercipient agents, to dreamings to conclude a long-term contract with it. While all was surprised the unwillingness of Heidi to provide oneself an own representative, prudent German departed on a motherland to the father.

«Dad, I need a promoter, — Klum reported workaday. — We open a firm on advancement of my brand. Will you be there main?»

Gerr Klum hardly not shed a few the tears on gladnesses. «My girl!» — he proudly looked at a wife, expecting a reaction. Certainly refuse did not follow, and newly made TOO Heidi Klum at the head with Ganter Klum firstly actively engaged in the issue of nominal perfume products, and then all, to what the practical aspired and constantly Heidi.


It already was a brand — untwisted and famous. Pore it was to open new horizons. Heidi remained faithful itself: for a debut on a podium it chosen not who got, but cult for millions of women brand of Victoria's Secret, becoming one of «angels» of the known brand. The terms of the most cruel contract regulated everything: even exterior and conduct of Heidi during the publicity campaign of famous brand. Was Heidi satisfied — it to discipline?

And then a miracle happened: once not wishing to be the known model German entered in an ardour Step by step it rushed to subjugate new tops. A large screen followed on a podium. In the popular American serial Spin City Heidi was «spoilt» together with the favourite of public and star of 90th Michael Dzh. Foksom. To the surprise, critics perceived its game more than favourably. New suggestions followed, and in 2001 of Klum taken off in the real cinema. At first this was the comedy of Blow Dry, where it played the eccentric model of hair-dos, and then lucky enough it to play the legendary German model and sex-character of 50th Ursula Andress in a film «Life and death of Piter Sellers». Its partner was become by Dzheffri Rash!

Since Heidi is regularly taken off in some cinema, true, plays there, as a rule, itself. Being the star of world scale, it can take the liberty similar pranks.

Advertising, podium, cinema... «And why not to write a book me?» — Klum reflects, seeing deafening success of all of undertaking. At support of Donald Tramp and head of company Miramax Harvy Vaynshtayn («I always chosen only the best, yes!») it publishes the book of Body Knowledge. According to Heidi, a book systematized its rich experience in all of spheres and was called to «help fellows and girls it is better to understand each other» — appears, it considered itself a specialist yet and in this sphere!


Alas, Heidi twisted the soul. With what, with what, and with fellows not folded long time for it. In 1997, already getting certain status in New York, Klum made an attempt itself in a role of wife: the its chosen one was become by the hairdresser-master of style Rick Pipino. More than year quivering caring for and suggestion on the roof of New York Empire State Building is was not only beautifully but also fully corresponded the pictures of Heidi of relations. Unfortunately, in marriage of beauty appeared little: a pair parted in five years from irreconcilable disagreements.

Then Heidi surprised itself and dad, rocking a press a new about the novel with the soloist of group Red Hot Chilli Peppers Anthony Kidisom. «Heidi, it is talked about him, that he is a drug addict!» — says father-Klum. Heidi was thoughtful, parted with Kidisom and decided to walk up to the question thoroughly. «It is time!» — a dad said. Paparacci it was been in raptures, when a supermodel appeared in the light with the known lady-killer and main manager of command Renault in «Formula of 1» Flavio Briatore. It would seem. everything is fine and wedding not after mountains, but here Heidi reported Briatore about the pregnancy. Freedom-loving Flavio sharply: quiet German happiness with children at a fire-place quite not enticed him! Heidi was expected by one of the greatest disappointments in life: insidious Briatore Klum accused in infidelity, requesting genetic examination, and appeared on public at first with a young model Vanessoy Khilger. and then with the heiress of jeweller empire Fionoy Svarovski. The even seeing types of paparazzi wrinkled noses fastidiously. And Heidi... First a supermodel was offended seriously «I am capable and to grow a kid!» — it declared and already practically tuned in to the role of mother-lone person, as suddenly.

He was a natural prince: sexual, be single and. black. Enigmatic Seal with scars on cheeks (investigation of lupus carried in childhood) did not look like none of former admirers of Heidi.

From the first days of their acquaintance, a singer looked on Heidi not as on a well-bred clever girl, capable about itself to look after, but as on the lost child, needing guardianship. He had a fame, money and confession it, and enormous eyes and blond curls of Klum appeared just what did not have him for happiness.

Seemed, first in life of Heidi weakened and made an attempt be simply by a woman. It was capricious, asked fruit and constantly grumbled about that, how not nicely it was given up by Flavio. It is necessary to do justice Seal he was patient, as nobody other. Conquering the trust of Klum, he managed to become for a model by not only a sensitive lover but also devoted from friends. His declaration of love was unmatched: he did Heidi suggestion on the top of the Canadian mountain of Uisler. Klum was glad, as a child. «We got to this wonderful place on a helicopter, — shared the impressions of Heidi on the site. — These were unforgettable moments» Marry it went out on the fifth month of pregnancy. Seal with gladness adopted the borning girl of Laziness and declared oneself so wonderful father, that in five years a model changed the last name and a missis became Samyuel'.


Veritable miss (more precisely, already missis) prudence appeared restrained in everything, except for maternity. Heidi was so led away by the process of procreation, that it wricked this pleasure on three with superfluous years, complimenting with Seal one after other two sons. And a little later — and daughter. The yesterday's refined young lady seriously carried with cookery, came to love trampolinings and playing салки: «To be mother — the best from feelings!» Thus Heidi managed to remain a «angel» Victoria's Secret (for what after every pregnancy added titanic efforts: time on renewal after births — just one month!). Guru Hollywood фитнеса David Kirsh specially for Klum разра¬ботал system of exercises, to which Heidi until now spares for a few clock of no less than five times per a week.

And yet Klum is taken off in the cinema, sings (!) together with a husband, a current-show conducts, produces own jeweller collection, becomes a person, more faithful, by the feet of Braun. By the way, a company Braun insured the slender legs of having many the children mother on eight million dollars!

Today Heidi heads mass of the model ratings and continues to surprise the capacity. How does it succeed? «Every morning I begin with the kiss of husband and cuddles of my children, — Heidi smiles. — That do I yet need for happiness?

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Cosmopolitan Russia July 2005

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The last three years have brought many changes in the lives of supermodels. In November 2002, she divorced her husband, a famous hairstylist Ric Pepino, with whom was married for five years. After a brief connection with the lead singer of Red Hot Chilli Peppers, Anthony Kiedis Klum began dating the boss of Renault and the head of Formula 1 Flavio Briattore. She bore him a daughter, Leni, and immediately left him, having met a new love - the British singer's Power ... Last year, Heidi calls the best year of his life and is confident that ahead of her waiting for the same happy days. Their future plans Heidi shared with Cosmopolitan.

C. You look so happy and relaxed. Where do you get the energy?

Heidi. I'm just very, very happy. And in my personal life and professionally. In fact, not too hard to be happy, if you have such a charming little man beside him. I

The first two weeks to train for an hour a day!

C. You crucial support of friends and relatives?

Heidi. I believe that support for family needs everyone. I can not imagine life without family, without my beloved mom, which is great help to me and that all time series. But I still think we should hire a nanny.

C. Coming soon your book "Tree of Knowledge." Such a serious name! What do you teach readers?

Heidi. The book is about how to make life happier, how to learn to take more of it. And it's stories of eight people, famous and successful, which explores the lives, travels, sex ...

C. That is about sex would be a little more.

Heidi. Well, for example, there talked about how to make the best blowjob in the world. This section is responsible for one of my gay friends. I believe that in this matter men are far more competent women.

C. You are the leading reality show "Podium". Say what attracts you in this project?

Heidi. I not only leading, but also co-produced this project and thus H can influence the concept of the show as a whole. Participants of the show try their hand in the design business, and we help them enter the world of fashion. That's me and draws. We give people a real chance to maximize their potential.

C. You would like to devote himself entirely to television?

Heidi. No, I do not see myself only presenter. I like me and others. I, for example, working on their line of jewelry for my brand. And for the Birkenstock - their collection of winter boots just class!

C. A change there any way to your views on life after birth?

Heidi. Absolutely! Now the most important thing in my life was my little daughter. I am no longer that much as before. Before the birth of a child, I jumped from the plane to plane without a second thought. Now I can to, and did not want to.

C. You and your favorite - people publicly any step you take is fixed cameras, you would like such a life for her daughter?

Heidi. No, I'm generally opposed to it photographed. You Mr. imagine what it is - you you walk with your child on the street and you immediately begin to dazzling flashes of cameras. I would like to keep Lenny from it all, but do not know if I can.

C. You are about to get married with Shiloh?

Heidi. While we do not consider taxes an option because we have and everything is fine. But I'm not against marriage.

C. A more children would you like?

Heidi. Yes, two more! And I would not want to delay the birth of her second child.

C. How do you think about last year?

Heidi. I think all I did, I did as best as I could. And could not be better.

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OMG, Sheila!!!! You are great!!! Please, give as more Heidi for Newport!!!!

Thanks!! Great that you like it! She looks really nice, very natural, I like her more with her

darker hair. At this time I did not know her... :cry: but know. Great that I can help.

bye Sheila

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Heidi Klum dropped by the Winter Television Critics Association to talk "Seriously Funny Kids," her new Lifetime show exploiting kids' natural proclivity for hilarity.

"It's really a show for adults," she says. "The kind of things that are funny to grownups."

In fact, the supermodel and "Project Runway" host says there's very little she wouldn't do to make us laugh.

"We thought of a hodgepodge of things," says Klum. "We do so many things. If you watch one week, you don't know what you're going to get in the next."

Here are 5 things Klum says she does to make us laugh:

1.) Interview a dozen or more kids until she finds a gem: "It doesn't always work," she says. "I interview 12 to 13 kids a day. Sometimes, nothing happens. When we pre-interview them, they're really fun and outgoing. But, they get on our set and clam up."

2.) Fulfills kids' dreams: For example, she tells us that she blows an unsuspecting 6-year-old boy's mind with a visit from his favorite basketball player.

3.) Sacrifice her own giggles: "It's hard for me not to crack up," she says. "I have to keep a straight face, because I don't want to let them know it's a joke."

4.) Impersonate a goldfish: Klum tricks a few kids when she disappears from the room and then returns via the voice coming from a nearby goldfish. "If these flowers could talk," says executive producer Eric Schotz, pointing to the arrangement on stage. "Four-year-old kids would talk to them."

5.) Sport a fake booger: "I had a gigantic snot fit," she says. "We had all these different boogers we had to choose from. The kids are looking at me and they don't know what to do. They can't believe what I have coming out of my nose!"

Since the show doesn't premiere until Feb. 1, Klum's unsure if she'll always be up for anything to make us laugh. "We'll see afterwards how you feel about the big booger," she jokes.

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