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Positive precedents against Espanyol

Diego Jabalquinto / Translation by Michael J. O'Donnell

Tomorrow's match will mark the 154th fixture to pit Real Madrid and Espanyol against each other. The Whites have won eight of the last ten pairings, drawing and losing the other two. They've also scored 25 goals and conceded only 8. The Madridistas won the first leg match at the Bernabeu 3-0 thanks to goals by Ronaldo, HIguain and Benzema, and have earned this score against Espanyol in their last three league ties.



153 88 31 34 329 184



8 1 1 25 8


2005/06 Real Madrid-Espanyol 4-0

2006/07 Espanyol-Real Madrid 0-1

Real Madrid-Espanyol 4-3

2007/08 Espanyol-Real Madrid 2-1

Real Madrid-Espanyol 2-1

2008/09 Real Madrid-Espanyol 2-2

Espanyol-Real Madrid 0-2

2009/10 Espanyol-Real Madrid 0-3

Real Madrid-Espanyol 3-0

2010/11 Real Madrid-Espanyol 3-0

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José Mourinho at “El Partido de las 12″

The last two Real Madrid players who spoke with COPE’s “El Partido de las 12″ program had to go to the radio program’s studio, but when you’re José Mourinho, the studio comes to you (he’s TSO for a reason, no?). So, the program presenters traveled to Valdebebas yesterday to interview Mou right after the training session, since you can see he’s still in his training outfit. As always, the interview only got really interesting when it got personal. It also looks like Mou got a haircut (in London, I’m betting) and I like the stubble! Have a listen here, or keep reading for my highlights. The highlight of highlights is Mou’s answer to the question of how he feels knowing that he’s the ninth most influential person in the world.

Q: I don’t know if you like giving in-depth, personal interviews?

A: I don’t like them a lot because I often believe that my words are misinterpreted, so the less I speak, the better for me. But this is Real Madrid, which has this social dimension, and as the coach of Real Madrid, I can’t hide.

Q: Are you going to continue as coach next year?

A: If I’m not kicked out… when I signed for four years, I had the intention of staying all four years. When you leave a champion team like Inter for Real Madrid, it’s not for one year and then goodbye. I want to be here, I want to continue. I feel that the right conditions are in place. I feel that the fans, the players and the directors are with me. If we all unite and believe in this project, well then obviously I’m going to continue.

Q: This is the first time that you’ve stated directly that you want to continue. You were a bit more ambiguous one month ago.

A: I haven’t changed in this. A while back, I said that if we’re all content (directors, players and fans) there’s no reason why I wouldn’t continue. But the truth is that I’m more content now than I was a month ago. Right now, I see the club going in the same direction as me. We have the same thoughts, the same work philosophy, there’s much more empathy in terms of work, because personal empathy has always been very good with the president and with José Ángel Sánchez. I’ve always felt good, but now I feel good on a personal level and on a professional level.

Q: What changed in the last month?

A: The communication is very good, the work that we’re doing as well and we are already looking ahead to the next season, to the future. The club understands me better now. I always say that working with me is easy because I’m an organized, methodical person that doesn’t leave room for doubts. But I also get the feeling that working with me is not easy for my character. And now we all know each other better. The directors know perfectly well how I like to work. With the players, I obviously identify more with them because we work every day together. My relationship with the “presi” is very good, along the lines of my philosophy: if they pay me, it’s me that has to work. It’s not the president that has to worry about day-to-day things. I’m the one that has to take care of those and make life easier for the president. That’s my mission in the club. And with José Ángel, I have a very good work relation, we share a lot of ideas and I’m good.

Q: You’ve talked twice about FP and José Ángel Sánchez, but you haven’t said anything about Jorge Valdano.

A: No, it’s not on purpose. Jorge Valdano has his role in the club. If he has one, it’s because the club is happy with his work. It’s not a problem for me to be in the same club as Jorge Valdano, he’s always been respectful with me and I have no personal issues with him. But my day-to-day work is in Valdebebas, my space, while the “top” of the club is at Concha Espina. I’m very happy with this situation.

Q: Finish this sentence: “My relationship with Jorge Valdano is…”

A: Normal [love it!].

Q: What is the priority for next season, a midfielder or a forward?

A: For me, the most important thing with regards to next season is to win something this season. We have three forwards that are very good: Higuaín, who is ours, Benzema, who is ours, and Adebayor, who can be ours for a certain amount that has already been agreed upon. And we also have Morata, who will one day be the forward of Real Madrid, and who will be a first team player next season. I believe Morata can even play in the position of Cristiano Ronaldo. In the center of the field, we have a number of important players; we have a fairly balanced squad. But it’s normal that Madrid signs a couple of players each summer.

Q: Why have Canales and Pedro León been discounted?

A: We have a squad made up of 24 players and in this moment we have one injured player in Higuaín. The base of the starting team is known. After that, I have to create a bench that is as balanced as possible. I always have a central defender (Albiol or Garay), a fullback (between Arbeloa, Ramos and Marcelo), two midfielders (Lass, if he’s not on the bench he’s starting), a forward (Benzema or Adebayor) and Kaká, who if he’s not starting, has to be on the bench for his quality and what he can bring to the team. And then I have one space left, which is for Granero, Gago, Pedro León or Canales. I try to motivate my players, to call them up alternatively, to try to dole out the minutes, but it’s not an easy situation. Some work harder than others, some are more psychologically resistant to pressure. The life of a Real Madrid player is not easy. You have to know how to suffer, to grow despite difficulties. Some parents or agents prefer to turn their backs to the difficulties and leave to be kings in kingdoms with less pressure. I believe a young player should not turn his back and he should fight to the limit to be king of a kingdom like Real Madrid.

Q: What don’t you like about them, what’s the problem?

A: The problem is having the mental strength to fight against obstacles. Having Özil or Kaká ahead of you is not easy. If you’re a winger and you have Di María and Cristiano ahead of you, it’s not easy to send Cristiano and Di María to the bench, it’s not easy to be behind these players. Adán can continue fighting to be the substitute of Casillas, the best goalkeeper in the world, or he can go to a club where he plays every Sunday and perhaps won’t even need to work. It depends on each one. And people have to adapt to the situation. Adán played the way he played against Espanyol because during seven months he worked as if he were going to start the next game, and he knew perfectly well that was not the case. It’s a question of mentality and education. And we’re here to educate the young players. It’s the same with Morata: Morata won’t start on Madrid because the press asks for it, he will have to earn his starting position as a consequence of his work: scoring goals with Castilla, helping Castilla ascend. And next season, he’ll have to work each day with the first team, learn and wait for his opportunity. And that’s part of the growth process of players.

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Q: What is the role of the coach then? Is the role of Mourinho to help them become better?

A: I’m a coach, I’m not their father or their agent. I’m with the players two or three hours a day, and there are 21 more. I try. For example, with Canales, he asked me this year if he should leave in December and I told him no, that he has the quality to stay in Madrid and play 10 years here.

Q: But Canales was in your plans, because at the beginning of the season he started against Mallorca?

A: Yes, he started. And Özil was on the bench. If we had beaten Mallorca 3-0 and he was the man of the match, he would have continued as a starter with Özil on the bench. But it didn’t turn out that way.

Q: Then do you expect more of Canales? It’s like when you expected less of Marcelo and he surprised you.

A: You never know how things are going to turn out. Özil’s adaptation was faster than we all expected. Canales also started the season strongly because he came from playing in the European championship.

Q: How should we interpret seeing Sergio Ramos on the bench the other day keeping in mind that the Champions League is coming up?

A: I like to see the positive aspects of everything. And for me that would be talking about the performance of Arbeloa, since the coach will never receive a negative surprise when Arbeloa is on the field. He won’t score a goal like Marcelo did, we can’t expect him to have a spectacular game on the wing, but normally his direct rival doesn’t touch the ball, or not very much, since he dominates, he controls and he gives his team security. He’s a player that I like a lot. And I believe that with a team like Real, which has a very important offensive dynamic, there should be security in the back. Sergio is a player that I like, he’s a player that I can say will play against Levante. There are no problems with him. In the game against Espanyol, I knew that Callejón was a very rapid, aggressive kid who’s difficult to stop, and Arbeloa gave me security. Marcelo was on the other wing attacking more and he hadn’t played with Brazil. Arbeloa had played 15 minutes with Spain, while Sergio had played 90 minutes.

Q: Will Ramos also start against Lyon?

A: He’ll have to play very well against Levante if he wants to play against Lyon. But if anyone thinks that they’re going to rest on the field against Levante to be 100 percent for Lyon… there is resting at home and resting on the field.

Q: Who will play in Lyon: Adebayor or Benzema?

A: Maybe both. Or neither of the two.

Q: Will I see Madrid beat Barcelona before I die?

A: I’m sure. I have a four-year contract with Madrid and I’m sure it will happen.

Q: Do you want Adebayor to stay?

A: He’s a player that I like. You can’t compare him with Benzema or with Higuaín. They have different characteristics and I’ve always liked having forwards with different characteristics.

Q: What did you think of Raúl’s performance against Valencia?

A: I didn’t see it, I was in London. But it didn’t surprise me and I’m happy for him.

Q: Would Raúl have played a lot this year with Madrid?

A: Without a doubt.

Q: Did you try to convince him to stay?

A: No, I just gave him my opinion. And my opinion is that a player with his prestige and age had to take advantage of the last years of his career in order to be happy.

Q: Is it fundamental for you that Pepe’s contract is extended?

A: Yes.

Q: Why do you sometimes try to be controversial in the press conferences?

A: I don’t think I’m polemic. I didn’t start the 13 refereeing mistakes thing, it was the referee that started it. Against Almería, it was Pérez Lasa who make a mistake. Against Osasuna, we lost and I spoke well of the referee. Perhaps I’m aggressive in the way I speak.

Q: How are you at home? What is a free day for you like?

A: The last few, I went to London. On a normal airplane, not private, to visit friends, see Chelsea, spend time with the family. People there respect you and leave you alone.

Q: Can you go out to take a walk in Madrid?

A: It’s a bit more difficult. I have very little spare time, my children are in school and my wife also likes privacy.

Q: Have you had time to take a walk in the Retiro or in the mountains?

A: No.

Q: Would you like to?

A: I would like to do many things, but it’s not easy.

Q: Would you like your son to be a footballer?

A: I would like him to enjoy his life like I do and to have the same personal satisfaction to feel important in the world where he works. Right now, he’s crazy for football, but I want him to be happy. Studying is the most important thing for him.

Q: Is he a good goalkeeper?

A: That’s not the most important thing. For me the most important thing is the group, with the kids and the fantastic fathers. I get along very well with them. I like the idea that all children should play. Each goalkeeper plays one half. I like the culture of Canillas a lot.

Q: Are you on twitter?

A: No. And not Facebook either. Madrid is working on this. There are a few fake ones and one has millions of followers.

Q: Why is it that, Cristiano aside, Portuguese men don’t like to shave? Doesn’t having a beard itch? [i love the way this question was phrased!!!]

A: I never thought of this. If I shave for two consecutive days, my skin has problems. But right now I have an endorsement contract with Brown to shave every day.

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Q: You’ve said that you only fear God. Have you ever thought of what He thinks of you?

A: He has to think that I’m an amazing guy, because otherwise he wouldn’t give me so much. I have an incredible family, my work is what I always dreamed of doing. He’s helped me achieve so many things that He has to think highly of me [José Mourinho, in his purest state!!].

Q: And you can’t ask God for Messi to go hide in a convent or Xavi Hernández to become an astronaut?

A: I like football too much to wish something like that on the great players. Leave them be.

Q: You’re the ninth most influential person in the world, and you’re even ahead of Obama. Are we crazy?

A: What position is my wife in? Eighth, at least. We are crazy. If I’m not even in charge in my own home… [LOVE THIS!!!]

Q: Do you like the refrain of the song “Pa-pa-ramericano?”

A: The players and Óscar Ribot have it on every day in the locker room, so that I can’t stand to hear it now. Then I get home and my son is there with the “pa-paramericano…”

Q: It’s true. You have little control.

A: Very little.

They end with a personal test, as they always do.

Personal test

A city to live in: London.

A place to get away from it all? My home. I try to find places where no one can find me, but it’s impossible.

Favorite movie: Yesterday I spent three or four hours watching CSI: Las Vegas on DVD.

Favorite actress: No… I believe men are better actors than women [seriously???]. For me, the number one is Anthony Hopkins.

Is Florentino Pérez a “ser superior?” [a superior being, as Butragueño called him]: He’s my president. His words are orders.

Favorite musical group? Bryan Adams [seriously???].

Favorite song? “It’s time.”

Favorite food? I like foie gras, I like expensive paté.

Who do you admire, outside of sports? Many people. I have to choose one? Mandela. It’s the story of an incredible life for a cause that appeared to be impossible.

A dream. La Décima? For me, it would be “La Tercera.” But to start, I want to beat Levante. Then we can talk about other things.

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Mourinho: Real pressure on Madrid

Real Madrid coach Jose Mourinho believes the pressure is on his side and not leaders Barcelona in the La Liga title race.

Mourinho's comments came despite seeing his side provisionally cut the gap between the pair down to two points.

Madrid had trailed Barca by seven points earlier this month but have now trimmed that difference by five points after beating Levante 2-0 at the Bernabeu.

Barca, having been held at Sporting Gijon last weekend and then losing 2-1 at Arsenal in the Champions League in midweek, could be feeling the heat ahead of Sunday's visit of Athletic Bilbao, although Mourinho believes it is still his side that is under pressure.

He said: "We have to win and keep winning. For many seasons I've been in front and everybody was asking me if I was feeling the pressure, and I said no, I wasn't feeling the pressure. The pressure is for the second-placed team, not for the first.

"The second place team needs to win every match, so the pressure is on us. But we've won two important matches the last two (Espanyol and Levante), the next one is important too, so you have to keep going and believe, and wait and see."

He added about the Levante win, which saw the Portuguese make a number of changes ahead of their Champions League trip to Lyon: "I liked that my team played a serious match. These games ahead of Champions League matches can be complicated because players may focus more on the European competition. The team played well and was very focused."

Madrid beat Levante 8-0 in their previous meeting at the Bernabeu in the Copa del Rey before Christmas and looked set for another big scoreline when Karim Benzema put them ahead after just six minutes.

However, despite spending almost the entire match camped in Levante's half, Madrid could only net one more goal, with Ricardo Carvalho slotting in just before the interval.

The victory was Madrid's 22nd successive home win in all competitions and marked nine years since Mourinho last suffered a home defeat in the league, which came on February 23, 2002, when his Porto team lost to Beira Mar.

It also gave them a morale boost ahead of Tuesday's Champions League last-16 first leg clash with Lyon in France. Madrid have been knocked out at this stage in each of the last six seasons - including at the hands of Lyon last season.

Looking ahead to that clash, Cristiano Ronaldo said on his club's website: "The Lyon match is very important and it will be difficult, but we are motivated. Lyon are a team that is always in the last 16. We are going there to play well and win."

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Mourinho has Lyon in his crosshairs

Real Madrid coach Jose Mourinho has turned his attention to the Champions League after beating Levante in La Liga.

Real were comfortable 2-0 winners on a rainy night in Madrid, with Karim Benzema and Ricardo Carvalho on the scoresheet for los Blancos.

With this win, Madrid have cut down Barcelona's lead at the top to two points and the Catalans have their work cut out as they prepare to meet Athletic Bilbao on Sunday.

While Pep Guardiola's men are recovering after their 2-1 Champions League defeat to Arsenal on Wednesday, Mourinho is preparing for his European battle.

In comments reported on Real's official website, he said: "I liked that my team played a serious match. These games ahead of Champions League matches can be complicated because players may focus more on the European competition. The team played well and was very focused.

"We knew Levante would make it tough. They were organised in defence, but we scored early and had things under control. Winning and resting players is what mattered."

Looking ahead to the midweek clash, Mourinho revealed: "Ever since we drew Lyon, we have been studying and learning about them. Real Madrid have two barriers to break down against Lyon.

"It's been years since Madrid made it through to the last quarter-finals and it's because they have never beaten Lyon. I would like to know if Lisandro, Jimmy Briand or Cesar Delgado will be playing. We have to study all the possibilities and be prepared for anything and everything."

The Portuguese should have some fresh legs against the French side, having rested Xabi Alonso and Mesut Ozil against Levante.

"I started a team that I thought would be enough to win and we respected the opponent because we knew they had a solid defence," explained Mourinho.

"We had to be creative and dynamic, which is why I used four players in attack. I think it's only normal that I rest Xabi Alonso and Mesut Ozil, who will play the next match, when I still have other alternatives."

Real play Lyon at the Stade Gerland on Tuesday before resuming La Liga assignments against Deportivo on Saturday.

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Real Madrid 2-0 Levante

Real Madrid provisionally cut Barcelona's lead to two points after seeing off Levante at a rain-drenched Bernabeu.

First-half goals from Karim Benzema and Ricardo Carvalho decided the game as Jose Mourinho's men kept the pressure up on pacesetters Barca, who host Athletic Bilbao tomorrow.

The victory was Madrid's 22nd successive home win in all competitions and marked nine years since Mourinho last suffered a home defeat in the league, which came on February 23, 2002, when his Porto team lost to Beira Mar.

Levante came into the match as the most in-form team in the division with three successive victories behind them, but having been thumped 8-0 on their last visit to the Bernabeu in the Copa del Rey just before Christmas.

And the Valencia-based side must have feared a repeat of that mauling as they found themselves behind with just six minutes on the clock tonight.

Angel Di Maria was the architect of the goal with a brilliant run that saw him beat three players on the edge of the box before sliding a low cross in for Benzema to slot into the gaping net.

That was Benzema's third league goal of the season and justified Mourinho's decision to start with the Frenchman ahead of the European trip to his former club Lyon.

Benzema, who scored a hat-trick in that 8-0 win, was selected up front ahead of Emmanuel Adebayor, who had started the last two matches and also scored on his previous two appearances at the Bernabeu following his loan move from Manchester City.

Benzema's strike looked set to open the floodgates as Madrid set up camp in the Levante half, but chances came and went with Sergio Ramos and Cristiano Ronaldo firing wide and Levante goalkeeper Gustavo Munua doing superbly to deny Di Maria and Benzema.

It was beginning to look as though Madrid would have to settle for just their one-goal advantage at the break, but Carvalho popped up in the 42nd minute to double their lead.

Ronaldo drilled in a free-kick from near the goalline and the unmarked Carvalho turned the ball in from just a yard out, a strike that saw the centre-back join Benzema on three league goals for the season.

The second half saw Madrid push for further goals, but Munua managed to ensure the home side did not record a similar scoreline to that cup encounter.

He denied Sami Khedira before producing excellent saves in quick succession to tip over efforts from Ronaldo and Benzema.

Ronaldo, looking to add to his 24 league goals this season, then brought two more good stops out of Munua as Madrid continued to create openings.

Madrid substitute Mesut Ozil then almost scored a wonder goal in injury-time following a mazy dribble, but Munua saved that as well as the home side had to settle for just the two first-half goals.

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Capello gives his La Liga verdict

Former Real Madrid coach Fabio Capello believes this season's La Liga title race will go right down to the wire.

Barcelona are currently five points clear of second-placed Madrid at the top of the standings with 15 games to go and, with third-placed Valencia 10 points further adrift, it looks certain the championship will again end up at either the Nou Camp or the Bernabeu.

Two-time reigning champions Barca, who had set a Primera Division record with 16 successive league wins prior to last weekend`s 1-1 draw at Sporting Gijon, are favourites to come out on top, but Capello believes the battle will go down to the final week.

Asked if he thinks Madrid can win the league this season, Capello told Marca: "I think they will fight until the last game. Barca have a lot of quality in their play, but Real Madrid`s squad is very strong and the two teams are going to arrive in the final straight of the season very even."

The England manager, who led Madrid to title wins in both of his two seasons in charge of the Spanish giants, back in 1997 and then again in 2007, was also full of praise for Mourinho.

The Portuguese moved to Spain last summer after leading Inter Milan to an unprecedented treble and, heading into the last three months of the season, he has put the Spanish giants into contention for the league, Champions League and Copa del Rey.

In the Copa Madrid will face Barca in the final, while Lyon are the opposition when they return to European action this week in the last 16 of the Champions League - a stage Madrid have fallen at in each of the last six seasons.

"He (Mourinho) is doing a very good job," said Capello.

"He is a winning coach, with a lot of experience and I like him a lot. The most important thing in football are the victories. The titles. And in this aspect Mourinho is a champion, which he`s shown on many occasions. I`m tired of those that say: `We played very well, we had a lot of fun, but we finished second`. The important thing is to win.

"I think Mou`s team are going to be competitive in the three competitions they are challenging for: Copa del Rey, Champions League and, of course, the league."

Capello also thinks there is still more to come from the big-spending Spaniards as well, saying: "I have the feeling that they are still a group under construction. You notice the work of Mourinho day by day. From what I`ve seen up until now, the Whites are improving game after game."

Arsenal's Spain midfielder Cesc Fabregas has been linked to both former club Barca and their rivals Madrid recently but Capello expects the Gunners captain to bide his time before making a move to La Liga.

"I see him living in London, at least a season more," said the Italian. "Although these things are very difficult to predict."

Regarding his current job, Capello also described himself as "very happy" with England`s situation as they look to reach the Euro 2012 finals.

After three games in Group G, England are second in the table with seven points, three behind leaders Montenegro who have played a match more.

Asked how things were going with England, Capello said: "Very well, I`m very happy. We`re doing a good job, the objective is to qualify for the European Championships and now we have a key game against Wales in March."

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Mourinho: Next year will be Real good

Real Madrid coach Jose Mourinho has high hopes for his side next season, despite his earlier spat with Jorge Valdano.

Mourinho and club legend Valdano fell out early this season and reportedly had disagreements over various issues but tension has eased in recent weeks.

The team, meanwhile, managed to cut Barcelona's lead at the top of La Liga to five points last weekend and while the Portuguese coach is still aiming for success on three fronts this season, he believes next year will be even better.

"The natural tendency is for us to win something and initiate a cycle that we hope will produce more victories," he told Cadena Cope.

"But my hopes are a lot more for my team next year than this season."

As for boardroom relations, Mourinho said: "Today I see the club in the same direction as me.

"We have the same thought, the same philosophy, there is much more empathy, because the personal empathy has always been very good with the president (Florentino Perez) and Jose Angel (Sanchez, director general)."

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Real Madrid eye Sissoko swoop

Real Madrid could launch a surprise bid for Juventus midfielder Mohamed Sissoko during the summer transfer window.

The former Liverpool player has struggled to secure a place in the starting line-up at Turin and looks to be on his way out of the club.

Now according to Tuttosport, Madrid coach Jose Mourinho wants to add some steel to his midfield and at the same time provide extra defensive cover for Xabi Alonso.

The Portuguese sees the 26-year-old as the ideal man for his plans at the Santiago Bernabeu.

Besides Sissoko, Mourinho is also keeping tabs on Getafe star Dani Parejo.

Meanwhile, Madrid are set to face competition for Sissoko's signature in the form of Wolfsburg and Schalke, who are both keen on the Frenchman.

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Real Madrid Coach Jose Mourinho Celebrates Nine Years Since Last Home League Defeat

Jose Mourinho reaches milestone of nine years without suffering a home league defeat as a coach.

By Paul Macdonald

Real Madrid coach Jose Mourinho this weekend celebrates the ninth anniversary since his last home league defeat, representing the continuation of one of the most impressive modern-day football statistics.

The Portuguese coach last tasted defeat domestically during his spell in charge of Porto, on February 23, 2002 when Beira Mar overcame the Dragons courtesy of a 3-2 victory, and since that encounter, Mourinho has notched 147 league games without loss, through spells at Chelsea, Inter, and now Real Madrid.

In those games, his teams have achieved 122 victories and 25 draws, scoring 331 goals with only 87 in reply, and in his seven months at the Santiago Bernabeu, he holds a 100% record, not just in La Liga, but in all competitions.

The visitors to the capital on Saturday are relegation-threatened Levante, who have already suffered a crushing 8-0 loss to Los Blancos in the Copa del Rey this season.

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