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Noah Mills


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A new addition to the SATC family is smokin' hot model Noah Mills. He has quite the bedroom scene with Kim Cattrall in which he's wearing, well, nothing.

"It was some sort of sock device," he said of covering up his manhood. "I won't go into detail, but it didn't work very well."

found this little text on the internet, which makes us even more excited to see that movie :laugh:

by the way, if you haven't watched the premiere yet, there's still a stream on livestream.com with a short appearence of Noah at the very beginning and that short interview... so take a look :)

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Details: How was being on a movie set different than being on a photo shoot?

Noah Mills: A photo shoot is a big production, but it doesn't compare to the scale and size of a movie. There are so many departments and just a lot of chaos. When Sarah Jessica Parker or Chris Noth would walk on set, everything would stop for 15 seconds and then it was back to the chaos.

Details: In the movie, you play Samantha's love interest?

Noah Mills: Love is a strong word for their relationship. I'm not so much her boyfriend. It's more of a hook-up.

Details: Samantha is played by Kim Cattrall, who is more than 20 years your elder. In real life would you date a cougar?

Noah Mills: For some reason, the title cougar never sounds that appealing. I'm not a guy on the prowl for cougars, by any means. I have gone on dates with older woman, and it's something I'm open to. Older women can be really attractive—they're more confident and have more experience.

Details: Sex and the City is the ultimate chick flick. Do you think it's something men have any interest in seeing, outside of going to make their girlfriends happy?

Noah Mills: Well, I would definitely never say, "Hey guys lets get together and go see Sex and the City." Honestly though, I saw the series and the first movie and I have to say, it's entertaining—for female and male audiences.

Details: When it comes to the fashion in the movie, it seems the guys get short shrift.

Noah Mills: As a model, I have an appreciation for fashion, but I also understand that the character dictates the costumes. Women can pull off extravagant outfits. With guys it's a lot more difficult and can quickly become a distraction. You don't want to lose the masculinity of the character.

Details: In a couple of hours you'll be at Radio City Music Hall for the world premiere of Sex and the City 2. Who are you bringing and who are you wearing?

Noah Mills: I'm taking my mother and my sister and I have to decide between two Michael Kors suits—either black or gray.

Details: Your mom? Isn't that going to be embarrassing when she sees you getting it on with Samantha?

Noah Mills: Yeah, maybe I should have given a little more thought to my choice of date. But I think it will be fun. She's a big fan of the show and she knows it's just a part.

Details: After Sex, what's next?

Noah Mills: I co-star in an independent film, called Happy New Year. It's about soldiers coming back from Iraq with post-traumatic stress disorder. It's a very different film.

Details: You're a model living in Manhattan. Has your experience here been more about the city or more about sex?

Noah Mills: Uhmm, I would say both.

Details: Come on, you have to pick one.

Noah Mills: I would have to say it's been more sex.


...so yeah... that much to being shy :whistle:

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people.com: Meet the Guy Who Puts the Sexy in Sex and the City 2


In the series' grand tradition of introducing man candy to the world, "Sex and the City 2" delivers another hunk in the form of model turned actor, Noah Mills.

You can even call him a supermodel: The Canadian-born Mills, 27, has been a fixture on the runways for years and is currently in campaigns for Michael Kors, Gap, Dolce & Gabbana and Tommy Hilfiger.

The movie opens Thursday, but here's a sneak peek at Mills – five things you need to know about the new hottie in the city:

1. He got to keep his clothes on in the audition.

"I was surprised they didn't ask me to strip down," he says. Aware that much of his modeling work leaves little to the imagination, he adds, "I guess they could research that stuff."

2. He loves animals.

"As a child, I was always interested in animals," says Mills. If he weren't acting or modeling, he says he'd be out in the wild. "I always felt like working for National Geographic would be incredible."

3. He does indeed love the city.

He was born in Toronto and raised in Baltimore, but his new home of New York City is where his heart is. "I've had an intense history with New York," says Mills. "No matter how you change, you can find what you like there."

4. He has a thing for Penélope Cruz.

She's his dream costar. "I find her so attractive aesthetically and her vulnerability," says Mills. "I think she's a great actress."

5. He'd like to thank Kim Cattrall.

After a long day of shooting a scene with Mills – they'd started at 3 p.m. and were wrapping at 8 a.m. – Cattrall was told she wasn't needed to finish his shots. "She demanded to stay and read with me for my close-up. I'll never forget that," says Mills. "Kim was a great acting partner."


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