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Martha Hunt


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New interview with FP: http://blog.freepeople.com/2015/06/og-fp-martha-hunt/



OG FP: Looking Back With Martha Hunt

When I think of someone who might just be the quintessential Free People muse, one gal comes to mind: Martha Hunt

She’s the OG, classic FP, and one of our dear friends. We’ve been working with Martha ever since FP.com launched back in 2004. Between then and now, Martha has been on countless catalog shoots and has hit the homepage more than a handful of times. I remember back in 2012 when I was interning in the web studio, she was the model that I would see most frequently. Down to earth, super friendly, and one mega-babe, she always brought the best energy on set.

In this month’s lookbook, “You May Have Heard Of Her…”, we let Martha take the reigns and show us all of her favorite pre-fall looks. And in honor of her long time relationship with Free People, her close friend and FP Art Director, Lauren, sat down with Martha for an exclusive interview where we get to know a little bit more about miss Hunt and her history with the brand. Enjoy!




We’ve known each other for 6 or 7 years and you’ve been working for FP for a long time — can you tell us your most memorable FP experience thus far?
Working with Free People over the years has offered me so many incredible experiences, I’ve literally traveled all over the world with you guys!  The most memorable experience was our tour of Vietnam, a non-stop ten day journey.  Michelle Ouelett and I were photographed the whole time we were traveling, from a train to the mountains of Sapa, to a boat cruising through a floating village, to name a few. We ate local Pho and went to karaoke bars.  I learned so much about the Viatnamese culture and how kind the people are.  Looking back it all feels like a dream.  I’ve never traveled that much in ten days.  That trip fully embodied the Free People spirit.

You travel all over the world for a living, where is your favorite place you’ve been? Is there a place you want to go you haven’t yet visited?
I can’t choose one favorite place because all destinations have something different to offer.  My favorite city to explore is Paris, I love the culture of Morocco, and the waterfalls in St. Lucia. I just can’t choose one.  I would like to go back to New Zealand to see more of what it has to offer.  I’ve also heard the beaches of Bora Bora are stunning.

On the flip side, where do you feel most at home?
I definitely feel most at home in New York City, although I get stir-crazy if I’m here too long.  I feel so nomadic, that it’s tough being stuck in the city too long.

What’s your routine like when you’re not working? How do you stay balanced when you travel?
I take care of my dog, Bear, which helps me feel grounded.  I stay connected to my friends and family when I travel, and also fit in transcendental meditation.  It’s nice to find a routine.

As a busy, active person, how important is physical fitness to you? How does scoliosis affect your physical routine?
Fitness is very important to me because it helps give me a routine when I travel.  It gives me one hour of “me” time, and passes the time when I’m lonely.  Living with Scolioisis serves as a constant reminder to keep my core and back strong.  If I get lazy, I feel it in my back first.

You grew up in North Carolina — did you ever imagine you’d live in NYC?
Growing up in the south, NYC always seemed like a destination to visit, but not to live in. I actually imagined myself in California, because I never saw myself as a “city” person.  Now my friends are here, and I embrace the culture and melting pot aspect of NYC.  For the time being, I can’t imagine myself living anywhere else.

What are your most essential travel items?
A journal, moisturizer, ankle weights, a good book, a bikini, and good music.

Where do you see yourself in 5 years? How about in 15?
In five years, hopefully more established in my career.  In fifteen, I imagine I’ll still be working hard, but with more time to relax and enjoy a home I’ve built for myself.

Do you have a favorite FP photo of yourself? If so, which one?
Yes.  This black and white portrait my boyfriend, Jason Mcdonald, took of me during another fun trip in Montauk.  I’m blessed to be able to work with everyone at Free People.  In this business it’s extraordinary to find a client that feels like family.  It’s also fun to look back and see how much FP has evolved, and how much it’s influenced my own style.


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