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Nora Tschirner

Nora Tschirner, borned as Nora Marie Tschirner, 12 June 1981, Berlin, East Germany.

Host on German language MTV.

VJ at German MTV ("News", "Hitlist Germany" and others)

Daughter of Joachim Tschirner.

Number 11 in 'Neon' Magazine's list of 100 most important young Germans. (Issue 1, September 2003)

Her parody of Shakira's dance style became legendary (2002).

Is fluent in German, English, Spanish and Russian.

Enjoys solving crossword-puzzles in her spare time.

One of her closest friends is Sarah Kuttner.

Personal Quotes:

On her future: "Ich stelle mir meine Zukunft so vor, dass ich die Kraft habe, nur Dinge zu machen, die ich wirklich will." (I imagine my future that I have the power to do only things I really want.)


# Zweiohrküken (2009) (filming) .... Anna

# Bon Appetit (2009) (post-production) .... Hanna

# Die Vorstadtkrokodile 2 (2010) .... Hannes' Mutter

# Die Vorstadtkrokodile (2009) .... Hannes' Mutter

# Mord ist mein Geschäft, Liebling (2009) .... Julia Steffens

... aka Killing Is My Business, Honey (USA)

# La noche que dejó de llover (2008) .... La rusa

... aka La noche de la puta y el pan (Spain)

# Der frühe Ulmen - Versunkene Werke der Periode MTV, Vol. 1 (2008) (V)

# Keinohrhasen (2007) .... Anna

... aka Rabbit Without Ears (Europe: English title)

# "Löwenzahn" .... Verkäuferin (1 episode, 2007)

- Sonnenenergie - Strom für die Finsternis (2007) TV episode .... Verkäuferin

# Das letzte Stück Himmel (2007) (TV) .... Laura Melzer

# "Ijon Tichy: Raumpilot" .... Analoge Halluzinelle (6 episodes, 2007)

- Die innere Stimme (2007) TV episode .... Analoge Halluzinelle

- Sabotage (2007) TV episode .... Analoge Halluzinelle

- Der futurologische Kongress (2007) TV episode .... Analoge Halluzinelle

- Relativistische Effekte (2007) TV episode .... Analoge Halluzinelle

- Planet der Reserven (2007) TV episode .... Analoge Halluzinelle

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# Alice im Niemandsland (2007) .... Alice

# The Conclave (2006) .... Vanozza

... aka Das Konklave (Germany)

# "Die ProSieben Märchenstunde" .... Hexe (1 episode, 2006)

... aka "Die Märchenstunde" (Germany: short title)

- Hans im Glück - Tauschrausch im Märchenland (2006) TV episode .... Hexe

# Nichts geht mehr (2006) .... Nadja

# FC Venus (2006) .... Anna Rothe

... aka FC Venus - Elf Paare müsst ihr sein (Germany: promotional title)

... aka FC Venus - Made in Germany (International: English title)

# Kebab Connection (2004) .... Titzi

# "Ein starkes Team" .... Katharina Stein (1 episode, 2004)

- Sicherheitsstufe 1 (2004) TV episode .... Katharina Stein

# "Ulmens Auftrag" (2004) TV series .... Co-Host

# Soloalbum (2003) .... Katharina

# "Sternenfänger" .... Paula Behringer (26 episodes, 2002)

- Aufbruch zu den Sternen (2002) TV episode .... Paula Behringer

- Weiterleben (2002) TV episode .... Paula Behringer

- Das erste und letzte Mal (2002) TV episode .... Paula Behringer

- Falsche Hoffnung (2002) TV episode .... Paula Behringer

- Zwischen Liebe und Wahrheit (2002) TV episode .... Paula Behringer

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# Wie Feuer und Flamme (2001) .... Anya

... aka Never Mind the Wall (International: English title)

Nora Tschirner ( Keinohrhasen aka Rabbit Without Ears )

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