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Daria Werbowy


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Daria Werbowy arrives in Toronto for Canada's Walk of Fame.2008

(Sorry if repost but I don't remember that I saw or read this)

Supermodel Daria Werbowy is frantically hobbling around New York City trying to find a dress that will look good with a plastic boot.

Werbowy, 24, broke her left foot a few weeks ago at the end of a three-month adventure aboard a 52-foot sailboat cruising the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea. Delicate metatarsal bones don't like Zodiac engines being dropped on them. Of the celebrities being inducted into Canada's Walk of Fame tomorrow night, it's a little ironic that the one who actually walks for a living won't be able to showcase her famous strut.

"That's my fashion dilemma right now," she says on the phone from Manhattan. She's laughing. "I walked on it for three weeks not knowing it was broken."

She says she'll be on the mend for the next three weeks. While she wasn't scheduled to model in next week's New York fashion week shows, she hopes to be healed in time for the European shows later this month.

Werbowy, whose name means, "willow tree" in Ukrainian, immigrated to Mississauga with her family from Poland in the mid-1980s.

Her entrée into modelling started at the age of 14, when a schoolmate's mom who operated a talent agency in Toronto, saw dollar signs in the lanky, 5-foot-11 teenager with braces.

Now represented by Elmer Olsen Models in Toronto and IMG in New York, Forbes magazine counts Werbowy among the top 10 highest-earning models in the world. Her major contracts this year include Dior, H&M, David Yurman, Jean Paul Gaultier and Lancôme.

Before she joins Bryan Adams, Michael J. Fox and Steve Nash on stage tomorrow night at the Four Seasons Centre for the Performing Arts, we caught up with Werbowy for a game of six-and-a-half questions.

Q: You spent three months with your family on the ocean, many of those days in the middle of nowhere. What did you do for food?

A: "We left from New York and we were lost at sea for 24 days. We caught fish. We ran into a fishing boat from Halifax and we traded beers for tuna. Each day, there are these little adventures that happen.

"We had lots of canned food. My sister and I cooked a lot. It was like a Top Chef challenge to try to cook when it's 40 knots of wind and you're heeling almost 80 degrees."

Q: What did you do for sex?

A: Laughing: "As a woman, I think you know what the answer to that is!"

Q: Any near-death moments?

A: "Crossing into Gibraltar, we came into a really intense fog. We couldn't see anything within 10 feet of us. It was completely white. All we heard were these huge tanker foghorns. We were trying to figure out which way they were going; if they were coming toward us."

Q: Let's talk about modelling. A lot of magazines have hailed the return of the original supermodels – you know, Linda, Christy, Kate. What do you say to the commentators who claim today's models lack the personality of their predecessors?

A: "What's happened now is girls aren't being given the time to develop and to grow and to become women and develop their personalities. The turnaround is just much quicker.

"And with the celebrity impact, models aren't the stars they used to be because celebrities are fashion icons as well now."

Q: Forbes ranked you ninth on its list of the world's highest-paid models. What's been your biggest purchase?

A: "My apartment. Home is your sanctuary."

Q: What about in the not-practical, just-gotta-have-it-department?

A: "The older I get, the less I need. I wear the same jean shorts for the whole week. I'm not running to the store to get the latest bag."

Q: You've been a hugely successful model. You hold the record for opening the most runway shows in your first season. If you had to do it all again, what would you do differently?

A: "I would've taken things a little more slowly and made a little bit more time for myself. I think one of the secrets to modelling is the less you care and the more you're yourself, the more successful you are.

"And maybe I would've started taking three months off a lot earlier in my career. It's the best kind of therapy for anything. You come back feeling `I really don't care any more – I f----in' sailed across the Atlantic!'"

source1 , source2


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