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Posts posted by Frederick


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    Warning: disc may stench of small time nothingness!


    Hard to believe this giant of the global game currently don't have a manager!


    Does anyone know where I can order the Best Of Pepe Mel Boxset?!


    Is there a potential buyer on the horizon or is it simply a case of keeping the seat warm until one comes along?


    There's a lot of tittle tattle out there as you can imagine but scant substance, as of the moment. My own opinion is that its inconceivable that there isn't a buyer in place but we shall have to wait and see.


    England squad more or less as expected, with a stand-by list of Carrick, Cleverley, Flanagan, Stones, Ruddy, Defoe and Carroll. Fingers crossed that nobody gets injured, then!

    Can we start a hashtag campaign to get Scott Parker in the squad? That's what the 'kidz' do, right? The back four looks ropey whichever way you slice it (and make no mistake, sliced it SHALL be!) and I certainly don't like seeing duffers like Smalling selected but reality is, the alternatives are just as inane. 

  3. I've clearly underestimated Bruce Springsteen's popularity in Hull. Unless...


    Given Hull's penchant for managers that croon, I expect Bruce has been rehearsing for the cup final hootenanny for weeks. 

  4. I met Randy Lerner and Paul Faulkner purely by a chance a few months after we appointed McLeish. Nice guys, both surprisingly candid; it was a good half an hour shooting the breeze, for a supposed recluse Rando didn't bat an eyelid about taking a picture.  Its sad that it has come to this but a parting of ways has felt inevitable for a really long time now. No hard feelings but time to move on. I feel the same about Lambert, he's not a bad guy but is he deserving of a third season in charge? No, not objectively speaking. Hopefully we get a smooth takeover and a new, honourable custodian with a few quid to waste comes in. 

  5. I believe in miracles
    Since you Sunderland
    You sexy thing
    You sexy thing you


    Manchester City's new £24m signing from Barcelona, Yaya Toure, is being paid an initial wage of £185,000. Holy. Mother. Of. Jesus.

    Toure is not actually that great. He's not a creative genius who will get backsides off seats but a defensive midfielder who stops players who can. He may not even get a game for City, who already have four highly-rated players to fill that role - Patrick Vieira, Gareth Barry, Nigel de Jong and Vincent Kompany.

    I can understand luring the sought-after David Silva to Eastlands for £140,000-a-week, but giving a quarter-of-a-million quid every seven days to a defensive squad player who no other club would have touched for that kind of money and whose name won't sell shirts, is insanity on a previously unimagined scale.




    As the kids would say, epic fail. I realise that a quick glance on social media makes a mockery of the idea of football supporters gaining wisdom and I may have to self-publish a book to nail the finer points but, in summary, I think 2010 was the beginning of the end of a more sincere form of Premiership exceptionalism; with a greater influx of alternatives becoming readily available as well as England being unceremoniously battered by a vastly superior team at the World Cup (rather than the usual tears at bedtime penalty arse ache), who's players didn't play in the "best league in the world" and whom weren't previously lauded/revered/known about to the lazier pen pushing toads and sofa botherers. Sky will of course always protect 'the brand' and click bait op-eds by nincompoops saying how Ross Barkley needs a special "deal" between the FA and Everton to "ensure" he becomes one of the best players in the world will continue to exist but the proverbial man in the street, the supposedly naive simpleton in his flat cap, the one who's supposed to be crying at that condescending vomit inducing "#youarefootball" advert, is actually highly aware that all of that is complete bollocks.

  6. Anyone got an idea what the Richter scale reading was when all those Newcastle fans began their "protest"? Must have been like Godzilla trudging through Tokyo.


    Hilarious to think of all those whom desperately tried to portray Giggs as some Gary Kasparov level brainbox because his "Yanited" did the unthinkable and beat Norwich, that infamously in form red hot soccer sensation. Woo woo, only a man who understands "the Yanited way" could've pulled that miracle out of the bag. 


    Don't let the door hit you on the way out, Cardiff. And as for you, Felix, the men in white coats are awaiting your return. 

  7. This stunning revelation makes that ol' Van Gaal dropping his pants in the Bayern dressing room story just that little bit more weird! Thank God dear old Madge wasn't alive to see it!

  8. Valiant effort by the unwavering, perennially underrated commander in chief John Terry, who heroically played through the pain barrier to lead Jose's courageous gladiators with typical awe inspiring aplomb. In many ways though he lost the game he won the greater prize, the nation's hearts. His tears, in many ways, were all of our tears. And while we'll never know for sure it is 100% reasonable to assume that a fully fit JT and Lamps would have seen the boys over the line continues for another 2,000 words


    Extract from 'Every newspaper published in England today'. No copyright infringement intended. 

  9. Abominable. Inept. Gutless. A club on the brink of oblivion.


    But enough about Birmingham City, let's talk Villa! *cue sitcom laughter track*


    No but seriously, that wasn't very nice at all. In fact that was terrifying in its brutal simplicity. I don't want Nathan Baker in my life any more, its that simple. Apparently Yacouba Sylla wants to leave well HERE'S THE CAB FARE, FELLA. Bruce hates us and would take tremendous delight in beating us next week and I suspect several Biblical miracles will need to occur for us to get the point we crave. The rest is up to Norwich and Fulham.   

  10. Real's record in Germany is pretty dire so I still see the Munch squeaking through. I don't read too much into this post-title 'slumber', last night was the first game of importance they've had since the second leg of the Moyesterplan (not to denigrate their dispatching of Kaiserslautern in ze cup) though they could certainly do with Francky ending his tired Start Playing Rubbish Just In Time For A Major International Tournament routine. Naturally I hope they lose, so really it doesn't bother me a jot. 

  11. The number of 180-degree turns I've seen in the media today has made my head spin, but a 'closed shop' arrangement between two Glaswegians was always going to be out of step with the rest of the footballing world. It's highly unlikely that we'll ever see a managerial appointment like it again.


    Hold the phone, not every club sends an elderly Glaswegian to tell, er, I mean 'anoint' their mate, er, I mean 'excellent contemporary' as manager? Bloody hate modern football!    

  12. No wonder Fergie's getting rid of his wine collection, the guilt of being half cut when he picked Moyes has clearly consumed him. Watching Hodgson's mind slowly unravel at Liverpool was a sad sight to see but Moyes turned into a crumpled shell of a man right from day one. You just knew that he knew it wasn't going to work.   

  13. Hooray, hooray, the new Villa think tank have found a cure! Too bad its for insomnia. 


    I found myself guffawing at the Sunderland result, even if its rather against my own interests. Jose Pigeon Face looked mightily peeved, didn't even tickle the press pack's bellies, the grumpy scamp. Still, those text messages to the ol' ball and chain must be arriving earlier and earlier, bless.


    Lambert's two lieutenants both suspended by the club. Another new manager beckons.

    Surprising to see Shay Given named as one of the temporary replacements, I was under the impression that Lambert had had enough of him as well.


    Shay's far too old and on an ungodly amount of money but bearing in mind the rest of our 'Bomb Squad' he's a comparative delight to look back upon. And even now he's probably still better than Jed Steer, yet another bewildering Lambert acquisition. Best case scenario is this wacky gang of misfits pull out a few improbable results like Gary McAllister did when Gerry Houllier got poorly. Then, day zero.

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