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Everything posted by conjab2013

  1. She paid good money for those tits and she’s going to show them off. Goddammit!!!
  2. 😂 I am rooting for her. Let’s hope she doesn’t pull an Alexina and she lives up to the hype.
  3. I’m hoping I’m not crashing this Lorena love train but this hype for her is comparable to Alexina’s last year when she got cast. Everybody was so looking forward to see her on the show and there was so much excitement that VS finally cast a redhead. Then the show happened. Look how much we’ve turned against her just a year later. Lol
  4. That is a lot of emotion for a sparkly titty cup.
  5. It’s very close in shape to Heidi’s 2002 wings.
  6. ^ it doesn’t look familiar. It looks more like A Winter’s Tale outfit to me from last year.
  7. ^ Stella’s giving me a little Blair St. Clair. I do declare.
  8. Unpopular opinion: I liked Gigi more in the 2016 show than in 2015. She looked better thinner and with dark blonde hair. She fit in the show more. In the 2015 show, she looked out of place.
  9. Do we really need the making of / road to the runway videos? I feel like the content has been the same since they started putting them out in 2014. I would much rather have the Trends video where they talked about the idea / inspiration behind each section.
  10. A 20-foot wing either upright or like a train sounds incredible, as long as it is tastefully done. But with VS’s design team right now that is a lot to ask. Even as a train, a 20-foot wing still seems excessive. If it is a straight runway, that will be a really tough turn at the end of the runway. If it is V-shaped, that will still be difficult to maneuver. Maybe we will get a new runway layout this year to accommodate the wings. I don’t know why I’m really hung up on the logistics of this one wing. I just can’t wrap my head around a 20-foot thing on the runway. But if they pull it off and they have the right model to carry it, it’s going to be a really beautiful moment.
  11. 20 foot wings??? Did they mean to say 20 lbs? 20 feet is like 2 floors high. The highest they’ve gone was Heidi’s in 2003 at 12 feet, if I’m remembering correctly. Also, of all models to give this to why Candice? I have nothing against her and she’s my favorite angel but time and time again she has proven that she can’t handle heavy wings. 1 - 2010’s harp wings that was taken out of the show 2 - Constance’s Shipwrecked outfit that was originally meant for Candice 3 - Alluding in Seth Myer’s talk show that her gilded angels outfit was almost given to another girl because she complained about its weight
  12. I’m out of the loop. What did Kendall do?
  13. ^ That’s a cursed photo. Definitely the first unflattering photo I’ve seen of Elsa. She typically looks great even in candids.
  14. Just my $0.02... I think that 2007, 2009, 2013 are the worst shows that VS has put out. 2007 - Everything felt cheap. The segment ideas they came up with were tacky. Age of Elegance was semi decent but it felt too old / mature for VS. For some reason, the segments felt shorter too. Almost across the board the outfits looked cheap and overdone. Also, the newbies that year (excluding Candice, Behati, Lindsay) were ameteurish. On the plus side, 2007 gave us the best PINK section but if PINK is the best section in a show, then you know that show as a whole was terrible. 2009 - Same problems with 2007 but minus a decent PINK section. Also, don't forget the model search that produced a model that bit VS in the ass. 2013 - There were a few elements in the show that I like. Parisian Nights (minus Cara) was a really strong segment. Snow Angels, even though a recycled idea, was great. My girl, Constance, getting 2 beautiful outfits / wings and getting to close a segment. But even all that cannot offset the dumpster fire that is Pink Network. As everybody knows 2001-2006 was VS's golden era. 2008/2010-2012 were a good stretch of years but they don't really compare to the early 2000s. 2014-2017 are below average shows but are still generally better than the 3 shows mentioned above. Here's hoping that we see some improvements this year. I know that that is a lot of opinion that nobody asked for so sorryboutit.
  15. I love Morgane. She has such a unique and beautiful face. I think she’s second to Caroline Winberg to have walked the most shows without ever getting wings.
  16. I was never aware of her before. But from the conversations here, it seems like she is an incredible model. Still, I can never take her seriously because of that name.
  17. Afaik, VS never did that. It was the channel that uploaded the videos on YT that added the names in.
  18. ^ That reminds me of Jessica Stam’s Highland Romance wings. I’m opposed to recycling segments but at least if they’ll keep recycling, they’d redo one of their best segments. The remix for that segment was straight 🔥
  19. They used to. Karolina’s wore her first FB years before she became an angel.
  20. Not Toni or Maryna because they missed the 2014 show. We could add to the list Lily D, Lais or even 2012 rookies like Fialho, Jourdan, Jasmine
  21. Ooohhh juicy! IF the 4 years is accurate then it’s one of the 2011 rookies that never missed a show until 2014. Sui He, Karlie, Ieva, Elsa, Joan are the ones I can think of. Shanina doesn’t count because she missed 2013.
  22. Oh my god those outfits ❤️. The years before Sophia got her grimy hands on the show.
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