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Status Replies posted by Sunshiine

  1. Seriously how amazing is Dua Lipa? 😍

  2. hello.your avatar is a little unnerving with endless flickering:hmm:

  3. hello.your avatar is a little unnerving with endless flickering:hmm:

    1. Sunshiine


      I'm planning on keeping it for about a month but if you really cant stand it I can change it? But a lot of other posters also have gifs as avatars...

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  4. hello.your avatar is a little unnerving with endless flickering:hmm:

  5. Who is that in your profile pic and where is it from?  Thanks.

    1. Sunshiine


      It's Lili Reinhart from Riverdale. I got it on tumblr. Don't remember which one exactly. 

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  6. Have you had enough of winter yet? :flower: 

    1. Sunshiine


      Yeah I saw that it was colder here where I live than in Alberta and co. It was weird. Our humidiy is so bad. Sometimes it's -20 and it feels like -45. But for the past few days, it's over 0. It's raining too...  The snow is melting and it's becoming an ugly melting pot of water and snow. But It's not that bad! :happy: 

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  7. Have you had enough of winter yet? :flower: 

    1. Sunshiine


      Not that bad .. But I prefer winter over summer :p We've had a lot of -35 and 40 though. A bit unusual for us. How is your winter? :D

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  8. So i guess you can't say Bonjour,hi to me anymore :ermm: 

  9. So i guess you can't say Bonjour,hi to me anymore :ermm: 


    1. Sunshiine


      Oh I see! yes Hockey is a big thing in QC with our Canadians. It's our religion ahah. :laugh: I'll try to keep an eye out if I see it somewhere ! :happy:

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  11. Thank you for updating Frederikke and others!!!!!!!!:kiss::heart:

  12. Why do 90% of the high fashion model runway pics you post look like the women want to kill/murder someone or they look like they're lost?


    :ninja: You can ignore me if you want to I'm used to it

    1. Sunshiine


      AHAHA I don't know why :laugh: I guess that's the look designers want :tongue:

  13. You work too hard posting stuff, have a flower :flower: 


    Au moins, vous ne vous ennuierez pas


    (if Google translate fucked it up I apologise :ninja: I haven't learned/spoken french since Grade 8)

    1. Sunshiine


      Poutine date sounds amazing !! :chicken:

      Please is indeed s'Il vous plaît :thumbs_up: But yeah french is a pretty complex language compared to english. I find myself thinking in english :ph34r: :rofl:

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  14. You work too hard posting stuff, have a flower :flower: 


    Au moins, vous ne vous ennuierez pas


    (if Google translate fucked it up I apologise :ninja: I haven't learned/spoken french since Grade 8)

    1. Sunshiine


      ahaha Yeah I'm over posting right now cause I have been away the last few days :tongue:

      No the sentence is well written! :flower: except maybe the tense of the verb. It's the future tense :tongue: 

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  15. Have a happy holidays Sunshiine! 

    1. Sunshiine


      Thank you! :hug:Happy holidays to you too!! :happy:

  16. Thanks so much for all the updates !! :smile: 

    1. Sunshiine


      Derien jj :smile: I could say the same thing about you! :hug:

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  17. Happy Birthday!!! :flower: Thank you for all your fabulous posts!!! :hehe: 

    1. Sunshiine


      Thank you :smile: And it's my pleasure! :flower:

  18. You are on fire posting tons of great material, keep up the good work :D 

    1. Sunshiine


      Ahaha thanks :happy: I'm glad you like it :D

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