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Everything posted by phang.s

  1. well at least PINK doesn't look cringe worthy this year. But they rehashed a lot of old designs I'm starting to think it was on purpose. VS also needs to realize this is a lingerie show, not a fashion show, stop covering the bodies of these models who worked hard as fuck for them.
  2. Yeah I'm pretty sure they were planning to give Karlie the FB. Don't get me wrong I love Karlie, but thankfully that never happened.
  3. I got blocked in SECONDS omg so desperate it's pathetic
  4. It's funny cause Elsa was the one who couldn't skate and was dragging Jac down so I hope it wasn't the skates. I hope she's fine for the show cause that is shit.
  5. I liked the LED, it was something new and different and created some interesting camera shots and made things a lot more dramatic. I hope they keep it and try to make it better.
  6. Hayden Williams recreated some 2013 looks. He's an excellent illustrator/designer and THAT is someone they need on their design team. He is young and in the know and his designs are good but VS are idiots so
  7. Did Ed decide who would attend final castings himself or? Why are 80% of these girls blonde lol
  8. Isn't it Bono? Anyway Bridget Malcom is going to castings today.
  9. I agree tbh, I can't picture her doing this year nor can I picture VS bringing her along again
  10. http://www.bellazon.com/main/topic/58167-the-2015-victorias-secret-fashion-show/?p=3879608 Thank you!!!
  11. Adriana in british invasion was actually one of her better outfits
  12. This needs to happen And of course Adriana will walk that shiz and get the most horrid and unflattering outfit ever, it wouldn't be a VSFS without it I'm bookmarking this, because I'm 99% sure this will all happen
  13. I'm telling you these people are too damn old. The creative team needs younger people, because that is a joke. I'm laughing at people 50+ trying to discuss this probably going "this is going to be such a hit with young adults!"
  14. I already know Stella will be in that segment because she just loves to be a cool girl.
  15. The problem is the current crop of HF models don't have the body, presence, or walk and they all look pretty identical. That's probably why they're looking at more commercial girls. Plus, I feel like a lot of HF models these days think they're too cool for VS.
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