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Jade Bahr

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Everything posted by Jade Bahr

  1. @oxford25 & @Shadow Thanks for the infos Didn't know almost every of them are currently dating models
  2. @Shandy He was considered to play Marvel's Captain America (I really don't know if that wasn't just a rumor ) and to play DCs villian The Riddler ... and in the past Marvel wanted him as Tobey Maguires Spider-Man and Robin in that awful Batman movie with George Clooney. In an interview with shortlist (from 2015) Leo said:
  3. Who's Megan Williams? I mean I know she's a model () but is she friends with Nina or with one of Leos pals?
  4. Wow, they really published the uncensored ones?
  5. ^Thanks for the new pic. Leo looks very good Can't believe they made a story about this but at least it's a nice one Where is @FashionDream btw? Haven't read her in a while I have the feeling ...
  6. Love the new ads from Grazia Mag but Diane looks a bit thin lately - and not in a good way
  7. Re: art exhibit - power of Leo Thanks ALL for the new pics. He looks great
  8. ^Daddy has some strong genes
  9. Tag your it @Leo lover @Schemer @Shepherd
  10. ^Ooops. It looked like a slightly different version to me Thanks anyway for responding
  11. @Leo lover Your new Leo ava is beautiful. Never saw it before. It's from Blood Diamond promo right? I only knew this one: Could you post the full version pls??? Thanks ALL for the updates
  12. He's the best when it comes to his fans
  13. Find him a lot more attractive without that (grey) beard
  14. ^Why not in summer like always? Shooting a movie in this time maybe??
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