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Everything posted by Qball

  1. Why did you change the topic of our discussion?
  2. Qball


    I used to have a dog, then came the fishes, then the turtle and finally my beloved gerbils...
  3. Should I approve of your way of thinking?
  4. What was the question again?
  5. ^ignored my previous post here
  6. 5 I hate modern American hip-hop, but the sig is very well done.
  7. 1.Your Name: Kuba (coo:bah) 2. Age: 21 3. Single or Taken: Does "Taken" mean "Married"? If so, then not. 4. Favorite Movie: Terminator 2: Judgment Day 5. Favorite Song: Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen 6. Favorite Band/Artist: Led Zeppelin 7. Dirty or Clean: What?! Too vague. 8. Tattoos and/or Piercings: none The Fun Part... 1. Do we know each other outside of the forum? I wish we did. 2. What's your philosophy on life? Just live it 3. Would you defend me in a fight? I don't like fighting, I always run away. 4. Would you keep a secret from me if you thought it was in my best interest? Yeah, why not? That's what people do, right? 5. What is your favorite memory of us? Anytime you quoted me 6. If you could give me one thing (anything) in the world, what would it be? I'd give you a hand. 7. Tell me one odd/intresting fact about you: You first 8. Would you take care of me when I'm sick? That's what friends are for, right? But then again, we're not really friends... yet... well... errm... PIP! 9. What do you do for work/What do you study in school? I study English at university. 10. What was your first impression of me? I can't tell here. 11. Whats do you think of me now? I think that you are one cool guy. 12. What do you think is my best quality? PIPing! 13. Would you travel across the country with me? Yes, provided that you were a girl 14. What is the one thing you wish you knew about me? They say you're pregnant, I'd like to know if it's true. 15. If you could change anything about me, would you? If yes, what? I'd change your sex, because that would make you one cool lady I could PM with 16. If I were a character (it could be from a book, TV, video game, wherever), who would I be? Hmm... Leon the Specialist 17. Would you like to hang out with me? Why not..? 18. What is one word you would use to describe me? cool 19. If I only had one day to live, what would we do together? No sex, forget it! 20. Would you be a fellow ninja with me? 21. Are there any last words you like to tell me? Je ne parle pas francaise (is it any good?)
  8. Don't you think that my description is a little vague?
  9. Why don't you like them? Just curious.
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