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Everything posted by freevsangel

  1. Its sad if Bellemere doesnt work for them anymore, cuz his work was awesome, some of my favorite shots are from him
  2. I think they drop Rachel cuz she was gaining some weight or she did some ugly surgery to her face, cuz girl you look fake and old
  3. This granny ass is aweful http://www.adexchangetracker.com/a/display.php?stamat=j|B7ZhI-93aronG6J1eCpjFioheCtnQ6p1eaonP75x.fbc%2CGpAIFfz0Mu1u6A2yLzzTu5YuGJjlI5oXyVmwjDRP0r5fx752_6xZvHDpBby5goSCxyRHkQlimz_Pi1xYlNalFdJZ04HwJEe9F6AqeC2FFi2GQ1KRD5Dm2w54XUl0m75VXd1shRrMEF5C9vH4s1gF_0cd5Z2M2KWnivgNZQsqCpGzWXhbRCz_3iWN1v8xelph9Xg6y0BKaylQOv80hgmwDltvnrvwNUc1Qxgw0kICMtQstY1RUpYGgl2ekXAI4OHV8noebLHGAPL7sl6fj8jRUod6R8J32RPTuAMYLh3h6IPXi_KFdtulGVVcHIw-nx5n3ji1yyxoH_lQeaeaY8xmkiCnplJPBEg_Muav7SGGTTzFw51mzBEQ4laOVcX18KaYdL1Y8NrHlOdCiMqZllZwKFFJsuPDbadexuTkilspNNNNbAOR3o2wsXskpvl5zsKMJ4bRCk-BRkgWosSi__Cyvr6neqRy9b8rmNAdkhxbJfg%2C
  4. Are Bee and Adam going to the Grammys today?
  5. I think is a girl, something about the shape of her belly tells me that...
  6. I thi k something with her nose is different and she is back shoting with Pink
  7. Martha has a beautiful body when she is fuller, really curvy (candice type of curvy) and sexy... but now she looks like a skeleton, i can cound every single vertebra IS SO SCARY! And unhealthy
  8. So what happened between Sara and Tay? They look so uncomfortable togheter (specially Taylor)
  9. SO the brunette is 31 and the blonde daughter is 18... but they look almost the same age so i dont know is the blond looks old or the brunette looks young o.o
  10. I camt believe i'm saying this but i'm pretty excited to see the photos, they seem to be really soft and full of love, besides obviously hot and beautiful
  11. I really dont mind her daughters to be included, i mean they look pretty decent...
  12. Girl if you dont have butt then dont show it, its simple... besides her face is
  13. Myla Dalbesio is like the XL version of keira knightley and sometimes her face lack of that wow factor, body wise is pretty good
  14. Dusty looks just like her mama... in love with her
  15. I think is from the Animals video in 2014
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