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Everything posted by heartwing

  1. Yikes.. thats a lot of performers
  2. Jasmine is out simply due to the fact she had it recently. I wouldn't at all be surprised if Elsa is the one who has it, but there is part of me who still refuses to axe Martha from the list. Then again, it could very well be someone else all together. I know you know who's got it and can't say, so I'm just going to wait and hope and see but I really hope they announce it tomorrow. Otherwise there's really no point
  3. VS really just needs to announce this. It's getting ridiculous at this point. Elsa is either wearing the bra or she's the biggest troll in the VS dungeon.
  4. I'm looking forward to seeing what the pastel section looks like! it could be beautiful if done right
  5. Agreed @Clauds. If this is th way the brand is headed they have bigger problems then we realized.
  6. Trashy af. 🙄🤦🏼‍♀️
  7. I'm still rooting hard for Martha but I just don't know anymore. The longer they stretch this out, the more I'm on the fence. I'm curious about the thing on GMA tomorrow for sure.
  8. Take it with a grain of salt as this is from Us Magazine but...
  9. That wall could simply be extra pieces and parts for emergency fixes too
  10. Haha! If only! 😂😂
  11. LOVE her dress! She looks amazing and I can't wait to see her outfits for the show!
  12. I second this. But I'm more than happy to see Charlotte this year. I love her work. Lisa Eldridge could be a good one, as well.
  13. Thank you so much @Prettyphile! You're the real mvp for this
  14. @ticktock Agreed. Her personal style is very hit and miss. But when she's styled, she does so much better.
  15. Behati looked much, much better on the way out then in, in my opinion.
  16. Martha looks gorgeous! Thank you so so much @Prettyphile!
  17. I loved the lingerie in that outfit Lily wore. The color was gorgeous
  18. We are inching up at the 9:00 hour central time. Other than the perfume launch, think we'll get anything else today?
  19. I think that was the Paris show but def within the last year or two that we all thought that. It would be cool if they actually did that though
  20. Love all of these adds! Thank you @wintery & @PinkCouture!
  21. I think certain ones have some say in things, but I don't believe they get to pick their outfits.
  22. I like the black robe. It's different, but pretty, I think.
  23. Wouldn't surprise me in the least if that's what they did. Though they are being a lot more tight this year with everything soooo 🤷🏼‍♀️
  24. This! Patience is a virtue it seems very few have anymore. It's not the end of the world if we don't now every little thing right this second
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