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Posts posted by sweetandlow

  1. ...

    That's part of that collage that el jefe posted above for Billabong, right??? btw, do you have a twitter account as Tori Praver also?? I say that 'cuz you are using the picture Tori used to use on hers. :hug: Also, since you are from Germany, would you happen to know exactly who is the person replying to You Tube videos acting as if they are Tori and also all the other Twitter accts and facebook accounts pretending to be her? I know at least one of the people is from your country and you might have heard something thru the grapevine. If you do, let us know 'cuz it's causing Tori to have to change all her accounts every 10 minutes....would be a great service if you did know this person...Tori can't post anywhere anymore 'cuz this person copies everything she says and that leaves the rest of us out of getting good posts by Tori.....thanx a bunch for any and all info you can provide and thanx very much for posting. :flower:

  2. He's 37 years old and they call him a geezer? That makes lots of sense

    Considering the article is from a British source and in British "geezer" is somewhat equivalent to "dude" in America (i.e., no connotations of age), yes, it does make sense. :p

    This is very painful for me to admit, mbinebri, but you are right! Even though I've never heard my friends from the UK use the word "geezer", I called a friend who comes from there and he says that they DO use that word sometimes to describe a macho man kinda guy which could also mean "dude". The younger people usually say "bloke" which I've heard all the time but some others, do use "geezer", depending on your region in the UK, your age and your environment (circle of friends).

    I decided he was very sexy based on "Expendables" which was a very kool movie. Thought I'd yawn through it but I didn't.....not his body exactly but his crazy sexy eyes and mouth. That's as far off topic in Rosie's thread that I care to go. :wave: Mostly had to admit :blink: mbinebri was right.

  3. He's 37 years old and they call him a geezer? That makes lots of sense :whistle: Anyway I'm happy for Rosie I hope this relationship can last because he is quite sexy. Plus if she moves to LA then I have a much better chance running into her now. :D

    I think he's VERY sexy. :yes: Someone needs to open their eyes b4 writing this in an article...... :whistle:

  4. So cosy as Rosie Huntington-Whitely moves in with her geezer Jason Statham

    By Katie Nicholl - Daily Mail 8-22-10

    The relationship between geezer movie star Jason Statham and Victoria's Secret model Rosie Huntington-Whiteley is becoming Hollywood's hottest romance.

    The couple, started dating in April and have now decided to take the next step and move in together.

    Rosie, 23, who quit London for Hollywood after landing a role in Transformers 3, is currently filming in Chicago while Jason is travelling the world promoting his new movie The Expendables.

    When their work commitments finish, Jason Statham and Rosie Huntington-Whiteley will return to LA where the actor has just bought a new house

    When their work commitments finish they will return to LA, where Jason has just bought a new house.

    They seem very happy together. Rosie’s on the make and being with a big star like Jason is doing her career no harm at all, says a chum.

    She has been excitedly telling all her friends that they are going to be moving in together.

    Mind you, Jason, 37, is keeping one eye on Rosie while she films Transformers with

    co-star Shia LaBeouf.

    Rosie jokes about how sexy Shia is because she knows it winds Jason up. Jason wants to make sure he holds on to Rosie, and moving in is a sign of his commitment to her, adds the source.

    Just my opinion, but I do NOT think Jason is a geezer! :no:


  5. I think some "for sures" are Irina, Damaris, Cintia, Hilary, Esti, Christi Tiegen (really sure of that one) Anne V. (really sure of that one), Jessica Gomes, Jessica White, Julie Henderson (pretty sure of that one) Lucia, and I HOPE Tori Praver again. I bet the cover goes to Christi, it's just a hunch but I know MJ LOVES her AND her b/f, John Legend! I don't see the big deal with her but I just know she's in the mag and maybe the cover. I don't think the person who really "deserves" the cover will get it. :ninja:

    Do you think Diane Smith has more say-so about the cover than MJ or Darcie?

    Seems like there are a lot of short legs this year or is it just my imagination? and a lot of rubber boots? What's up with that??? :blink:

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