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Everything posted by bebop2015

  1. How does somebody get to be a tortured breast augmentation analyst? Here’s an idea.. see if you can find the owl in the tootsie pop commercial.
  2. Nyet, nyet, nyet.... other female of interest please!
  3. It’s really cool to see her blowing up ...
  4. Photo shoot with Sarah Lysander from Charlemagne Olivier
  5. Photo shoot with Candice Blackburn by Charlemagne Olivier
  6. Creating new ways to assign artistic value to bad pictures ..... like “fake photos”. I’m surprised VS pink hasn’t picked this guy up. He’s like a joke from Zoolander...
  7. Looks like a mix of J Skriver and Gio Ott... his couod you go wrong with that?
  8. She’s as underrated as any model I’ve ever seen ( with the possible exception of Nicole Meyer ) In my opinion she scorches most of the VS crew...not Elsa but most..
  9. Sorry... she looks way better au-naturel.. if she loses contracts without the plastic fantastic then I’m sure she’s ok with it.
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