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Everything posted by PastaFreak

  1. I don't know about y'all but some angels walk better than her, Jo's even. I'm not a professional, but a good walk in my books a have a perfect ratio of leg crossing and hip swinging, with more emphasis on leg crossing, about 60-40. Only a few models' walk has ever captured my attention, namely Natasha Poly's, Maryna Linchuk's, Candice's and the likes of Andi Muise. Natasha Poly and Maryna's walks are perfect, even when you factor in Maryna's head bobbing which makes her unique, love it or hate it. Candice has a more noticeable, but perfect hip swing, even though sometimes its over the top. And if all else fails, Andi Muise has lesser of both, but she's got that look factor. It's like her walk and hip swing is just okay, but her looks says she's got it down. And I think Andi Muise's style of runway walk is perfect to imitate in real life, to some degree. That is why someone like Romee in Goddesses is still considered good in terms of her walk. She doesn't cross her leg that well, doesn't have much hip motion going, but she has that look that tells you she's got it down either way. Or like how I found Bella to be good in 2017 because she got her walk down. Gisele is an honorable mention for walks too. Anyone walking with their arms swinging around, and their legs not crossing over too much is bad. Like that's why supermodels like Tyra, Naomi, Adriana or Alessandra don't capture my attention. They're either have too much of hip swinging, that or they're never consistent with their walk. Adriana was good in Secret Angels, then she was bad in segments like Nomadic Adventure. in 2012, Ale walked so well in Angels in Bloom, but was so meh in Circus. You get my drift? Talking about walks, I never, if ever see male models with a distinguishable style of walk. It's like men only has one walk, keep your torso up, walk with your hands down, be cool with your steps and that's modeling for you. I would kill to see a male version of Andi Muise's walk, with that gaze and perfect smug.
  2. Can someone tell me why is there a Jigglypuff purse in the thumbnail ? Also, that walk is bad.
  3. @Chessie you hear that? I can feel the #MarthaforFB moment getting bigger and bigger
  4. Just wondering, on the topic of Ana BB. Did one of you mentioned Ana BB got married and the only Brazilian model she didn't invite to her wedding was #bodybyIza?
  5. I like Joan Smalls for her resemblance to Zoe Saldana, but her supposedly "Whatever, so over it" snapchat for not getting the show last year kinda changed my opinion about her.
  6. Don't know about the source, but Joan being offered an angel contract was something I heard of back in 2015. Although I had no idea VS wanted her badly as early as 2011
  7. Right, offered. Cameron Russell too? Her walk was horrible. I don't really think Joan was think was bombshell quality, she's sexy thats for sure. Would have rather them sign Constance, she was slowly making her way up.
  8. Joan had an angel contract?
  9. Oh, you really want to do this, don't you gurl? Let's backtrack to the posts then. First of all, let's get one thing straight, I don't think Jasmine should be replaced. However, I wonder if VS is trying to do that through Lameka. Also, I think Jasmine's presence as an angel is lacking. That's a fact, I'm not the only one who feels that way. VS poured a lot of attention in to making Jasmine prominent among the angels, and so far only its only minimal returns. VS trying to replace Jasmine vs. me thinking Jasmine should be replaced are two entirely different things. And let's also set one thing straight. Lameka is bland. She's a pretty face with nothing unique. Her body, I can agree. But the girl is young, and certainly hasn't left an impression in me after the whole Gisele twitter thing, and the girl is unheathily thin as of recently. Lais? What about Lais? I didn't even drag in Lais until you started speaking of Lais. Lais is on another level of popularity, the girl is Brazilian, got FB, received considerable attention, and as far as I know, people notice her and like her. She has great boobs, good walk and has a funny personality. Lameka replacing Lais? Please, not going to happen. Lais is one of VS' best new wave of recruits. Now, let's get to your posts. You think Jasmine should never be replaced because she's a WoC. And my argument is VS doesn't give two shits about the shades of color their angels are. Jasmine's skin tone might be darker than most brown/black angels, but it's not reason enough for VS to keep her around. Historically, I don't remember VS having two black angels at the same time. They only have one black angel at the roster then, and still do now. Selita Ebanks, Chanel and now Jasmine. And what do you do when you want a new black angel? You replace the current one. Whose black and has been some good VS shots lately? Lameka. That's right. Why did you even drag Lais in to this? No one ever touched on Jasmine's skin color until your post came in. The reason why the words "black angel" was used in the first place is because that's just what Jasmine has going for her, which brings me back to the topic of her presence. She has no runway, modeling presence outside of being black. She landed a few HF careers here and there, but hasn't been a prominent figure amongst the angels. Ain't no one putting down WoC. But using color as a way to say X model should be kept around is plain stupid and SJW-like. A model needs to have color and presence at the same time, and if Duckie Thot or someone blacker/lighter than that has both, I'll gladly get her to replace Lameka and Jasmine just the same. If you wanna pick a fight, at least nitpick the right stuffs gurl. Nobody weaseling out on this but you look silly trying to rattle me out on something I never said.
  10. Elsa naive? I think you meant cheerful They're both the same age, doesn't make sense that Elsa is naive.
  11. Remember when you told me Candice was shading Elsa ?
  12. Ooof, nepotism everywhere. p/s: tagged the wrong post
  13. The dab Herieth Paul has a personality, she's cute and cheeky. No one ever said that Lameka will replace Jasmine, the question was if VS intends to do that. Please, as much Jasmine and Lameka are very different people, Lais too. VS probably doesn't give two cents about having a WoC on the color spectrum. Like, if that was the case, then I nominate Sui to be an angel on the a basis that she's whiter than most whites That would be absurd. I like Jasmine, I think she's a beauty. I like someone like Duckie and Herieth too, and I wished we saw more superbly dark skinned beauty on the runway. But my point is, nobody is saying Lameka can and will replace Jasmine for being black. Plus, VS doesn't care about the shade of black that you are either (or brown). But VS hasn't known to elect more than one angel of the same color. You could compare Lais and Jasmine for their skin color together, but Lais is considered Brazilian. But to say Jasmine should be kept around just cause her skin color is a different shade of brown is ridiculous. That's just pleasing SJWs. If we really want color, I nominate Duckie Thot for mainline, Herieth for PINK. If the only thing Jasmine has historically got going is her skin color, then maybe it's time for us to realize she's not quite the powerhouse that Chanel & Selita are, let alone Tyra. Also, I agree with Jasmine lacking presence. And every year that presence just diminishes. Even after she got the FB, her own press events, her mini closing in Punk Angels, her featurette with JoJa not many people still know about her. If I hadn't known her name, I'd know her as just the black angel in the group. Quick!! Disclaimers before the fan accounts steal em @Clauds look!! #illuminate #conspiracy theory Elsa be getting dual FBs with Candice because they both plotted to murder Adriana/Bee to take over the reign.
  14. I bet this will keep us talking for the next 24 hours
  15. https://www.instagram.com/p/Bn9KfkkgbRc/?taken-by=victoriassecret Ooooooh. I'd take Melie Tiacoh over Lameka Fox over any other day.
  16. Lowkey wouldn't mind if Adriana skips this year
  17. Didn't someone say there was a rumor about Jasmine being a bitch to deal with?
  18. I will never know what VS sees in Lameka Fox Because this girl doesn't appeal to me. I wonder if VS is trying to get another angel of color, because if they are, I'd rather them let Duckie vy for that position. Nothing about Lameka is unique, and it makes me question if they're getting another black angel because Jasmine's presence as an angel just isn't strong enough.
  19. The only one who accidentally leaked very small stuffs was Kirk . Speaking of which, Serkan has very unconventional wings, but I rather see him stick to unique designs like Sui's Snow Angel outfit.
  20. I said it many times that those wings are unlikely for VSFS. And LOL to Armando loving attention. He sure does This is too hilarious LMAO damn. She be impersonating a black girl, but she white. Holy. She sent me a photo of her as a black girl last year and I was buying it. Even said she was a nurse working in NY hospital, I mean which nurse has time to text about VSFS when you're on call?
  21. I knew there were a few loopholes in her lies, but I couldn't for the life of me call her out. Like, I think she said VS' HQ was in New York, and fittings apparently had to stop for a bit because some hurricane was coming their way and I think @GlitterAndWings pointed out VS' HQ is in Ohio and none of it made sense. Remember how she said Amilna, Leomie and another black model was going to be fitting models too ? And she gave me an elaborated story about Bridal Angels and said it was going to be the opening segment with some R&B love song, and some model apparently had a long train. Ehrmagawd, and the biggest lie of them all - Sui and Ming being angels. Sui was going to open Porcelain Angels and Ming was going to close it omegalul. Funny though, some of the things she said partially came true. Leomi shot for one particular VS activity this year, and Sui & Ming despite not being full fledged angels, signed on sub-angel/brand ambassadors contract. Maybe angelashley94 is secretly a prophet
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