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Everything posted by iluvitwhenya

  1. THIS IS MY ONLY HOPE. she can't do pink. just no. it would be like 2010, when maryna linchuk did pink...
  2. lily d and bella are sitting together, lily just posted a cute snap of them
  3. lily d's always been friends with bella, at least she was this time last year and a little before.
  4. i'm going to be so salty if camille's in pink.
  5. while i'm bummed the flavia o thing was just a typo on victoria's secret's behalf, i'm still so excited for lily d, liu wen's return, lily a (i must be the only one...), elsa, sara and camille rowe. i think not only did she get cast because she has a bangin' body and is french, but i think she makes a decent behati 2.0 this year, with that whole hipster bohemian vibe.
  6. i don't remember her being in new york, the only instance i've heard of her coming to ny was for fittings today. perhaps she did it via skype? i don't know...
  7. YES! and passion in 2012. i suddenly got excited for the show.
  8. YES TO FLAVIA SO MUCH. she was the highlight of the heavenly bodies segment in 2010, after candice and lily d.
  9. i'd be pretty disappointed if they did. sure behati's body is BANGING for six weeks out from having a baby, but nobody should be working so soon after giving birth. i mean i'm no doctor but i can't see it being all that great physically, mentally...
  10. i wish but i'd sooner win the lottery than that happening. at least they'd both have the yabos to fill out the bras properly if they did, haha.
  11. camille rowe just landed in new york so i'm assuming she has her fitting in the morning! hoping for instastories and pictures from her.
  12. vs must really care about the environment, because they're really good at this recycling thing not that i don't think bruno, abel and gaga won't do a kick ass job regardless, but come on, vs...
  13. i think, logistically, it's easier if they send the outfits to paris now, or soon, and make the final adjustments a day or two before the show. if they were to wait much closer to the date to send the outfits over, they run the risk of the pieces being delayed, being lost, etc with no time to re-create them or whatever. #mytwocents
  14. so fucking excited for camille rowe and lily d and liu wen's return, AHHHH
  15. didn't see this posted anywhere, but from aline weber's instagram:
  16. no ale either? or did i miss her? me too! her and sara really stood out to me. the others all kinda just... blended into each other. lily and behati were cute too.
  17. Check the Motion subforum, all videos are there. i tried, but i must be blind! thanks though! Could it be from this video (starting from 0:31)? Magdalena looked unbelievably sexy there so it’s weird to me that she got only one look. In addition, I think that Shanina tends to look great on the runway. Well, at least she seems to have gotten a really good outfit (the black butterfly one). thank you! i definitely watched that and don't even know how i didn't connect the dots. and magda only getting one outfit was such a shock to me, she always slays the runway, but i guess one is better than nothing. shanina's really grown on me, i used to not like her as much after the 2011 incident where she just. would. not. STOP. blowing kisses to the audience, haha.
  18. Check the Motion subforum, all videos are there. i tried, but i must be blind! thanks though!
  19. http://angelbyvs.tumblr.com/post/133221758354/portrait-of-an-angel gifs from poaa - the same tumblr also has some from boho and eb. does anybody know what video/videos these are coming from?!
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