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Everything posted by Livd

  1. Maybe we could possibly be waiting so long for the reveal of the Fantasy Bra because it's not being filmed until early December. Usually I know, the show is filmed mid- November ish. OR maybe Doutzen is the one this year and VS possibly waited for her to have the baby? She had her child not TOO long after they usually shoot the bra so what if that is a possibility? She's a year too long over due for this bra. She FOR SURE should have gotten it before Candice even did. But needless to say, I feel VS is really quiet this year when it comes to the show. We don't even know musical guests yet! P.S. For the show being in London this year. The Roayl Fantasy bra would have made a lot more sense don't ya think?
  2. Damn!! Doutzen really deserves it. Angel-wise it wouldn't make sense if Behati got it. I would think 2013-Doutzen 2014-candice then 2015- maybe Adriana for one last time. Never would have expected Behati for this year, I love Behati but i'd even rather see Candice first before Behati walks with it...
  3. NOW BACK TO TALKING ABOUT THE FASHION SHOW? I have my cards down on Doutzen receiving the FB this year. Everyone says she wasn't in town during the time they were shooting but she posted a photo on Instagram around the time they shoot the FB. The post was a picture of a sign that said "NO INSTAGRAM NO TWITTER NO FACEBOOK" And she wrote it was "very secret" i's post the photo but i'm on mobile. But does anyone else agree that could be something...with the FB?!?
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